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Welcome to The Kingdom of Corzoconia

18:50, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Timothy Rael Mathews

Name:Timothy Rael(this is spelled correctly) Mathews

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Sexual Preference: Bisexual

Trade/Occupation: Mage/Spear-man

Physical Description:Tim is, well, short. He barely reaches 1.52 meters (or 5 feet) and seemed a little thin to those that see him in his normal clothing. While being more athletic then slim, Tim doesn't seem to have much physical strength just from looking at him. His hair is a short, just below the tips of his ears, mousy brown, and most always clean if he can help it, but unstyled.  Tim suffers from Heterochromia, his eyes are each a different color. His left eye is an emerald green, and his right is a coal black. Tim has a few scars, most are under his clothes, but there is a visible on over his lips extending from just to the left side of his nostril to the base of his chin. It is a well healed thing and if one had to guess it was from his childhood. On who whole, Tim seems like a simple magic user, his choice of dress is reserved and he had a simple backpack on his back that seems to hold his meager seeming belongings.

Personality: Tim is quite outgoing and welcoming of others. He tries not to pry unless invited and has a general rule of giving respect to others until the prove they don't deserve it. Tim can be a fun and friend;y sort when approached with an honest mentality. Generally accepting of everyone, Tim tends to like being around others when he can help it.

That all being said, Tim is not immune to anger, nor does he tolerate others belittling, disrespecting, or hurting his friends. While short in stature and weak in appearance, Tim can be quite fierce when angered. For a true friend, Tim would take on the world, and for an enemy, he could bring theirs asunder.

All in all Tim is a good person, or at least he thinks so. While he keeps his past to himself, he does not act as though he is better then anyone else, even if he might be.