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Welcome to Belcoast

16:54, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Saoirse Teagan Fearghuis

Current look:

Name: Saoirse (sear-sha) Teagan Fearghuis

Age: 21

Sex: Female

Species: Selkie


Can shape shift into a seal at will though she needs her selkie skin to do so.
Her selkie dance can mesmerize anyone who catches her doing it near bodies of water.
Her soprano singing voice can calm the most livid of people and has a hypnotic effect that makes anyone listening want to continue to do so.
She is an amazing swimmer and can hold her breath for an unnatural amount of time compared to others.
Can converse with sea creatures especially seals.
Ethereal beauty which is a gift and a curse. Body Temperature Manipulation since she a sea creature it’ only works for her.  Cold Immunity to dive deep.
Enhanced Agility, Enhanced Endurance, Enhanced Lung Capacity, Enhanced Senses, Pressure Resistance and of course Speed Swimming.


Saoirse falls a bout 5 foot2with long platinum blonde/Nordic white hair to her waist and gray eyes with hints of blue and green. Her eyes never seem to stay one color and it depends on what she is wearing to being out whatever the dominate color is. She has a small mole under her right eye on the bottom corner, dimples, porcelain doll pale skin that would make people worry about her being out in the sun too long. Her red lips and permanent blush give her the looks of a doll especially with her large doe like eyes. She has a slender and delicate form. Built like a ballet dancer with all the grace and poise it comes with.

Saoirse has a quiet personality and naturally is cautious about the world she is in. She is great at watching and picking up details but is lonely and desperately longs for true friends and companionship. She rarely smiles due to she is usually lost in her own thoughts but when someone is able to make her smile it is something they will most likely never forget. It is hard for her to strike up conversations mostly with males due to the fact she is still wary of them and their intentions (explained in history). She is more kind to female counterparts and children. Holding a soft spot for little lads and lasses she shines the most when around children or mothers.

History (Give us some info on who you are, why you are here. If you are a supernatural being, perhaps how you came to be?):

Saorise was born in Dublin in a small port town of Ireland to a lighthouse worker who was also a fisherman and a housewife. From the outside looking in they looked like a well to do family with healthy children. Five healthy brothers and herself. Her mother, Fionnoula was a selkie who was discovered by her now husband, Conall. He stumbled upon her dancing one night before she was bound to return to the sea and stole her selkie coat not wanting her to go. When Fionnoula went in search of her coat that was left on nearby rock she found it had gone. Looking desperately for it and panicking the fisherman finally decided to reveal he had it. Fionnoula was happy it wasn't gone but Conall was not about to return it. She begged for it back and he struck up a deal “Become my wife and I shall return it if you don't fall in love with me”. What could she do? He had the means she needed to return to the seas and with out it she was trapped. With a heavy heart she agreed. He wasted no time and married her the next day and kept her coat hidden. He did his best to woo her and she played along. Longing for the sea more and more each day. He led her on with promises of returning her belongings with more and more demands. “If we had a family it would be easier to return you to the sea”. Fionnoula relented and gave in. The year turned into two when she gave birth to healthy baby boy, Alastair. She loved him instantly but was unwilling to leave her son, her human born son alone just yet. Conall took this as a sign she fell in love with him and kept her coat still hidden.

A part of her did fall a little in love with Conall for the sake of her son and she longed for a daughter. Continuing she gave birth to 4 more sons Blake, Dylan, Grady and Cedrick. Fionnoula just about gave up when finally she gave birth to Saorise. It wasn't hard to tell that Fionnoula had a favorite child. Out of all of the children she brought into this world Saorise was just like her; a selkie.

While it was known that males could be selkies she knew her bloodline favored females. Her husband was none the wiser until he realized the very blonde and light eyes child who was a mirror image of her mother couldn't speak at all. From the time Saorise could walk she was always hellbent into getting into the sea. Many times her brothers often had to drag her out thinking she would drown or had a death wish. Conall was right to assume something was up since he had married a fae folk but never put his finger on in. Thinking that he just had a very lovely but mute lass that took after her mother and that was why she always kept her daughter close.

When she turned 6 and snuck out of the house in the middle of the night to the ocean trying to swim she was met by other seals who brought Saorise her coat allowing her to transform for the very first time. She didn't return home that evening causing her family to worry when they woke and discovered the 6 year old gone. The only one not in a panic was her mother which sent off warning bells in her father's head.

