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17:58, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jubilee Summers

Name: Jubilee 'Juju' Summers.

Age: 25

Gender Female

Home Town: New York.

Occupation: Beauty vlogger/Influencer.

Residence: To be determined.

Contradictory her lineage, Juju's slender build is on the petite side of average. With a fine bone structure and dewy complexion, rich dark hair paired with pale blue eyes, a perfectly angled nose and a wide set mouth lined with full lips, she is almost an mirror image of her Mother.  In fact, in her Mother's heyday, side by side, it would be difficult to tell them apart. Facial wise Juju could grace the cover of any magazine, yet at 5'4" she never inherited the height to make any success in a brutal industry she saw destroy her Mother.

Juju is rather relaxed in her sense of style and comfortable in her own skin. Preferring unique one-of-a-kind vintage pieces with a bohemian twist to current fashions, she tends to veer sharply away from whatever anyone else is wearing. She has expensive taste whilst being borderline frugal and an excellent eye for a bargain. Although she now has the income to support frivolous spending, she's more likely to scour through on-line vintage sites or thrift stores for the buzz in spotting an item that is truly unique and timeless. She can successfully throw together a clash of eclectically vibrant colors and patterns and somehow,  she just makes them work.

Her normal day to day appearance off camera is minimalist. She spends all day shooting videos, sampling different cosmetic brands and applying various techniques. Whenever downtime comes around, she's usually bare faced in little more than a lick of mascara and lip balm - And of course, perfect brows - No woman should ever be seen without perfectly manicured brows.

Juju carries herself with an air of confidence few women truly possess, purely on the basis she cares very little for how she might be perceived. Of course she takes pride in her appearance and mannerisms, but it's to please herself and nobody else. In her short life, she's lived through both highs and lows and throughout it all, learned that the only person she can truly rely on is herself. This makes her self-dependent to a fault and quite possibly mistrusting of other people.

Whether a stranger or acquaintance, JuJu is relatively sociable - if not a little cautious at first given certain situations. Her relaxed, low key attitude makes her easy to be around. Her superficial radar is a finely tuned instrument and if belittled or patronized, she's quick to bite with a cutting retort.  However, working hard to stay current and relevant on the varied social platforms has definitely had it's downsides and affected her social and love life to a certain degree.  Over time, she's gained herself quite the reputation for her outspoken nature which have led to more than a few spats. Her brutally honest reviews within the beauty industry have landed her in hot water on more than one occasion and not limited to the odd threat of a law suit here and there.

Jubilee's hobby became her livelihood. She started blogging and uploading beauty video reviews at the age of fifteen. Her first being a scathing tirade about the same recycled beauty tutorials using cosmetics no ordinary woman could afford. Her specialty came in the form of emulating high end looks with drug store dupes and providing affordable alternatives to her viewers. How she gained so many subscribers and followers is a complete mystery to her. Her realistic approach and refreshing criticism garnered quite the following and it wasn't long into her fledgling career that she was getting flooded with PR packages. Juju prides herself in sticking close to her beliefs and becoming an honest Influencer, she's remained selective on what she would and would not review despite the monetary rewards. She frequently gave the contents of PR packages away to her subscribers or auctioned them off and donated the proceeds to charity. Ten years on, she has her own website and collaborations with various cosmetics brands, she's written various articles for magazines and quite remarkably, she's managed to make a brilliant career out of something she greatly enjoys.

Juju loves the ocean. The salty breeze and the feel of sand between her toes is her idea of heaven. As much as she enjoys her job; which mostly keeps her busily occupied, she likes the rare lazy days where she can kick back, relax and do nothing. Having never had the opportunity to have any pets of her own, she adores animals, especially dogs and thinks nothing of approaching complete strangers to fuss over their pooch.

Dislikes/pet peeves
Needless to say, Juju despises overly expensive cosmetic brands who skim on quality and price themselves beyond the reach of the normal woman, purely on the face of their name. Being something she feels passionate about, she frequently runs exposés which compare brands produced in the same labs, using the same ingredients, the only difference was the packaging, marketing and the name.

Although she would never; by any stretch of the imagination consider herself a feminist, she feels women owe it to each other to empower other women and she takes an instant dislike to those with the mean girl, materialistic attitude who put other women down. Bitches can be spiteful.

Though the girl can drink, she quite understandably has a keen dislike towards drugs - recreational or otherwise.

Hotels: Juju finds something skeevy about sleeping in a bed hundreds of strangers have slept in before her. No matter how methodical house keeping might be, staying in hotel rooms makes her skin crawl.

Katrina Vodianova was five months gone before she realized she was pregnant and by then, it was too late to do anything about the life growing inside of her. She was just nineteen years old and on the cusp of what was promising to be a successful modeling career when a photographer brutally told her she was too fat and dismissed her on the spot. Her waif like outline had gradually changed and her usual taut midriff was starting to swell. Katrina had no idea she was pregnant, she'd simply assumed she was run down and over worked. Her healthy lifestyle was sketchy at best.

She managed to conceal signs of her pregnancy for another month before it became too noticeable to continue working. Under no circumstances could Katrina return to her home in Russia. Estranged from her poor and oppressive parents she had fled to America to fulfil her dream. Katrina had always been considered a true beauty, but in an industry full of beautiful people, she had nothing exceptional to bring to the table and was yet to make a lasting mark on a cruelly critical industry. Her Agency immediately dropped her from their books and no other Agency was going to take her on while she was pregnant. She found cheaper accommodation and once the money started to run out, she bussed tables to make extra income.

However, as we all know, it takes two to make a baby and Katrina; although not entirely positive she knew who the Father was, had a pretty good idea. At first he wanted nothing to do with her claim, but after some coercion and threats to expose him and sell her story to the media, Katrina was made to sign a non-discloser in return for a lump sum of money with a modest yearly income and an agreement he pull some strings towards getting her permanent residency within the US. Suddenly the child she was carrying was her meal ticket.

The moment Katrina held her baby in her arms, she felt nothing but resentment for the child who had ruined her life. At first, she considered putting Jubilee up for adoption but there were complications. First, the payments would stop, if she brought too much attention to herself she would be forced to return to her home country. Katrina made the decision to keep her daughter and the money she received could well have given them both a comfortable life. But Katrina lived a pretentiously showy life well beyond her means. For the first few years of Jubilee's life, she had a Nanny and rarely saw her Mother. They lived in an expensive apartment and Katrina spiraled out of control, snagging on to the next rich man who could give her the lifestyle she had grown accustomed to. She amounted to nothing more than a brief trophy and was just as quickly discarded. Moving from one relationship to another and mixing in questionable circles, Katrina developed a drug habit which further saw to her decline.

She flitted away the initial sum of money she had received from Jubilee's Father. Her addictions grew, her taste in men worsened and the Nanny was long gone. They moved frequently, gradually downgrading in to more unsavory neighborhoods and the majority of money she still received went on her habit. Jubilee learned from an early age to fend for herself and to take care of her semi-conscious Mother at the same time. Katrina would go missing for days, even weeks on some occasions and such occurrences became more and more frequent.

Jubilee's schooling started to suffer as a result and soon a Neighbor in the next apartment started to notice Katrina's frequent drug fueled antics and absences.  Frankie Summers liked to keep himself to himself. He worked as a Drag Queen and Costume Designer at a nearby Theater specializing in Cabaret shows and restricted his flamboyant personality to his alter ego, Charlamaine Monroe. He never meant to get involved but turning a blind eye to the welfare of the fourteen year old girl who lived next door was wearing on his conscience. When an eviction notice appeared on the door, he intervened and found Jubilee living with no amenities after the power had been cut and barely any food. The child begged him not to call protection services, promising that her Mother would be back soon and everything would be okay. Against his better judgement Frankie agreed on the condition that if her Mother wasn't back within 48 hours, he'd have no choice. Katrina had been gone for a total three weeks and the next night, she returned to the stern backlash off Frankie Summers.

Over time Frankie kept an eye out for Jubilee, nicknaming her Jujubug. The two struck up an unlikely friendship. He let her help him create the costumes for the shows and paid her a wage for the work she did which she saved to buy herself a computer. He fed her when she was hungry, he made sure she attended school and took care of her when her mother was absent. He taught her all the cosmetic tricks he knew and probably, most of her sass. She became a regular presence backstage at the Cabaret shows, loving every minute of the elaborate atmosphere. Frankie filled a parental role Jubilee so desperately needed and she adored him for it. He even went as far as bailing her out from a department store by pretending to be her real Father when she'd been caught shoplifting, and listened while she ranted at the extortionate prices the department store were charging for the lipstick she'd stolen. To which he told her to preach, but to do so without breaking the law and getting arrested as he tried to steer her in the right direction.

For her fifteenth Birthday Frankie bought Jubilee her first camera, which ironically coincided with Katrina selling her computer for drug money. Instead, he allowed Juju to use his own computer and that is where her passion started as a Beauty Vlogger. (Though it might be worth mentioning she's destroyed all evidence of the poorly executed earlier videos she spewed out).

Jubilee was seventeen when her Mother was found dead. Her body was discovered in a disused warehouse, the details of which were released by the Police. Unbeknownst to her, Katrina had been working for an escort agency. The term wasn't lost on Jubilee, her Mother had been a prostitute sleeping with men for money. Her death was declared unsuspicious by the Police and for a short time, the media had field day reporting about the once up and coming Model who had spiraled into a decline through drugs and prostitution.

It was at the news of her Mother's Death that Jubilee was contacted by her Father. A successful Film Director from California. Jubilee had even unknowingly watched his movies, having no idea the connection she had with him.  He offered to pay for all the funeral arrangements and requested to see Jubilee on the completion of a Paternity test. Jubilee agreed, purely to meet the piece of shit who had never acknowledged her existence. When the test results came back as a positive match, she met her Father for the first time in her life. He offered to take care of her, buy her a place to live, pay for college and give her a life she had never known. He soon discovered, she was nothing like her Mother. Jubilee subsequently refused his offers and told him in no uncertain terms she wanted no part of him in her life.

Although Frankie thought she was crazy, he understood the bitterness she felt towards the man who had abandoned her. Jubilee was no longer a child, she was too old for adoption and quite capable of taking care of herself, but Frankie had been more of a Parent and the closest thing to a relative she'd ever had. Jubilee put her past behind her and officially changed her name to Summers.

As the years passed by, Jubilee heard from her real Father on occasion and her response was always the same. She had little to no contact with him until she received a letter from his Lawyer informing her that her Father had been killed in a car accident and she had been named as his sole beneficiary.

Expected posting frequency: Once a day to a few times a week - time permitting. (I'll never keep anyone in limbo).

What do you as a player want out of the game?: A good plot to sink my teeth in to. I'll welcome any ideas and PM's are always open for chit-chat and discussions :)