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02:27, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Kasey Ryder

Basic Information

Character Name: Kasey Ryder
Character Hero Name: Some of her friends used to call her Nyx
Character Sex: Female
Character Age:
Character Type (Empowered or Human): Empowered


Physical Description: Kasey stands at an average-ish height of 5 foot 5 inches tall, a small frame, and comes in a few pounds under weight at just over 100 pounds. She looks a bit unhealthy at her size, but thats because she probably is. Some might assume that she has an eating disorder because they rarely see her consume food, but she's just never been one with a big appetite...most of the time. She doesn't have much fat on her body, but its stuck where it counts giving her a little bit of a booty and a small yet suitable chest. Despite her size and her thinness, she still has an acceptable amount of lean muscle on her body.

Her skin is perpetually pale both from genetics and her predisposition to going out at night. She has a pretty face but her high cheekbones make it always look a little sunken in and her eyes blue-gray eyes either end up full or emotion or a bit vacant, depending on the time and the day. Her hair is usually dyed black. More often than not she dresses in black, black, and (you guessed it) more black, although sometimes she will add in a bit of white or gray.

Face or Model Claim (Not Required): Scarlett Simoneit

Distinguishing or Noteworthy Features Not Mentioned Above: In general she is pretty undistinguished, unless of course you can see her arms, legs or torso, al of which have had some ink injected in them, aka tattoos. The most remarkable of these is her right am which sports a full sleeve. All of her tattoos are done in black ink, no room for color just like in her wardrobe. Oh and freckles, she has some cute freckles on her cheeks and nose.

Personality Description: There is a bit of a war going on inside of Kasey between the dark and the light, resulting in very distinct facets of her personality, which on you see can also depend highly on her mood, the situation, or how she feels about you. On one hand she can be a total bitch and will even admit that to you. This side of Kasey just doesn't care what others think and does her own thing with no regard to what the consequences are.

But on the other side of the coin, Kasey is extremely passionate and able to give herself wholeheartedly to something or someone that she cares about if they are able to get past the darkness inside of her.

In another bizarre dichotomy, Kasey is strong yet fragile. The strength comes into play in the fact that she doesn't care about what other people think and can take almost anything that someone throws at her. But her agility comes from within, almost as if she's always teetering on the edge of sanity and breaking down. She tends to try and hide of mask this "messed-up" darkness with an assortment of self-destructive behaviors, be it booze, cigarettes, drugs, sex, or pain.

Special Abilities

Tier and Stage of Empowerment: Tier 1 Artisan

Description of Powers:
Umbrakinesis: The ability to manipulate darkness and shadow. User can create, shape and manipulate darkness and shadows. By itself, darkness is mostly used to cloud everything into total darkness, but by accessing a dimension of dark energy it can be channeled to a variety of effects, both as an absence of light and a solid substance.
Current Applications

Future Applications (Kasey does NOT currently have access to any of these powers)

Mundane Special Abilities: Kasey has always been drawn to art and often spent a good deal of her time growing up sketching. As she grew up this love spread to body art and she has used that to become a rather skilled yet mostly self-taught tattoo artist. She mostly does freelance work and done a few of the pieces on her own body.

She's pretty good at photography, but her skill in that isn't completely mundane as she's recently been experimenting with manipulating the shadows within the frame to make the photos more interesting.

Another thing that Kasey has always been drawn to was the occult and can do a pretty good tarot card reading.

Character History and Outline of Story Arc

History and Background: Kasey was born as the second daughter to Penelope and Thomas Ryder. Her older sister Kennedy was 6 years old when Kasey was born and the two had an extremely close relationship growing up. Her brother Kaiden was born 4 years later. From the outside looking in, an observer wouldn't have seen any problems with the family, but the truth was that they were just great and hiding the truth. Both of her parents were almost always cheating on each other and her mother had grown addicted to prescription pills while her father was falling towards alcohol.

When Kasey was 6 years old, her mother was sick of all the lies and left the family not even bothering to thing about how it might affect her three children. She walked out on them all and never once looked back. Kasey saw her once after that but not because it was her choice to. Even as a child she held a resentment towards her mother for doing things and to this day doesn't care what happened to her.

Kasey started struggling with depression not long after her mother left and her sister started growing more distant as she got older. When Kasey was 12 her sister moved out of the house and from that point on she started developing some of her more self-destructive behaviors to help combat the darkness and the pain that she was feeling inside of her. She started spending most of her nights away from the house as her father became a worse alcoholic and that same year she encountered a fellow Bloomer who triggered her own innate powers.

She didn't any family support or formal training in her powers, so from the time that she discovered them, Kasey mostly has been self-trained, discovering and practicing new abilities on her own. Focusing on her powers gave her something to hold on to and helped her get through times that were tough because of her depression.

Pain struck her life once more though when she was 15. Her father was driving drunk with her little brother in the backseat. In his drunken state he was driving recklessly and ended up getting in an accident that ended up being fatal for her little brother. After hearing the news, Kasey ran away from home, not even waiting for the funeral and from then on she has mostly been on her own.

Kasey continued to teach herself about her abilities and discover new powers, never staying in one area for too long. In her late teenage years she did a short apprenticeship at a tattoo parlor before moving on once again.

Recently she was discovered by Genevex, who's researchers were very interested in the fact that he had managed to stay off of medications for her abilities her entire life and reached the level of mastery that she had without even having formal training. They brought her to Lookout to continue to interview her and despite her not wanting to get involved, she reluctantly agreed to continue talking to them and answering their questions.

Profession: Currently unemployed

Family: The Ryder family consisted of Penelope (mother), Thomas (father), Kennedy (older sister), Kasey, and Kaiden (younger brother). Her mother left when she 6 and not long after her father became and alcoholic. Kasey was closest to Kennedy, but her sister was quite a bit older than the other children and moved out when she was 12, the event that triggered Kasey's downhill spiral. When she was 15 her father was driving drunk and got in an accident that killed her little brother when she was 15 and Kasey ran away afterwards and hasn't seen either of her parents since.

Proposed Story Arc: ???