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Welcome to Mass Effect: The Call of the Reaper

12:23, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lt. Madison Raynor

Name: Madison Raynor
Species: Human female from the Systems Alliance Colony World Elysium (Petra Nebula, Vetus System)
Rank: Lt. and Third Mate, SSV Marathon
Serial Number: 414322140
Birthday: August 22, 2158 CE (age 26)

Lt. Madison Raynor is a human female from the Systems Alliance Colony on Elysium. She is the third mate serving under Captain Rahbar of the SSV Marathon, a Swift Frigate which is currently on detached duty from Fifth Fleet's 63rd Scout Flotilla.

Physical Description
At 5'6" and 115 lbs, Lt. Raynor is not exactly physically intimidating. The lithe young woman is pretty and athletic, however, and quite precise in her movements. She is in excellent physical condition thanks to a stringent workout routine, combat training, and an abundance of physical activity.

Madison has long, honey brown hair that she ties back out of her face or wears behind her ears. Her eyes are large and dark. Her features are soft and young, her cheeks full and unblemished, her lips lush and red--her obvious femininity is an obstacle she feels she must overcome. She has a look about her that seems to dare people to call her incapable, insignificant, or simply not up to the task. That look can be misconstrued as arrogance, and she has a tendency to smirk with her full lips in an ambiguous way that is often interpreted as either "kiss me" or "fuck off."

When dressed in uniform Madison tends to stand tall and upright and behave very clean cut and formally. She is a bit looser in field armor, and it is in the field where her grace and fluidity come out. She's also not afraid to get dirty, despite the way she may seem at times.

Madison is smart, precise, skilled and ambitious. A highly competent intelligence analyst and special ops infiltrator, she is also rather young and still relatively green. She knows more from reading case studies than from actual experience. She excels in her analysis of situations and in training, but her superiors have noted that lack of true field experience and her overconfidence are definitely weaknesses that could prove her undoing.

Something of a feminist, Madison is constantly out to prove herself. She can seem cold at times when she is taking things too seriously. However, she is anything but emotionless. Strong willed and dominant, she finds inspiration in strong female military leaders, including the case files of Captain Yasmin Rahbar and others like her. She is always testing herself against the next obstacle, the next individual, the next challenge.

History and Military Service
Born in Minneapolis of the United North American States on Earth, Madison Raynor grew up on colony world Elysium. Her mother--chief botanist and genetic engineer overseeing the fledgling settlement's agriculture and food supply--participated in the original settlement of that garden world in 2160, when Madison was only two years old. As a result Madison's most formative years were spent in an environment where hard work and perseverance were modeled by almost everyone around her.

When she was 17 Elysium suffered the Skyllian Blitz. The major assault on the human colony in 2176 by a huge band of pirates, slavers, and batarian warlords took its toll on a young woman who suddenly felt vulnerable in an unknown galaxy. Though both Madison and her mother were spared serious harm, Madison saw first hand what conflict with aliens meant for an unprepared humanity. She enlisted in the Alliance Navy as soon as she was of age, joining in a long line of Raynors who had served, and in particular following in the footsteps of her late grandfather, who fought in and was killed during the First Contact War with the Turians.

Madison excelled at officer school, earning top marks over the course of numerous semesters and graduating with honors and near the top of her class. She showed particular aptitude for strategic and tactical analysis, stealth ops, and systems infiltration. Upon graduation she requested and was assigned to the aftermath of the Batarian Conflict, where she served as an intelligence analyst on the command ship SSV Hiroshima under Admiral Levington.

Although confined to mostly non-combat roles, Madison excelled in her field roles. Her superior officers took note of her ambition and drive, as well as her aptitude for special ops and infiltrator missions, and quickly recommended her for participation in Interplanetary Combatives Training at N-School. A year later she applied and was accepted.

Madison spent the next three years in and out of N-School, where she was trained as an infiltrator, and on assignment with Alliance Naval Intelligence. She's an exceptional sharpshooter and is skilled with pistols. In the field she is also an efficient hand-to-hand fighter who quickly and expeditiously takes her opponent out. She supplements these skills with advance tech that allows her to get in to very difficult places. She would make an excellent assassin, though she doesn't often employ her skills toward this end.

Madison reached N5 level when Captain Yasmin Rahbar identified Lt. Madison Raynor as a candidate for Third Mate aboard the SSV Marathon. As she had done in the past Madison put N-School on hold and jumped at the chance to serve under one of her heroes--a woman whose case files Madison had studied as far back as her training in officer school. She plans to serve her new captain and mentor well, earn high commendations, and reach N7 on way to an illustrious career.


In uniform

