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23:33, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Conductor

"We take a walk, the sun is shining down,
Burns my feet as they touch the ground."

~The Beatles

Theme Song:
Standing in the Sun


Dramatis Persona: The Wheel
Other Names: The Conductor, The Sun King, Mr. Brightside


Everyday Name: Good question.  Everyone just calls him The Conductor (or if they want to be different, The Sun King or Mr. Brightside).

Who are you in your everyday life? The Conductor is the conductor.  The Conductor may or may not be homeless, at the very least, no one knows where his home is.  He can be found every dawn and dusk on the end of The Pier making the sun and the moon rise.  If you catch him at the right time and he's in a good mood, he'll answer your questions and most of the time he's right.

What are some of your flaws and foibles?  The Conductor is probably insane.  At the very least he's not very coherent.  He's constantly conducting, sometimes with a stick, sometimes a straw, sometimes a corn dog, sometimes a corn dog on a stick.  He's not the best at listening to people, or more accurately, acknowledging people.  He's not really a people person, you could say.
What's your deepest fear and/or pain?  His greatest fear is that he might miss a sunrise or a sunset.  He doesn't know what would happen if he did.

If someone saw you from across the room, how would they describe you?  The Conductor looks homeless.  He doesn't exactly smell homeless though, he smells more like metal, tinfoil maybe, leading to the suspicion that he wears a tinfoil hat under his heavy parka (which he wears whether it's hot or cold or in between).  He doesn't wear a tinfoil hat though, at least, anyone who has seen him with his hood off would know that.

Those touched enough to have their own burgeoning Mystery will note that there's a glow around him, like he's standing in front of the sun, then again, if you see him, he probably is.


Forward Ever Forward

Type: Adaptation
Description:  He would argue that no one controls time (actually, he'd argue no one puts baby in the corner, with baby in this instance being time).  He certainly doesn't control time (he'd never claim such) though he can speed it up.  Sort of.  Kind of.  He can speed 'things' up.  What sort of things?  Things that take time.  Have a broken bone?  Not anymore you don't.  Waiting for that package to show up on your doorstep?  What do you know, it's one day early.  Basically, he can skip the boring stuff, right to the important stuff, like the rising and setting of the sun.
Mystery: "Is anything behind you if you don't look?"
Weakness: He can only speed things up and can't slow things down and he has zero (count 'em, zero) control over what happens in between.

Mad Wisdom

Type: Divination
Description:  It's not that he can see the future, or the past for that matter.  He does however have the uncanny ability to know just what someone needs (or more likely will need) to hear.  Of course, it's often gibberish or nonsensical, at least until the point where it makes sense, but then again, that's why it's called Mad Wisdom and not just Plain Wisdom.  Ask him a question, you'll get an answer and that answer will almost certainly be useful and/or right.
Mystery: Would it still have happened the way it happened if I hadn't said anything?
Weakness:  He doesn't see the future or divine the past.  He isn't a seer, so questions about 'what happened' or 'what will happen' aren't in his wheelhouse but that doesn't mean he won't answer anyway.  He doesn't always know what he means when he says it, so don't bother asking for clarification.  His 'wisdom' only applies to others, he's unable to help himself.


Bippity Boppity Boo

Type:  Defining Relationship
Description:  The Conductor is a magician.  Is that somehow different from having powers?  Kinda sorta.  He could go into a lengthy (i.e. the length of a sunset or sunrise) explanation as to what magic is verses what the expression of the cosmic mystery that is casting it's light on the world is.  They are, he would insist, different things.  He would argue that magic is a defining element of his being rather than a power granted to him by his cosmic overlords (though his cosmic overlords might argue his magic is granted to him by them the same way the grant him the delusion that his magic is his).  Point being, he's a magician in every sense and he's been heard to say, "Merlin ain't got nothing on me."  His first taste of magic was a defining event, his connection to it is a defining relationship, it's continued existence his defining mission in life.  He'd give up everything and anything (just about) before giving up his connection to magic and he did exactly that.
Identity:  Without belief in magic I would cease to be.
Weakness: He's down to one trick.  He can only do that one thing (it's a secret).  Beyond that he can only help others learn how to do things for themselves.

I Had a Life Once

Type:  Defining Event
Description:  He had a life once.  It led to a single moment.  That single moment changed him forever.  He had a life once but now he doesn't, at least not in the traditional sense.  He has a single, defining event that has led to a singular mission.
Identity:  Never look back.
Weakness:  He had a life once.  He doesn't have a life now.  He cannot (will not) form attachments to anyone or anything and treats every experience like a new one (meaning he doesn't remember much, so don't expect him to remember you if you ever meet him a second time).


N/A (he's an NPC)


Me and My Shadow:
  He and his Shadow are pretty good friends.  His Shadow is a zen master.  It's born every morning and dies every night.  It is intently at peace with the cycle of birth, death, rebirth and redeath.  He (his self) on the other hand is manic, existing with any semblance of sanity only in those brief moments before and after dusk and dawn (you can see him there, behind blue eyes for just a moment then).  He and his Shadow speak frequently, nearly constantly, unless someone else speaks to him, then he (his self) speaks for the both of them (both give good advice).

Me and The City:
  The Conductor has been in The City for as long as anyone can remember (though to be fair, most people can't remember that far back).  He's never really wondered what or where The City is, he's one of those that just accepts it.  "It doesn't matter, it could be anywhere, I could be anywhere," he would probably say, if asked about it.  A fixture on The Pier (or occasionally under it), no one actually knows where he lives (perhaps under it) and he can only be found in the moments before, after and during dusk and dawn.

Me and The Mist:  The Conductor would argue he performs two shows a day, every day.  He's well aware of The Mists since it often rises up off the water and climbs up over The Pier.  Someone once asked if he was the cause of The Mist but he forgot what he answered, then again, he forgets most things, with or without the help of The Mist.