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Welcome to English Regency Free-Form Game

04:33, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Anna Morgan

Anna Morgan

Gender: F
Age:  20
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 121 lbs.
Hair: Near to white
Eyes: Light blue (violet/reddish strong light)
Appearance:   Anna is an albino, this is usually the first thing that stands out:   the very pale complexion, and near white hair naturally wavy hair.  Though the general think is that albinos are red-eyed, light-blue eyes such as hers are more common, with some conditions of lighting making them appear a distinct violet, or reddish.  Color, or lack of, aside, the face is otherwise most pleasant, high-cheek boned and oval shaped. Figure well proportioned, and on the slender side. Diligent in her personal upkeep, her attire leans toward the stylish, but with subtlety. She prefers pastels and other quiet shades that don't overpower her wan coloring. Her hair is long, and she enjoys wearing it down when and where that's suitable. Though her eyesight is not as bad as some albinos, she is still near sighted, and dons spectacles to see at a distance.   Anna has a collection of wide brim bonnets. On sunny days these are are far more necessity than accessory.

Personality:   A study in contradictions - an adept fibber, yet a yearner for truth.    An admirer of strength and skill, yet an advocate of underdogs.   A somewhat standoffish persona, yet a caring and loyal friend.   A good listener, yet one who does not always hear well her own heart.

On occasion, her albinism and other things that mark her different are a source of some unease.    When that isn't the case, however, it is borne like a coat of arms.

History: The Morgans hail originally from Newport Wales.    Anna's father is the second eldest son of a well to do family, who relocated his own in order to join his cousin's banking enterprise.   Life in the Morgan household was generally well ordered and structured, if at time lacking in gaiety.   Anna's albinism sometimes set her apart from other children, but her parents did a good job of aiding her to build self esteem.   Her broadly educated father was only too happy that what was to be his only child developed a love of reading. Even if her preferences strayed from the standard into the more esoteric as the years wound on. It was merely a sign of the times, he supposed.  A staunch rationalist, he is among a slowly growing number of people beginning to question the particulars of Christian faith. Nonetheless, he acts the devout Christian, and the church is important to him, as a matter of having healthy relationships in the community, as well as of course in business.

Some mix of being different as well as natural curiosity led Anna to develop an interest in the spiritual and the other worldly.  She devoured books on those subjects, as well as astrology, and the more conventional subject of mythology.     She was hungry for answers, truth, why things were as they are.   Things not answered to her satisfaction within the Bible.  And her imagination and idealism found more solace in those than in the hum-drum day-to-day world.  As she has also readily learned the things a proper young lady is supposed to, her parents mostly abide her eccentricities.

Today, there are relatively few who would say they know Anna truly well. She is either convivial or cool, interesting or odd, exotic or somewhat off-putting, depending on whom is asked.  She is of age where her parents would very much like to see her in a suitable match.   She quietly hopes to find someone who thinks she is worth the challenge, more quietly fears she will not, and is determined to keep herself entertained and amused, in the meanwhile.

Hobbies:  singing, dance, riding, astrology, spirituality, mythology, other esoteric learning, eavesdropping
Likes:  deeper understanding, shrewd perception, seeing the big picture, skilled artists, success by clever or honest means, foreign fashion and culture
Dislikes:  ignorance, unthinking dogma, petty behavior, unskillful deception, bad art
Love Interest:  William Hood