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Welcome to Heroes of Rune

08:23, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Akkel, sometimes called Green Akkel or Akkel the Cave Toad in her old life, is a goblin commando of unusual intelligence and focus. She was once famous for bedeviling the human invaders into her huge goblin warren, in the cold and distant north where hardy human and humanoid clans were forced to unite against their constant raids. She was one of the few survivors, and for reasons known only to her, left her homeland entirely to seek out more civilized company.

Today she lives on the outskirts of that society, making a living as a hunter-gatherer that supplies Dangorn's butchers and herbalists. She gives few details about herself and doesn't socialize much, but lets people believe by implication that she's some sort of halfling or gnome ranger type. She and her arctic wolf mount Bloodred are usually dirty (although her arctic fox pet Frostbite never is), and with Akkel's heavy, hooded clothes and skill at hiding her goblin nature, combined with avoiding getting close to people, nobody in the city has yet fully cottoned on that she's more than just a small, strange figure. Of course, with two animals accompanying her people do sometimes guess that she's some sort of ranger or other wilderness expert.

It helps that, under her efforts at disguise in civilized area, she's still odd-looking as goblins go. Compared to the average specimen, her head is less voluminous, her mouth is smaller despite being full of razor-sharp teeth, and her eyes are larger. Her figure is unusual as well, and very feminine by human standards - large-breasted and wide-hipped. She has very long black hair, and her eyes are orangish-red. What she does have in common with her fellow goblins is her very large, pointed ears and green skin, although hers is smoother and softer than most. She wears a couple of small gold earrings in each ear, pierced near the tip in the goblin style rather than near the base. She stands at three feet, and weighs about as much as one would expect from such a short stature.