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01:55, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Dwighte Kent

The Basics
Name: Dwighte Kent
Nickname: Kent
Age: 35
Species: Warerat

The Appearance
Weight: 135 lbs
Height: 5'10''
Physical Description:

Kent is a wiry man with a leather worn face that shows more about his time in the world than he'd like.  Usually tussled, wrinkled, and rumpled, Kent doesn't spend a great deal of time worrying about things like appearance.  A pair of good jeans a mostly clean shirt and a jacket are all that are needed most times.  He wouldn't be caught dead in a tie.  Those neck nooses are for people who live outside  his world.

Kent walks with a slouch and tends to keep to the shadows, even when he's not dealing with the shadier side of things.  He never stands in an open doorway, never with his back to a window, and rarely does he stay in one location ore than fifteen minutes unless he knows it's secure.
Distinguishing Features:
He has several round bullet holes, that have scarred over on his shoulders.  His back has several places where there are deep gashed scars.

The Human
Kent is a hard man who has lived a hard life.  He runs the Empty Bottle Bar, but those who live in the IC know that there's more than that.  Kent doesn't mind crime, though if it starts to get what he calls red, black, or green, he steps in.

Whatever tact Kent might have had disappeared long ago.  He's a man of few words, but when he says them- they are clear and to the point.  That is not to say that Kent doesn't have passion.  He can play a guitar and on rare occasions he performs at his bar.  Most agree he's pretty good

Mundane Skills: Pretty much anything that a guy who has lived on the streets his whole life would know, and a lot of things that can make a person disappear- both in the way where they can come back and in the way they can't.

Owner of the Empty Bottle (Bar)

The Not So Human
Species Description: Warerat

Powers and Abilities:
Dwight can shift in and out of rat form, which makes it nice to escape detection.

Improved healing.

The Story
Character Background:
Not much is known about Kent's past.  He's told some stories, but they regularly change.  Pretty much anyone who knows him, suspects that he hasn't told anyone the complete truth.  He enjoys pulling a leg or two, so when he tells people he is actually the heir to millions of dollars, or that he actually owns the fortune of some dead gangster, people assume it's a lie until they get home and think about it.  Needless to say, the next time you ask him about his past, he'll say he was shipwrecked for twelve years.

What is known about Kent is that he showed up in Sanctuary about fifteen years ago.  He started working his way through the sludge that is the underbelly of the Industrial Center and has climbed to the top of the heap.  He is recognized as the man who knows.  He is not a leader of any crime syndicate, but he knows them all- and they know him.  There is a rule about the lower part of society in Sanctuary- you uphold the rules.  If you don't you'll have to deal with Kent.  No one wants to be dealt with by Kent.

Past Connections:
Current Connections: