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11:19, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Callisto Nines

Name: Callisto Nines, '642 081 999'

Nickname: Nines

Age: 32

Birthplace: Titan

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Physical Description: Callisto is tall, wide-shouldered, and well-muscled – not the kind of body one earns living on a space station, but one that requires a lot of work to keep while there.  The strong build was earned through almost two decades of hard labor in the mineral mines of Titan, and he has the faint scars all across his darker, almost tanned skin to prove it.  Due to his current profession involving a lot of circuitry and soldering, Callisto remains clean shaven, and keeps his hair in the form of tidy dreadlocks, easily pulled back into a ponytail.  His sturdy, angular facial features are certainly not helped by his tendency to scowl much of the time, and that coupled with his size leaves him with a very intimidating appearance.

Living on a space station tends to alternate quickly between too hot and too cold, as such he prefers to wear sleeveless shirts and vests, with cargo pants that don't quite fit loose enough to catch on things in zero-G.  He is augmented, like most people of the age, though not quite as obviously.  A cybernetics technician by trade, his are of a higher quality and harder to spot, unless one knows what they're looking for.  His left eye, augmented, is an artificial gray, unlike his right which is a golden yellow.  His left arm has been augmented as well, replaced from the elbow down.  Coated in synthflesh that matches his skin tone, it passes off well as human save for the seams along the sides and where attachments and ports can be accessed, should the arm need to be opened up.  Lastly, there is a line of sensors and small jacks up the back of his neck to the base of his skull, where the neural network augments are located.  These are typically hidden by his hair.

Distinguishing Features: Aside from the augmented eye and arm, and his distinctive size, Callisto has a very obvious tattoo on his right forearm.  It is that of a thick, black barcode, about an inch thick and six inches long.  There are no number, though Callisto can read it all the same.

Personality Description: Callisto is a survivor, first and foremost.  He looks out for himself above all else, and in all things he does, he makes sure to have an out, a way to protect himself or an escape route should something go wrong.  That's not to say he's cold or harsh however, he is simply a realist.  A wry, often sarcastic realist, but all the same.  That said... he does have a soft spot for the forgotten and the downtrodden - the denizens of society who live off the grid... or, more specifically, who simply aren't important enough for the corporations to take note of.  He offers his services - at a fair price - only to those *not* employed by the corporations.  Those who need his expertise, or those who might use them to be a thorn in the side of the corpos, even if just a little bit.

Most of all though, Callisto doesn't let himself get attached to anyone or any one place.  Every other year, he moves on to a new station or city-ship, lest he build too much of a footprint and draw the attention of the authorities.  Not building any real social connections makes this rather easy.

Characters History: Callisto 642-081-999 was born on Titan, in one of the countless mining colonies dotting the surface of the moon.  Like every child born on the moon, he was named for a celestial object and assigned an identification number rather than a family, and never knew his parents.  He was raised among others born the same year, and taught basic skills and language as soon as he was physically able.  Life for a young boy on Titan was both simple and hard, days filled with schooling and rigorous physical training, with nights spent sneaking through the tunnels and vents, exercising what little freedom he had.  Up until his 13th birthday, he spent his free time hacking security cameras, learning to override systems in order to create small hideaways for himself and his crew.  They never lasted more than a few days, but each time and each security update was another opportunity to learn.

At 13, all children were sent to the mines to begin the real work.  Callisto - known as 'Nines' by most thanks to his ID number - was no exception to this.  For eleven years, Callisto worked in the mines as a 'voluntary indentured worker' thanks to a few legal loopholes in the original claims laid on the moon which allowed the corporations complete control over its operation, and those who lived there.  As it turned out, indentured workers were far cheaper and more easily replaced than machinery... and so, he and millions of others worked.  When machinery broke down, Callisto fixed it.  When it broke again... he built something that worked from what remained.  And he worked.

According to the contract he was all but forced to sign on his 13th birthday - the day he received the tattoo on his arm with his ID number - he would work for the company for 20 years, then would be let free with an account full of his pay and a single outbound shuttle ticket.  The truth was, most people never made it to 20 years, dying either due to the buildup of harmful toxins in the body, or one of the many other ways to die in the mines, such as cave-ins or life support failures.  Those that do reach 20 years learn that each and every infraction accrued throughout their service has added years to their term... and so, any that have been given the billet of freedom have effectively faded into legend.

The real way people get off Titan is by escaping.  Callisto knew it was time when the last member of his crew, the friends and miscreants he had hung with since he was a child, died in a cave-in.  It was in that same incident that Callisto lost his arm, and thanks to that, he was given an opportunity to escape.  Once the stub of his arm was patched up, Callisto used his hacking skills to break out of the hospital and stow away on the next shuttle that left the moon - not one of the Metal haulers, but a VIP shuttle.  The haulers were searched often for that exact reason, but the shuttles... the only security there was for the hangar, the systems for which bore a similar framework to everything else Callisto had worked on.  He broke into the shuttle, made himself a little sensor black hole in one of the pressurized baggage compartments, and rode the shuttle away from Titan.

Callisto spent the next several years jumping from ship to ship, eventually winding up on one of the massive City-ships that traveled back and forth between the outer planets - ships that housed hundreds of thousands, and functioned more like mobile, self-sufficient stations than true ships.  Though the barcode on his wrist would identify him as being from Titan, it wasn't enough to actually identify him as an illegal runaway, a rogue.  With the skills built over the years, Callisto was able to fabricate himself an identity - Callisto Nines - and began a new life as a hacker for hire first... and, eventually, a cybernetic specialist.  The latter proved to be a rather lucrative profession, for anyone who wished to remain off the grid would have to do software and hardware upgrades themselves, lest they wanted corporate spyware and tracking installed on their drives.

Nines provided the service because he was good at it, and because these people were like him... fighting to survive, despite being forgotten by the juggernaut of societal progression.  He took care of himself first, of course, but where possible... his skills were put to work assisting those who lived and worked outside of the system.  Eventually, he made the jump to Europa Station, leaving the traveling ship for the more permanent installation among Jupiter's thriving orbital community of stations.  It was simply the next in a line of ships and stations, for when you were a rogue, a rounding error in the system, it was best not to stick around in one community for too long!