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Welcome to MORIA 2e D and D Fourth Age Middle-earth Dwarf campaign

08:23, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Guntram Gunarsson

Description: A tall Lake-man, muscular with rugged good looks.  His dark hair and close set grey eyes give him considerable character.  He sports a thick mustache in the manner of most Bardings and keeps his shoulder length hair braided for convenience most of the time.  He has a mole under his ear that annoys him slightly, but it actually adds to his natural charm.


Personality Traits
What does your character love (besides Fighting)?
What does he hate or dislike?
What does he fear?
Who does he trust?
Who are his enemies?
What are his goals?
What are his regrets?
Does he have any unusual quirks or habits, or superstitions?

Background as given by DM
He has a suit of nice scale mail, a long bow made of ash wood (carved elaborately or plain as you choose) a broad sword he took from his father's personal items and a dagger etched with dwarf runes that was his first weapon when he was a boy.

His family lives in Lake-town (Esgaroth in Sindarin) and he is somewhat estranged from them.

When he was eighteen a disagreement with his father caused a rift in their relationship and forced Guntram to leave and make his own fortune.

As he is now five and a score years old, this was seven years ago and it is possible his father may have forgiven him by now.  Guntram wonders if he should return and try to mend things with his old father and mother before they pass on, but so far he has not done so.

He does miss them a lot, especially his sister and wishes he at least knew how they are doing.

In Dale, Guntram found employment guarding trade caravans that travel the main routes between Esgaroth and Dale, Dale and Erebor, and Dale and the Iron Hills.  Numerous bandits (mostly down on their luck Haradrim and small bands of Goblins) have made guarding the wealthy shipments more and more necessary of late.

It was in Dale that Guntram met the King's guardsman named Osric about three years ago.  The lieutenant is both rugged and bold, flaxen haired with a trim beard, broad shoulders, and warm hazel eyes.  He is charming, emamoured of horses and Dorwinion wine, and cultured, having come from a wealthy family.  He is quite popular around town and has the eye of more than one interested maiden.  However Osric is no longer available of course and absolutely faithful to his husband.

He is an officer in the Royal Defenders of Dale, cnaihtes (knights) often called the Order of the Thrush.  His infatuation with Guntram turned, in the fullness of time, to a far deeper relationship, and eventually they were married secretly a year ago.

Osric has yet to tell his family as he is well aware of their hopes he would agree to a more politically advantageous marriage, but he has spurned all attempts by his parents to suggest this much to their frustration.

Osric loves his new husband, for they are still in that "honeymoon" stage where their passions run wild at sometimes inconvenient times.  He frets over Guntram's adventurous impulses and wanderlust and has, on more than one occasion, suggested his husband join the King's guard and work towards eventually joining the Royal Defenders, but thus far Guntram has refused, not wanting to be so confined by such responsibilities.

Guntram is currently in the Iron Hills, in the small market outside the steep hill the Dwarves call Axe Peak.  Here the Dwarves host human merchants from time to time and trade food supplies and textile goods for their fine metal work, jewelry and armour.  He is a guard for a merchant named Bilgerd, who is a stern man but pays well.

Details of Personal Items:
A slightly worn, carved cherry wood pipe with gold trim, given to him by his sister.
One small rabbit skin pouch full of 'Old Toby' pipe-weed (ten uses)
A small leather bound journal, bound with rough leather thong, emblazoned with the elvish rune for G.  Half filled with old poetry of his own.
Small portrait of himself and his sister as children contained in a silver filligree locket on a fine steel chain.
Pearly white cowrie shell, a momento of his trip to the shores of the Rhun Sea with his father.
Bundle of perfectly measured ash wood sticks suitable for crafting arrows and brown eagle feathers for fletching.