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Welcome to Mass Effect: The Call of the Reaper

12:08, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

LCDR Helena Graystone

Helena Graystone stands about 5'7" with wavy, golden hair and pale blue eyes that can easily be mistaken for gray. The 27 year-old human has been around the Alliance military long enough that she will wear her hair past shoulder length, though it is always either tied back, worn up, or braided when she is on duty. Her complexion is light and mostly blemish-free, likely from spending so much time in space. Her full lips are quick to curl into a smile when appropriate, though she generally keeps herself reserved during her time on duty.

Helena keeps herself in good physical condition, though her curves have bloomed a bit as she has made her way to full womanhood. Those who see her in the gym or swimsuit would note well-defined, though not excessively bulky muscles. They would also note more than a few tattoos that are covered while wearing the uniform of the Systems Alliance. Her fingernails are kept short, but meticulously painted in varying colors. Her hands are extraordinarily, remarkably steady.

The Graystone family has been associated with the Alliance since before Helena's birth on Shanxi. Her father, Michael, is a decorated member of the Alliance marines, currently holding the rank of Colonel. Her mother is a well-regarded doctor who has expanded her understanding of physiology to a wide variety of alien species. The pair of them are currently posted on the Citadel.

Helena's formative years were largely spent in laboratories aboard the flagship of the Second Fleet. Her mother was exposed to eezo while Helena was in utero, something that Doctor Graystone discovered relatively soon after Helena's birth. Those with enough security clearance would know that Helena was the object of study and had significant medical troubles associated with her eezo nodules. She also has older L2 biotic amps which are known to be troublesome. Through work by her mother and others with biotic expertise, Helena has survived and flourished as a biotic. Growing up, she was also extremely curious about her mother's work and spent no little amount of time watching, learning, and then helping her mother in the lab and with patients of various species.

With the recommendation of Admiral Drescher of the Second Fleet, Helena was accepted to the Systems Alliance Academy on Earth. It was her first known visit to the motherworld, and an opportunity for her to become an officer in the military she had known for her entire life. Her file contains a surprising number of both commendations and disciplinary items from her time at the Academy. Speculation from more than one staff psychologist is that it was largely typical teenage rebellion that would (hopefully) disappear with maturity.

Helena graduated just before her 19th birthday with concentrations in biology and xenobiology. Upon graduation she was considered a full combat medic and had honed her biotic abilities even further, becoming an offensive biotic specialist trained to get into the thick of combat. Her combination of abilities has allowed her to get into the middle of fighting and pull wounded comrades to safety on more than one occasion.

After graduation, she was assigned back to the second fleet and her service record mentions several boarding actions during the Theshaca Raids where she was attached to marine units. She received several medals for heroism in defense of her comrades, including apparently being credited with saving the lives of seven marines in a single engagement through creative use of her biotics and her medical expertise.

After her active deployment in the second fleet for three years, Helena's service record is heavily classified. She was known to be assigned for a time to the Citadel, working in both biotic research and xenobiology. She was on the station during the Battle of the Citadel and was known to have worked with the defense forces of the Citadel (particularly C-Sec) during that battle. She received decorations from both the Alliance and C-Sec for conspicuous heroism during the battle. She was also wounded during that engagement, though notes in her file suggest a complete recovery.

Those that get to know Helena consider her to be an easy-going woman who can be fiercely loyal to her friends. She tends to be quick to seek out fun when time allows, and has been known to indulge in strong drink, gambling, and other vices that soldiers have indulged in since the first spear was constructed.

She is also known to be an excellent artist. Her steady surgeon's hands hold writing implement and paintbrush as well as a scalpel. Given a little time, her quarters tend to be a well organized mess, with paintings and drawings all over the walls...and the sheets. Everything is at risk of being painted when Helena is around. While she considers nearly anything for her work she does tend toward capturing sentient beings on her canvas or electro-sketches. It is rare to see her without her modified electronic sketchpad in hand or in front of her at meetings. She habitually tucks writing or painting instruments behind her right ear or into her hair when they aren't in use.