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12:35, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Skin: The Infernal

Theme Song:

Name: Dante "D" Ross

Look: Spoiled

He didn't look like a demon, maybe more like an imp, especially when he smiled.  Dante (or 'D' as he preferred) was a solid six foot and a lean 170.  He hadn't always looked that way, in fact he'd been something of a gangling waif until he final grew into himself in his last year of high school.  It was a shocking transformation, to say the least, skin clearing up, muscles filling out, hair sweeping back.  He'd enjoyed his last few months of high school, it had practically been a dream come true, or maybe the start of a nightmare.

He likes his body now, maybe a little too much for his own good sometimes but it's good to him in return.  Reciprocity, it's a word he'd tattoo over his heart if he didn't mind marring his skin.

He likes clothes too and is completely irresponsible regarding them, rarely wearing something more than once (and if he does it's because he was wearing it the night before) though he's not a slave to fashion, content with thrift store finds as much as designer brands.  All that matters is that it feels nice on and makes him look good.

He has a frequent smile, though it often seems anticipatory, like he's imagining something pleasurable or amusing, that or he just sees something he likes since he's not afraid to stare; at someone or into the abyss.

Eyes: Flickering

His eyes are hazel and generally bright, like they're catching the lights, even when there aren't lights on.

Origin:  Emissary

The letter hadn't been his first encounter with the Eldritch but it was his first sense of how much of a world there actually was.

He'd found his way into it the way a lot of people did, roleplaying games, music and fantasy/horror fiction stirred in the cauldron of teenage angst.  He hadn't been a popular kid growing up though it hadn't been the most tragic of youths.  If anything, he'd mostly been overlooked, blended into the scenery, disappeared.  It can't be said he ever did much to combat that, he let himself slip into the shadows, which was maybe why he was so easy to be found by the things that lived in the abyss.

He wasn't entirely sure when it grabbed hold but he could remember when he first felt its touch.  He'd been playing with all the things you weren't supposed to play with, Ouija boards and Tarot cards, Flamin' Hot Cheetos and Mountain Dew.  He remembered when the board started to talk back and the cards started to move.  Granted, he'd been high at the time.  He'd stolen a baggie of pot from his mom's then boyfriend Harv.  What a stupid name.  Hard Harvey, such a douchebag.  Harvey was his first wish that came true.  He probably should have felt more guilt about it.  Maybe if he'd felt guilty he wouldn't be in the position he was now; then again, he liked the position he was in now, what was so wrong with it?  Evil was just a construct, a concept after all.  What people considered evil or wrong changed, what was acceptable once upon a time is taboo now, what was unthinkable then is commonplace now.  People were hypocrites thinking in absolutes.

Besides, it wasn't like he'd lost all self-control once he started to realize the world could be a lot more like he wanted it to be.  It's not like he ever made someone do something they didn't want or punished someone just because they didn't do what he wanted; at least not just because.

And so, the letter wasn't his first encounter with the Eldritch but it was his first with anything remotely like a school or a teacher or for that matter, anyone else.  He wasn't sure if he liked the idea of sharing that world with anyone else, he'd liked it being all his, his own little secret world.  Still, he was smart enough to know he still knew so very little.  He was also smart enough to know that one day his debt was going to come due and he figured it couldn't hurt to look for a loophole or two.

Stats:  Hot 1, Cold -1, Volatile -1, Dark 2

D was not afraid to look into the dark and more keen to work in the shadows than lash out in the light, more keen to draw someone in with him than drag them kicking and screaming.


Soul Debt (required) - D doesn't know 'who' he made a deal with but it is likely Calcabrina, the Grace Stomper and Unweaver, one of the Malebranche who punishes the corrupt.  In particular, Calcabrina likes to see those in power fall.  This includes those who hold themselves above others or think themselves superior  It could be said that she is a demon of Pride.

Dark Recruiter - Calcabrina likes to see people fall from their high horse.  Whenever D embarasses someone or gets them to do something 'out of character', he marks experience.


Uncanny Voice - How do you get someone to act out of character?  First, you need to understand their character.  D can give Calcabrina a string to realize a secret about someone, a fear, desire or strength (they choose which).

Elsewise Power - Poetic justice.  It was a theme throughout Dante's Inferno and most concepts of hell, that the punishment fit the crime.  What better justice than using someone else's power, some elsewise power, against a person?  D can give Calcabrina a string in order to use a move from any skin (just once).




  1. Bloody fingers from unrestrained ambition (and a failed spell).