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05:17, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Natalia Petrova

--The Basics--

Name: Natalia Petrova

Nickname(s): Nat

True Age: 25

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Species: Vampire

--The Physical--

Height: 5’ 7”

Weight: 120 lb

Physical Description: Natalia is a thin girl with a frame that many would assume would led towards modeling. She does her best to keep in shape and manages to stay fit without coming across overly muscle and despite her thinness she manages to still keep a soft feminine shape. Her skin is naturally tanned due to her heritage, but she also spends a good deal of time outdoors running or hiking.

Her face is heart shaped with large brown eyes, brown hair and delicate features, giving her a more youthful appearance. Natalia doesn't often wear much make up and tends to go with a more natural look with only mascara accentuating her already long lashes and neutral colors. Her hair usually is kept natural as well and even though she kept her hair longer for most of her life, she recently cut it off into a mid length bob that accentuates her face shape. Her manner of dress and preference in clothing depends on whether or not she is working and at which one her her jobs but when she is at home, she almost always dressed for comfort rather than style. When outside of the human she most often wears contacts, but can usually be found in her glasses at home.

Distinguishing Marks: None

Face Claim: Nina Dobrev

--The Preternatural--

Species: Vampire

Classification: Lesser, newly created by Leoric Fortier

Powers/Abilities: All vampires have a standard set of powers that come naturally.

Weaknesses: While being a vampire has it perks it also comes with its drawbacks.

--The Personal--

Personality Description: If asked to describe Natalia, most people that knew her would either say compassionate, kind hearted, or caring which would all be very good descriptors. Since she was a small child, Natalia was a sweet girl. She was an easy baby, rarely got in trouble when she was in school and was always willing to give up what she had for someone else that might need it more, something she often did with the lunches that she brought to school. This caring demeanor stuck with her as she grew up and has continued to follow her and influenced where she went in life.

Even when she is feeling down, she tried not to let other people see it, not wanting to bring them down with her and as a result most people just assume she is always happy even when she isn't. Often her down times come from being over worked or worried but she can usually get back out of it within a couple of days.

She loves to have a good time with friends, but is often the voice of reason when they want to do anything too crazy, but that doesn't mean that she is afraid to have a little fun. Natalia can be extremely social at times, especially when work requires it. But this gives her a tendency to be more introverted on weekends, preferring to stay home rather than go out with friends, giving her a chance to unwind with a glass of wine.

Likes: There are many things that enjoys, but the things that she likes the most are seeing her students and the kids are her charity succeed, expensive red wine, her cat Ivana, hiking and running, Italian food and hockey.

Dislikes: Her dislike list is a bit shorter since she tends to try and have a positive outlook on things, but she can't stand beer, is minority afraid of moths, and isn't a big fan of pork.

Occupation: Board member of Elysium Children's Foundation, Preschool teacher.

History: Natalia was born in Bulgaria as the oldest of two daughters to her family. Her family was rather well off and lived in the capital until she was 5 when her father was offered a job opportunity in Elysium. He accepted the position and the entire family moved to America 4 months before the preternatural community came out of hiding. While there were some humans that didn't like this and took up arms against the non-human's, Natalia's family fully supported them and her father's company was one of the first to knowingly begin hiring people from the other species. This of course lost them some money at first, but in the end it gave their company extra recognition and it quickly went back to being successful.

Her family had always been charitable and from a young age Nat knew that she wanted to help people. When she was old enough she started volunteering and Elysium Children's foundation, one of the organizations that her family helped.

She continued to help out with the group through high school and after graduating at the top of her class she went on to college to pursue a double major in Early Childhood Education and Non-Profit Management, two degrees that seemed quite different but both seemed to fit her and her interests well. College went pretty smoothly for her during her freshman year she joined a sorority that had Elysium Children's Foundation as one of their Philanthropies, allowing her to easily continue her partnership with them. By the time she had gotten to her senior year, her work with the sorority had increased profits for the foundation exponentially and she was offered a position on their Board of Directors which she happily accepted and continues to hold.

Upon graduation she was hired as a preschool teacher at one of the local schools in Elysium and enjoys both of the jobs that she has.

However one night when she arrived at a potential donor for the charity's home she was attacked by a vampire. The owner of the human, Leoric Fortier attempted to save her but the attacking vampire stabbed them both through the chest sending Leoric's blood into her body and turning her into a vampire.