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11:30, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Khloe Evans

Personal Details

Name: Khloé Evans

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Colony of Birth: Caprica

Hair Colour: Brown

Eye Colour: Brown

Height: 1m64 (5'4)

Weight: 51kg (112lbs)

Sizes: 80-58-87 / 80B (34-23-34 / 32B)

General Physical Description: Khloé is a pretty young woman. She's... Well, she's not that small, but she's certainly not tall. She'll readily admit she's of medium height. One thing she is though, and that not even her can deny, is thin. Probably too much. It's not that she's sick or malnourished, much more like for one reason or another she simply doesn't eat as much as she should. As such, it's not really a surprise that she doesn't have much in the way of curves. She's feminine, no doubt about it, but her figure is not one that keeps men - or women - awake at night.

Her brown hair is most often done in a simple ponytail or a messy bun, she doesn't use make-up to emphasize her brown eyes and her lips are pretty much always in their natural colour. The only two pieces of jewelry she wears are both necklaces, and it seems pretty obvious she does so for their sentimental value more than anything else. In fact, her ears aren't even pierced. Most often, pretty much always in fact, she wears simple and comfortable clothes like a jean and a hoodie with sensible - and simple - black baskets.

While all of this could lead someone to believe she's not comfortable with her femininity, and tries to avoid drawing attention to herself, it's not the case: she simply doesn't care about her appearance. In extraordinary circumstances - and if she's heavily pushed in that direction - she'll wear a nice dress, apply some make-up, take care of her hair, etc. In those instances, she looks like someone else entirely. It never lasts long though, much to the chagrin of her mother. Or pretty much anyone who knows her for that matter.

Personality: While the word "genius" can be abused, there are cases where it's barely enough to describe someone. Khloé is one of those cases: she is much more than brilliant. Sadly - or not, depending on what you think about her - that genius comes with a few defects, the most prominent of them being that she suffers from a form of Asperger. Among other things, she has trouble dealing with emotions: she often fails to recognize emotions others around her are feeling for example. The more important issue though is with her own emotions: in most cases, she doesn't seem to feel much of anything. She'll smile easily enough, but she won't look particularly happy. At a funeral, she'll look solemn but not particularly sad. And then, there are the extremes, where her emotions completely overwhelm her to the point that she can't function anymore: the death of a pet for example will leave her completely inconsolable for a week. It doesn't even need to be her pet in fact: the death of an animal in a movie can be more than enough.

It thus surprises no one that her interpersonal skills are... Well, to put things charitably, they would need work. She can be terribly blunt, not because she wants to be cruel, but simply because she can't imagine the impact of her words. While she knows that, even when she really tries to avoid any misstep she ends up saying something she shouldn't have. As a result, maybe by personal preference, or more probably a bit of both, Khloé isn't a particularly social girl.

There are a few exceptions to that rule, and those are the few friends she managed to make despite all that. Mostly because they pestered her until she agreed, and were interesting enough in the first place, understood her and refused to let her hide. To those people, she will be fiercely loyal and devoted: she's slow to give a part of her heart to anyone, but she cares immensely about it and she will never give anyone the opportunity to break it twice.

- Animals: pretty much anything. While she's not in love with spiders or other critters like those, she's not particularly afraid of them either (less than she should be in some cases in fact). Someone who kills spiders instead of putting them somewhere else is much worse than a criminal in her book.
- Music: instrumentals mostly, but she has nothing against a good song. Of course, her definition of a good song may not match others'.
- Mysteries: She loves mysteries she can solve, and is really fond of good detective novels. And here good means where the culprit isn't obvious after the first couple of pages but it still makes sense.

- Zealots and fundamentalists: while she has nothing against religious people in general, she profoundly hates someone who would presume to dictate someone else's way of life based on his own belief. She doesn't think much good about people who refuse to see the truth despite evidences, and is particularly harsh about most conspiracy theories. Despite that, she'll admire someone who's looking for the truth despite what the majority says. It's a fine line to tread. And while it's one of her own faults, she dislikes people who can't admit they're wrong. She can. It just takes proof.
- Coffee and cigarettes. The simple smells of those disgust her.
- Orders, at least most of the time. While she has no problem with orders given by people who clearly know what they are doing if the situation calls for it (for example, obeying firemen in an emergency situation) she will at the very least resent anyone trying to tell her to do something because it's like that and no other way (for example moving away from a street because some official's motorcade is coming).

- Piano: she doesn't play often, but she's a virtuoso. She's even better at improvising than at playing a given piece.
- Reading: she reads a lot, a bit of everything really. It doesn't even need to be particularly good, as long as it's somewhat entertaining.
- Swimming: or at least floating in water.

History and Background

Khloé is the fourth - and youngest - child of her family, all of them girls much to the dismay of her father. At least that's what he says, he's in fact perfectly happy with this state of affairs. Most of the time anyway. Him a pharmacist, her a surgeon, it is no wonder that like her older sisters Khloé aimed her studies towards the natural sciences field. Born and raised in Caprica City, Khloé had access to the best learning environment a child could have hoped for; her parents' background helped her to get a headstart on other kids with the same opportunities; and of course her impressive mind: those three combined factors led her to finish high-school at the age of thirteen. From there, she went in a elite MD/PhD program from which at twenty-one she earned both the qualifications of a surgeon as well as the title of Doctor of Science, making her one of the youngest ever in both fields...and the youngest - period - with both.

Her PhD studies should have lasted a bit longer in fact, but her advisor thought she was more than ready, and obviously the jury in front of which she defended her thesis agreed and for good reason. While the title of her thesis hasn't yet reached the ears of the public, it has certainly started to make a splash in academia, a mere week after its defence. The title alone would have achieved that: Replacing amputated mice limbs using reprogrammed adenoviruses for in-situ growth. In that thesis, Khloé exposes a new method with which she was able to replace complete limbs on amputated mice without the need of surgery and its numerous complications, by directly having them develop and grow where they're intended to be. While she only completed animal trials and hasn't even begun anything on humans, the possibilities are almost endless.