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Welcome to Life, Unlife, And Everything In Between [Adult]

06:07, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Kaya Saito

Name: Kaya Saito
Alias/Nickname: Joker
Age: 23
Species: Werewolf (Natural Born)
Gender: Female
Place of Birth: Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Current Residence: Shadowhaven
Occupation: Biker/Apprentice Mambo/Works at the Gifts of the Loa
Color Font: Seagreen

Fetishes: Impact Play (Spanking to be specific)
Limits: Extreme BDSM, No Gore or Scat, No Vore
Role: Submissive (Conditioned)
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single

Appearance: Kaya is a short, slender woman with doll-like features. At first glance, those who know of the supernatural would mistake her for a vampire with her large almond shaped eyes, her small nose and plump lips. Her features are far too perfect. Her short black hair has been bleached on one side while the other is left at her natural color.
Height: 5'2
Weight: 100 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black and Blonde
Hair Style: Short and straight; hangs a little past her shoulders; has a heavy bang
Complexion: Pale
Physique: Slender with some muscle tone
Typical Clothing Style: Ripped up black jeans and loose fitting t-shirts that usually hang off one shoulder. Tends to wear several bracelets combined with pyramid bracelets on each wrist and two necklaces, one with a little silver leaf at the end that she has had since she was a baby and the other with a crescent moon.
Distinguishing Marks: Has several tattoos on her hips and right thigh

Personality: Kaya is a friendly person on the outside but actually very slow to trust. She will crack lewd jokes as a defense mechanism and can have her moments where she doubts herself but overall, she uses her hard life as a means to empower not only herself but those around her. She tends to be fiercely loyal to her friends, especially Callum. She believes in letting everything think that she is incompetent so there are no standards placed on her.
Merits: Loyal to a point, optimistic for the most part, quick, photographic memory
Flaws: Mistrustful of many, does not believe that she has a happy ending
Likes: That free feeling that comes with riding her bike, cooking, hanging out in the woods
Dislikes: Bullies, heavy drinkers, smokers
Peeves: None really
Phobias: Being alone, having her freedom taken from her, letting Nathaniel down
Goals: To learn more about her new role as Mambo

Ambition: Wants to learn more about voodoo and her position as a Mambo
Belief: There is no happy ending for her (Subject to change given the right environment)
Connection: New sense of faith, Nathaniel and Callum
Disadvantage: Terrified of Dexter
Expertise: Cooking thanks to her photographic memory

Vocation: Works at the Gifts of the Loa; Apprentice Mambo
Talent: Cooking
Talent: Recalling information
Hobby: Being out in nature
Hobby: Learning new recipes

History: Kaya doesn’t know who her real parents are, having been given up when she was a few months old. Her adopted parents though brought her to Shadowhaven, where they raised her. For the most part, Kaya was a happy, carefree child despite her uncontrolled shifting. The shifting didn’t bother them though it did take them by surprise. When she was young, it was easy to restrain her but as she got older, it became more challenging. After much research, they began to teach her how to control herself through meditation and controlled breathing. After high school, Kaya was going to take a year to figure out what she wanted to do but she ended up having a run in with Dexter and that spelled her downfall. Forced into the pack, Kaya became his playtoy for a few years and once he grew tired of her, he forced her to the lower ranks. He also threatened that should she try to leave or have any kind of contact with her parents, he would kill them.
Family: David [Father]; Evelyn [Mother]
Friends: Pride, Runt, Toby, Helena, Nathaniel
Enemies: Dexter
Crushes: Nathaniel

Things that might not be known!
1. Kaya has a photographic memory.
2. She is a very good cook but only Nathaniel and Pride (to some extent) knows this.
3. Kaya is a bit of a hopeless romantic but not with herself.

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