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Welcome to Travelers Confidential

07:22, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


true name: forgotten (it doesnt matter anymore)
race: gold elf from faerun(origionally)
occ's: wizard(38)/phase mystic(24)/temporal wizard(24)/diabolist(20)/summoner(19)
/mind mage(15)
alignment: anarchist w/ aberrant tendicies
age: a few thousand years
appearance: varies, but commonly appears to be a tall (6'6")
human in his 70's with white hair and
      deeply intense/captavating light eyes

Many, if not all, of AL's elf/human characteristics are gone.
He is no longer "physically" considered mortal.
Although not immortal(nearly though), due to his long & substantial link with
the Tome of (Dark)Knowledge and links to ultra-powerful magics, AL's
essence is forever a part of the fabric of endlessness
- the life force and magic of the ToDK. AL's original body(vessel)
was destroyed
when he died, in order to pass the tome to Occubus.
 His life force was absorbed into the ToDK and redistributed.
He is now more or less a creature of pure magic(endlessness)
similar too and very near a young old one???

HP: 6258*
PPE: 7619* (can use HP&ISP also as life points(magic essence): total of 17,033 with one unit left) +2000 PPE from scepter which AL uses first if in battle
ISP: 3157*

Total LP's: 17,033(19,033)

IQ 33
ME 39
MA 25
PS 17 (super)
PP 23
PE 48 (super)
PB 16
SPD 14

Insanities: god-syndrome, obsession scepter, psycho-reliance scepter, obsession- Ariel

# of physical attacks 5 (10 w/scepter)
strike +15 (+35 total w/scepter)
parry +20 (+40 total w/scepet)
dodge +45 (+55 w/scepter)
damage +28 (+38 w/scepter)

only magic item: Scepter of the Scorcerer Kings (nethril)
+10 spell/ward/circle strength, +10 dodge, +10 damage, +10 All saves,
x2 blunt WP
damage 2d6x10 +8strike/parry, considered vorpal, doubles attacks,
has 2,000 PPE that AL can use, teleports from anywhere in the megaverse

AL's magic is now much like life force magic in that his HP/PPE/ISP all work as
one and can all be used to power any of his spells/powers/life!

psionics: all categories 15th level

magic knowledge/combat: unique
Knows all magic spells/wards/circles/rituals

Base spell/ward/circle strength: +19 (+29 w/scepter)
Base saves vs all magic: +19 (+29 w/scepter)

Spell/Saves Boost:
Can boost spell strength or saves by +1 for every 10 L.P. used. AL is so intuned
with magic he can sense the power of the attack needed (+'s to spell str)usually
within a few points or what's needed to save againt an attack (saves).

Damage control:
Can increase the damage of spells, 1 extra die damage 1d6, 1d8, etc. for every 5 L.P.-
so an extra 10d6 would cost 50 LP's

Life Force Armor:
AL can create at will an invisible skin tight life force barrier - 10SDC for every 1 L.P.
duration indefinite until destroyed and can replenish at will
ALL attacks come from this barrier first - even death spells and vorpal attacks

X3 damage to gods & greater supernatural(dragons/demons/devils)
x10 damage to old ones
+16 all saves
impervious/uneffected by poisons/disease, mind control, possession, unwanted telekinesis,
all types of immolbilizations, ko'S, stun, death blow, the flu, IBS, etc
cannot be suprised or crits
can see invis, see in shadows, see astral, see etheral, sixth sense, mind block auto
impervious to normal weapons & missles

control time and dimesions:
Anti-time magic 200' radius & phase trap 200' radius - constant/at will

Al takes triple damage from millenium weapons
takes double damage from good holy & rune weapons

If reduced to zero HP/LP them Al is forced to return to endlessness for 1 palladium year.
can only be destroyed if defeated in endlessness by a god-like creature of good