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Welcome to Regent's University

08:16, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lachlan Hunter

Quick Stats:
Height: 190 cm ( ~6'2" )
Weight: 82 kg ( ~180 lbs )
Hair:  Brown, short-ish. Bearded.  Dirty Blonde. blue/pink tints on the edges. Like he once dyed his hair (probably for Halloween) and its only growing out now.
Iris color:  Mostly Grey (with some hazel), [sectoral heterochromia]
Heritage: Anglo-Scot [mixed Scottish-English ancestry]
No Tattoos.
Henna tattoo low on his abs... 'Lucky you'
Trim beard.
Birthday: April (Aries)

Lachlan is an Anglo Scot raised largely in Orkney Islands (Scotland) his family is largely local Londoners for nearly 3 generations... he runs with a pack of lads from Merton Park.  A suburb so green he can hardly call himself a city boy.   Standing out as half a head taller than most locals, (190cm / 82 kg) and a bit broader at the shoulder. Lachlan is popular enough with nearly everyone. [For some reason, being tall and trim makes men more desirable? On both sides of the aisle?!?]

Tall and Lean and thanks to adherence to diet and exercise, reasonably muscled though not massively so ...or not more than a semi-professional Track Athlete. His current appearance is not a project of vanity but is instead a mental wellness program.  Lachlan is borderline obsessive-compulsive.

He's got control issues stemming from his lack of constancy in his immediate domestic environment though upon being relinquished by his birth mother to his grandparents Lachlan's behavioral issues are much improved.

In consequence, Lachlan has few if any body-issues but instead a handful of self-assurance/identity issues including a fairly serious destructive rebellious streak.  Between his school counselor and his priest, Lachlan knows his real problem concerns his abandonment issues.  Officially adopted by his grandfather - Lachlan has been in a boarding school in Orkney for most of his life.  Returning to his extended family for holidays weekends and lately this included summer work arrangements.

  Among his personal quirks Lachlan talks - a lot... mostly to fill up the dead air between himself and other people.  He spends a good deal of effort on self-deprecating humor.

Despite his own social issues Lachlan believes that he is better off than lots of other folks.  Socially conscious he would volunteer at a host of local places - from elementary schools to community centers... showing little issue talking to large groups of people.

Lachlan is not to be found outside ...without a knapsack with a hand-stitched machine embroidered badge from every emergency services union in London ...on its outside edge. This bag contains a collection of oddities. From a literal box of rocks to a dog-eared anthology of comparative modern Arthurian Literature.