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Welcome to Sanctuary Cove:An Adult Furry Game

09:09, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)




Character Sheet

Name: Tobu

Race: Splice

Splice type: Bunny

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality (if a virgin, put Unknown):

Homoflexible? (Tobu is naturally gay, though because of his training, he is versed in and doesn't mind pleasuring the female form as well)

Eye color: Emerald

Hair Color (if applicable): Tangerine

Physical Description: Tobu is lean, toned, and in most senses of the word...cute. His emerald eyes hold a glint of innocence and a bliss for life, but when gazing long enough one can see the pains of a checkered past hidden into his Emerald orbs.

His body is fairly thin and has a nice tone to it. His legs are slightly more curvy and muscular than his upper half, a trait one might credit to the lapin geneology. His bottom is cute and round, and accented beautifully by his little puff of a tail.

Tobu often wears glasses, a special pair designed some time ago specifically for his unique physical characteristics. He is near sighted, though not terribly. It helps him read print in the distance as well as distinguish certain characteristics of distant objects. Tobu has above average close-up vision, though only moderately so (he isn't a living microscope or anything like that)

His has silky soft golden fur that covers him from head to toe. His muzzle is a creamy color, this lighter fur all along his neck, chest, belly, and below, the stripe making its way under him. It continues along the curve of his bottom, and ends with a little stripe on the underside of his tail.

Personality: Tobu is gentile, sweet, and submissive. Whether it is in his genetics, or simply learned, Tobu has a yearning to please others and will often go to great lengths to avoid hurting feelings and make others feel good.

Fairly intellectual, Tobu can actually be somewhat geeky when left to his own accords, and often enjoys reading, video games, and science fantasy media that allow his vivid imagination to run wild.


History: Tobu's earliest years and origin are a mystery to him. Of course, as a splice, he is well aware that he was created in a lab somewhere. But where?

Tobu's earliest memories start within the situation he lived for most of his years, simply referred to as "The Circuit". With natural human depravity, it wouldn't have taken long for splices who fell into the wrong hands to end up being used in illegal underground activities - a brutal combat ring one of these activities that Tobu was all too familiar with.

Tobu wasn't a combatant in any way - he would never see the inside of the arena as a fighter. Instead, harnessing his more natural talents, Tobu was used as a "comfort boy".

Wealthy elites would bet massive sums on fights, and with such a flow of money certain amenities were to be expected. Ultimately Tobu was one of those luxuries... To serve the rich who would frequent such a combat circuit. Tobu would also be sent to the quarters of combatants, after championship wins, to offer comfort as well as greater pleasures when desired.

Tobu was always quite agreeable, and well disciplined, even to his criminal captures who had acquired him some time ago. When not doing his tasks, or comforting a guest (human or splice), Tobu was allowed to read - something he gained great passion for. His reading selection was scattered and varied, giving him a taste for a wide variety of subjects

With the nature of such underground activities, it wouldn't take long before the fighting circuit was uncovered by authorities, and all splices taken into custody. Being that he was one of the few splices deemed non-violent, Tobu was selected to be released to the Sanctuary.

If a Splice, how does this character react to other Splices?

Tobu was primarily designed to please other splices, so he has a natural affinity to them. He is submissive and gentle-natured, which actually allows for easier flowing relationships with other splices, being that he tends to obey and please them naturally.

If a Splice, how does this character react to humans?

Tobu was taught from a very early age that humans are to be bowed to, and obeyed. Tobu has always been a kind boy, perceptive, and obedient, so harsh discipline was almost never needed in his upbringing.

Anything else we should know about your character?

Any other little secrets and quirks shall be revealed through RP ;)