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00:44, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Kennedy Hart

~The Basics~
Name: Kennedy Hart

Nickname(s): Currently none

True Age: 22

Apparent Age: Early 20s

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual, female leaning

Species: Shapeshifter, Cat

~The Physical~

Height: 5' 6"

Weight: 108 lb

Physical Description: Kennedy has long black hair that falls down to her shoulder blades although she is naturally a lighter shade of brown. The way that she styles is depends on the situation but more often than not she wears it down and straight with think blunt bangs that brush her eyebrows. Because she doesn't spend much time in the sun her skin is pale and creates a dramatic contrast with her raven hair. Her face is feminine and symmetrical, sporting delicate features, large dark blue eyes and plump lips that are often painted red. The combination of all of this things gives her a look that is reminiscent of Snow White although her style and manner of dress tends to erase all Disney Princess vibes.

She stands at 5 foot 6 inches but would be considered underweight and a bit too angular by many people, however she usually doesn't care what people have to say regarding this and is comfortable in her own skin. Her chest is small, but pared with her slim waist and curvier bottom she still pulls off looking feminine.

Approximately 90% of Kennedy's wardrobe contains articles that are black or gray and the other 10% are things she rarely wears or will only have on to lounge around in the house. In addition to the color, her clothes also tend to have darker motifs surrounding them with many items featuring bones, skulls, or pentagrams. She rarely leaves the house without some sort of makeup on her which usually included dark somewhat dramatic eyebrows and bright red lipstick. In all her style can be described as artsy goth.

As a cat she has pitch black medium length fur with a fluffy tail and surprisingly blue eyes.

Distinguishing Marks: Kennedy has various tattoos and piercings on her body, the two most notable of which are her stretched earlobes and her septum piercing.

Face Claim: Ashley Holat

~The Preternatural~

Species: Shapeshifter - Black Cat

Classification: Born, Adept


~The Personal~

Personality Description: Kennedy's personality is exactly what you would guess the personality of a cat shapeshifter would be. On one hand she can be defiant and playful like a kitten while on the other she can be standoffish and unapproachable. She often has a look on her face that says "leave me the f*** alone" but once you get to know her she starts to open up. Most of this attitude comes from an irritation with most humans (and preternaturals) and thinking that they all tend to big giant idiots. When she grows close to someone however, she tends to be utterly devoted to them and her playful side comes out. She can be a bit of a whore for physical attention, but only on her terms. Otherwise she definitely will bite and scratch.

Likes: Cats, beer, metal, tattoos

Dislikes: Dogs, boredom, the sun, the color white

Occupation: Art Student, Model

History: Kennedy has a tendency to not share much of her history with people and only those that she is closest to know about her past. The gist of if though is this.

She was born as a shifter to a family of shifters that went back generations and generations. Kennedy was the middle child of three sisters and had always been the black sheep of the family. When she started being able to shift, she immediately chose to take on the form of a black house cat and has never once regretted that decision. Its hard to say whether her cat like personality formed before or after this, but its undeniable that she fits being a cat.

Kennedy had a tendency to get in trouble in school, frequently skipping class but somehow still managed to graduate high school. It wasn't that she wasn't smart, she just didn't care. From a young age she had been drawn to tattoos and had artistic tendencies, so it was no surprise that this was what she gravitated towards.

Two years ago she left her home and her family to move to Elysium and hasn't looked back since, feeling that coming to the city was the best decision of her life. She is enrolled at the local University studying Art and plans to find an apprenticeship in tattooing. While in school she makes some money in modeling.