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16:57, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Noah Blackwell


Name: Noah Blackwell

Nickname: None, but he wouldn’t mind one.

Age: 23

Birthplace: Ithica, New York

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Play-By: Taron Egerton

Year: Third Year

Discipline: Knowledge

Specialty: Meta-Intuition


Physical Description: Noah stands at 5'9" tall and weights about 170 lbs. He keeps his light brown hair at a medium length, keeping it styled with an upward slant that may or may not take some pricey hair gel to accomplish. He has thoughtful green eyes that wander with his mind and that share the warmth of his smile. Noah usually leaves a small amount of well manicured stubble left on his face. Despite coming from wealth, his apparel is usually functional and casual, wearing jeans and t-shirts most of the time. He owns fancier clothing, of course, and will dress up when needed, but doesn't enjoy doing so.

Distinguishing Features:Though he usually keeps it tucked away under his shirt, he always wears an obsidian pendant around his neck that once belonged to his father.


Personality Description: Noah is friendly, sometimes overly so, and would be more than happy to sit and talk with a stranger for hours on end. He always enjoys sharing a smile and a joke with others. However, while Noah is quite sociable, his social skills are a bit lacking, often finding difficulty reading body language and the moods of others.

Even though he often struggles with this, he enjoys being around others and getting to know them. For those he considers his friends, he is fiercely loyal and defensive of them, even though he doesn’t always know when he should be. He has a tendency to be impulsive, usually not with the intent of getting into trouble or causing trouble, but sometimes doing both. He is confident in his abilities to a point of nonchalance, but not pridefully so.

As is typical of a Knowledge student, he is certainly studious, but that doesn’t solely pertain to books. Really, he doesn’t find himself terribly invested in books, though he does enjoy a good work of fiction from time to time. His focus is typically more on watching and doing, seeing how things are done and then figuring out how to do them himself. While he is usually pretty laid back, he devotes himself to his studies when working on them, focusing in on the task at hand.

Goals: Undecided. Maybe just be a great magician? Being the greatest magician of all time, is that too lofty a goal? Really, he is just happy to take life as it comes. Though, he would really like to know what it is his mother is hiding from him.

Likes: 80’s rock music, dancing (but don’t tell anyone), fantasy novels, patient people, magic (too obvious?), brussel sprouts, any form of dessert, video games

Dislikes: Spiders (he’s terrified of them), cauliflower, country music, sarcasm (because he doesn’t always understand it), lectures


Characters History: Noah was born into a wealthy magical family, the only child of William Blackwell, a magical researcher and spellcrafter, and Henrietta Blackwell, a professor at Brakebills. He was an unintended accident, a distraction from both of their work, but he was also a welcome surprise, as they had both at one time wanted a family together. After he was born, though, while they were both busy with work, it was William who doted on their son while Henrietta remained steadfast in her dedication to her work. However, when he was only two years old, his father passed away, the reason for which his mother refuses to tell him to this day.

While his mother reeled from the tragedy, she focused in on raising young Noah, determined to provide him a good life and nurture him. She didn’t usually seem like the most kind and affectionate woman, but she truly cared for her son, the only part of William she had left. She took leave from Brakebills for a few years, focusing on raising Noah as a single mother. She began providing a magical education for Noah from an early age, showing him what magic could do and helping him understand it. He caught on quickly, it seemed, though he never seemed too keen on studying the literature she provided him.

Through grade school and secondary school, Noah aced his classes easily, usually focusing more on hanging out with his assortment of friends. His mother wanted him to focus more on his magical studies, and, while they intrigued him, the way his mother tried to have him learn bored him, and he found other ways he wanted to occupy his time, namely spending time with friends and learning new skills. Through high school, his impulsive nature got him into a bit of trouble from time to time, his friends usually having been the ones to pressure him into it.

Knowing about magic from an early age, he found it difficult to figure out what he would want to do with his life. He knew he would eventually find his way to Brakebills, and then magic would be his future. At least, he assumed it would be, not really thinking about the fact that he could fail his entrance exam or that he could end up not making it through his education. After high school, his mother continued to push him to study and prepare for when he would arrive at Brakebills.

Then he arrived at Brakebills, passed his entrance exam as he assumed he would (though with more struggle than he expected), and then magic would indeed be his future. But, he still wasn’t sure what his life would be like. Finally surrounded by other students of magic, though, he found himself happy to bide his time and learn everything he could hope to learn. With the world of magic finally opening up to him beyond what his mother with allow, he found himself in a bit of trouble during his first year, but now, as a third year student, he plans to have an easy going year, learning more about magic, and maybe figuring out what he wants out of life.