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04:01, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Rohini Banerjee

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Name: Rohini Banerjee
Nickname: Ro or Yǔdī
Race: Dhampir
Class: Ninja/Two-Weapon Warrior
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Deity: Ul'ul

Description: She has long red hair tied in a ponytail, with long bangs framing her face, and normally wears a sleeveless red uwagi with a decorative haramaki with long decorative tails, and a loincloth with a thong around her crotch and wears a pair of soft-soled tabi. Her skin is alabaster, unmarred except for when she is wearing Henna which most often is on the feet and hands but can appear in other places. One might notice that her canines on the top are a bit more pronounced than most people and her eyes are a piercing pale blue. Ro moves with an unearthly grace and has a beauty that is tantamount to sin.

When not adventuring, she is most often found in kimonos of the highest quality material and colors. She is know to wear bracelets, anklets and armlets at this time as well. Her feet are almost always bare or she is wearing sandals, undergarments seem to be optional for her.
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Personality: Ro is a nice person at heart, maybe a bit too flirty but that is part of who she is and who she presents. Business when she has to be, when on the arm of a patron or when she is on an adventure. Due to her nature, she is careful about how much of her darker side she lets out. Very few have seen her at her worst as she doesn't present that too many very often. Orphanages and places that take care of women are at the top of her list when it comes to help...physical and monetary.

Her darker side is an intense desire for blood that she puts to the side, buries as deeply as she can. She has taken the occasional assassination job simply for the fact that blood can be expected. Though never has she went outside the sanctions of any job that she has taken because one does what the 'clan' wants you to do.

As a ninja, she is the consummate professional in whatever capacity that is needed from her by her 'clan'. Mostly she takes spying jobs or information gathering ones as her 'clan' doesn't do many assassinations. She, like her 'clan', have never done any job strictly for the money and cannot be enticed by money into a job that goes against their personal code.

Background: Ro was orphaned at the age of four and taken in by a venerable martial artist that was skilled in the Crane Style. She never complained growing up, showing a keen interest in learning martial arts and dance. This brought her to the attention of the Priestess's of Ul'ul who saw the potential in their sister. It also brought her to the attention of her 'clan' or at least her unbridled curiosity that made her look into things she shouldn't have.
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Her first real friend was Gnicely though she was also her newest teacher as well as she was hired on by her Master. Favorites time were actually training with her teacher, perfecting their forms...she in Crane...Gnicely in Snake. Gnicely was her first real crush though she didn't understand her feelings then nor her darker impulses. But she enjoyed adventures with her teacher, growing beside her till they had to go their separate ways...Gnicely called away.

Ro moved into the local pleasure house though it might have seemed an odd move by some, it was for good reason. Not only would she learn skills here that would be of use to her later but it would explain some of her feelings. She found a place that she could sate some of her dark desires as long as she was careful. And it gave her the in as she became one of the best courtesans at the pleasure house though it was as a bauble for the powerful. It gave her access to the information that her 'clan' needed and to people as certain jobs came up.

And so, Ro grew and matured under the tutelage of many of the courtesans that she spent time with. Though she never gave up her time spent with her sisters at the temple of Ul'ul, dancing with them.