The family searched but Fionnoula knew just where to look. Following her lead the family waited the following evening near the coast line where her father found her mother she returned.

Upon swimming to shore she transformed from an all white seal into a little girl with a long white fur coat that trailed behind her.

“Mama! Papa! It's wonderful! There is a whole world out there!” Saorise finally spoke for the first time since she was complete with her coat. Everyone was happy she was back and safe even her father though his actions spoke louder than anything. Conall rushed to his daughter and instead of embrassing her her slapped her across the face and took the coat from her.

“You are never to do that again! Ya hear me! Saorise don't ever come back here and you are never to see this coat again!” Conall ordered bringing her mother to tears as well as the once happy little girl.

He carried her home and locked away her coat just like her mother and the next morning without her mother's consent he sent her far inland to live with her grandmother away from the sea. Saorise was only allowed to visit birthdays and holidays only to appease his now sullen and depressed wife who lost a daughter.
Saorise grew up into a lovely woman who adored her mother and brothers dearly but due to that night when she was 6 she feared her father. Even when he saw her and tried to be kind he always kept a strict hold her her. Whenever her mother managed to get alone time with her she told her of her kind, songs and stories and how without her coat she could never return to the sea that she longed for just like herself. Saorise became more and more depressed and withdrawn every time she returned back to her grandmother. Her grandmother's answer was to push her more into arts, dancing more and more since most took her in and offered to teach her for little or nothing as long as she performed for them. She was hardly 12 or 13 when she started entertaining on the mainland.

At least she was entertained after school with activities since she wasn’t allowed near the ocean. Saorise was felldeeper into her depression but luckily her mother was already forming a plan. Fionnoula confided to her eldest son when about the situation when he also noticed his sister was more of a shell of a person instead of her slightly more cheerful self with her mother. Fionnoula expected Alastair to be just as closed off as her husband but he listened. He adored his baby sister and even though they had little time together he favored her like her mother and to her surprise he decided to help. With little effort he found where is father hid both coats. Alastair didn't take them right away but waited until his father was out at sea and brothers were occupied. He knew his father always wanted someone to keep an eye on his wife and when it came to Alaister's day he seized the moment, took the coats and his mother inland to find his sister. Choosing to take her after school they made a run for it in the car to the nearest coastline. Making sure to be as far away from their father's light house they made it by the middle of the night. Even if their father was alerted and the grandmother searched Alastair made sure to be long gone.

They hid out in a hotel until it was late enough and no one was out he took his mother and sister to the nearest body of water with their coats. Fionnoula was happy to be reunited with her coat though it was a tearful goodbye to her beloved son who couldn't join her. Explaining how she couldn't return fearing retribution from her husband, Alastair accepted and gave him a long hug and kiss on the cheek.

It was now time to speak with her dearest daughter. Standing on the beach she explained that she could never return to her home or see her brothers, grandmother or father again fearing he would lock her away just as he did with her. It was then Alasatir realized he would possibly never see his mother or sister ever again. That news hit him hard but he understood as he embraced his little sister for the last time after getting the full story of what they were. He just couldn't let them waste away and found it better to free them both even if it met unbridled anger from his father at least he knew his mother and sister would be happier.

After their tearful goodbye both Fionnoula and Saoirse donned their coats and vanished into the sea never to see this home again.

Saoirse was happy and free learning about her kind in the sea but she lived on land for so long she missed it. Her mother understood and would never keep Saoirse from her desires and her only orders were to stay away from their hometown.

That's how Saoirse ended up in Belcoast. With best wishes from her mother she chose to settle down where the sea met the land so she could have the best of both worlds. Found a job and is trying to see where her life with go from now....

Profession: A lifeguard, swimming instructor synchronized and regular lessons and a coach to future athletes and students. It is a far cry from the seas but she loves being in the water.
 Ballet which she sometimes moonlights as an instructor or participates in community performances.
Swimming in the ocean at night.
Playing the Celtic harp, fiddle and singing.

Sexual Orientation: Curious about everything and everyone, but would never admit it.
                                That hurt and I think I liked it again.....please......

Fun facts-
Zodiac sign: Pisces
Birthdate: February 29th (doesn’t complain about having more than one birthday celebration. Celebrates it on February 28th or March 1st or both. Once every 4 years this leapling gets her true birthday )