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Welcome to Step Up: A Teen Supers Game

04:19, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Jonas Wilder
Hero Name: Warp


Abilities: teleportation, gadgetry/hacking, annoying bastard


• How did you get your powers?
"You may have heard about Dr. Wild, Supervillain. Well, he was my dad. Was, because he’s dead. Or I hope he is because they never found his body. And I would be pissed off if he was alive and just..disappeared on me, right? So, he was working with some rather unstable substances, Dark matter, quantum wouldn’t understand. I was assisting, as always… and something went wrong, obviously. Next thing, I woke up on a hospital bed, right arm’s gone, left… handcuffed. Luckily I’m a minor, so they can't charge me, and the “heroes” decide to give me the benefit of the doubt, at least some of them. Become a useful member of the society, yadda yadda, yadda. Still, it’s obvious I will end in the system, nobody will adopt a 16-year-old, one arm short, son of a dead villain. I don’t need it. I can get out of the system, as far as I can hack social services and emancipate myself. A couple of hours of work and I have relocated my dad’s bank accounts into new ones, on my name. Not all, just enough so it’s not suspicious.
Getting a new arm was harder, but with my time studying bioengineering and stuff like that helped. And it's not like no one has ever designed something like this, getting the blueprint wasn't that hard. Made some modifications too.
And then... I started feeling it,  the switching energies, and somehow, I was now, in my underwear, in the K-Mart around the corner from my flat. Just because I craved some cigs.
Dad was working in some kind of portal... It wasn't hard to figure what had happened. The next days… I worked on this incredible new ability, checking how far can I teleport, how fast can I move. How useful it was."

• What do you do for fun?
"What a normal teenager does, steal things, break into forbidden places, drink, get laid and get into fights. As if you care… Hey, don’t touch that… that’s a vintage Les Paul, and you have your hands filthy. Of course, I know how to play it, it’s not for show. And yes, I can play it with this arm, I’m excellent at it, and girls love it."

• Who, outside the team, thinks better of you than you do?
"It was nothing. I was just passing by. There was a big fire on a building, and I could tell the firemen would never get to the 10th floor in time to check if someone was there. I just wanted to test my skills, obviously. And there she was, coughing and scared, so filthy with sooth. I got her to her mom, but somehow she found me. She thinks I’m a good person, and I can’t convince her, for the love of Science, otherwise.  She says she is 15 but looks like 13. Her name is June, and she’s annoying. Likes to keep me company, and I don’t push her away. Someday she will realize I'm bad and leave, just like everyone else."

• Why do you try to be a hero?
"I’m no hero, honey. But apparently, the higher-ups are convinced I can be… or something like that. Why bother, actually. I don't need anyone’s approval, and honestly, I’m sick of people telling me what I should do, and how to behave. I'm just like this, and nothing more. I aim to misbehave. If you want a goody-two-shoes, look somewhere else. And don’t ever repeat that again. I’m nothing like my father, he was an idiot that couldn’t discern from a Q molecule and the filth from his shoes. "

• Why do you care about the team?
Why should I care?, it's not like they are my friends.  Not anyone of them would be my friend if we hadn't been put together as a team. I wont let them die of get hurt, because..maybe, just maybe, that will help to win my freedom. But don't expect me to play Secret Santa or some shitty kumbaya stuff.

Are you watching closely?: When you mislead, distract, or trick someone, roll + Superior. On a hit, they are fooled, at least for a moment. On a 10+, choose three. On a 7-9, choose two.
- you get an opportunity
- you expose a weakness or flaw
- you confuse them for some time
- you avoid further entanglement
On a miss, you’re hopelessly embroiled in it and under pressure; mark a condition.

Criminal mind: When you assess the situation, you can always ask one of the following questions, even on a miss:
- what here is useful or valuable to me?
- how could I best infuriate or provoke ____________?
- what’s the best way in/way past?

Troublemaker: When you help a teammate through destructive, criminal, or rule-breaking actions, you can give them a +2 instead of a +1 when you spend a Team from the pool.

Labels: Danger 1, Freak 0, Savior -1,  Superior 2, Mundane 1

Appearance: His electric blue eyes always in a suspicious glare, as if not trusting anyone around, or maybe wondering what ulterior motives they can have. His black, hair short at the sides and back, with a long bang that sometimes goes to the right, sometimes to the left. Piercings on his mouth, ears,  and brow.  He has the face of an angel but the attitude of a devil.
HIs lithe body is usually covered by punkish/metal styled clothing, black, his usual color of preference. Tight jeans, black All-Stars or combat boots, plain black shirts, leather jackets. His right arm is cybernetic, yet, there's soft synthetic skin covering it, making it almost impossible to know it's fake. His left hand has several rings, and silver chains and a locket hang from his neck.
When in costume... he wears black cargo pants, the ones that allow you to save many things in your pockets. Combat boots, with metal in the points. Black jacket, that has kevlar style protection, and on the front a sluggishly white-painted "W", that glows in the dark. His eyes are covered with a black mask, specially made to adhere to his skin.


Potential: OOOOX


-You keep trying to impress __Sophia_ with your antics.

-You and _Rook_ pulled an awesome (if illegal) stunt together

Who I have influence over:

Who has influence over me:

Playlist: "I want Out", Helloween "Uprising", Muse "Song to Say Goodbye", Placebo "I don't care", Apocalyptica ft. Adam Gontier "Behind Blue Eyes", The Who (Ohh the irony) "Wish", Nine Inch Nails "Stay together for the kids", Blink 182