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18:23, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


So I had this guy I've been playing for a long time... I keep moving him because games shut down so he's kinda survived the death of civilizations/worlds (snirks) more than just in his backstory.... he's an eons old litch that made himself so to keep his Clan 'alive' and rebuild it, over and over again. His goal is always to gain enough power to bring his brethren back into ... well what ever world he may find himself. Drawing there souls across time and space to inhabit new forms.

He was one of the imortal human accestral true magi I talk about from that world and was one of the first people to become a dragon in that world forming one of the first four dragon clans... they where red, white, green, and black.... he lead the Black dragon clan. They where mercenary clans... the red liked to fight and fought on what ever sides most evened out the fighting, green fought to protect natural sights and often acted more like bandet/raiders attacking people hurting nature, white joined deffending sides mostly and just sought to protect people, while his clan just tended to join who ever paid the most not caring for anything. Those that became dragons where mostly black and shadow dragons and the clan would mostly fall into the evil alinment.

As the clans turned to whipe out the black he turned the red and green on eachother while the white tried to midiate them in an attempt to stop them from devistating the black. In the end the red and green wiped each other out but the white survived and continued it's assult on his people..... in the end when he knew they would lose he devastated much of the continent wiping all out after insuring he would live again.

After eons he awoke in a new world (and a new game) where he arose to a figure of power and created a new Black Dragon Clan that became quite a force of political power until a survent of a god took a disliking of him and sought him out. (unfair ooc stuff basicaly... one of the owners of the game took a disliking to me so they sent some one really powerful to kill me for no IC reason just to keep everyone in charge happy) in his dying throuls though he used the last of his power to re-awaken the doormat volcano his layer was in killing everyone and devastating the countryside.

He was revived by a different god though to fight in his areana though, and humbly he put his skills to sportsmanship using his powers and his form for flare to win the crowd. Soon he became wealthy and well known, became an adventurer and learned of many things of this new world. Explored, found ancient artifacts including one of terrible vissage he was hired to retrieve, but that transformed into something dark and twisted in his touch. A crystal rose with flame burning inside its glassy frame, that filled with darkness and burned brighter in his hands, the crystals turning black and shining with a frighting flame. Instead of returning it he keep it for himself.... and some how charmed the would be owner into still being his friend. What a ladies man! (for a several thousand year old corpse)

He found a mountain home to call his own guarded by a demon, who he talked to.... it was simply there looking for a fair fight, he wanted to die in battle... he was far to weak as of yet to provide one but asked if he could stay in the mountain till he was, the demon agreed that was fine. He had found a fine home with a powerful demon 'guard' at the door.... how nice.  (and more than one fool did come looking for him only to fight the demon with out talking to it and die horribly... he was quite the friendly demon.)  There was even a village at the base of them mountain and a shack half way up where it turns out a man nearly as old as him lived.... he had made most of the artifacts of that world and sought this mountain to retire.

He took rule over the village and made friends with the old man evechaly... even learned the basics of creating and caring for artifacts... though it was not easy to get that from the old man.... not easy at all!!!!   But then the world ended.

But much of the worlds where save some how.... the behings between worlds... things make out of nothingness had ravaged the univurse and tried to devour it as they had others.... but one god managed to save much of it bubbling it up (the same that revived him) and used his arena as a nexus to conect them all.

He also won that year's arena gaining the ultimant prize... an artifact.. of sorts... it was a dead artifact, a sword made from the heart of a dead star.... fitting? The blade looked like the night sky till he touched it, then it looked as it no light could escaped it while he held it.

He evnchaly defeated that worlds chosen warrior for light in a battle, though healing her afterwards and becoming uneasy allies with her. This made him the chosen of darkness as the last chosen had died and the mantel had not passed on.

The god had also saved his mountain.... though just the mountain was all that was saved of that world...a bit of a shock to the people of the village being that they where all of there world that survived.

Things continued on as he grew in power and established a new clan once more, found a way to move the island his mountain had became between realities and make it fly, though he keep it where it was... in it's own pocket reality shielded away from the encroaching destruction of realities.

He gains allies and followers as time passes though he starts picking up enemies that a jelious of his position as chosen of darkness wishing to find a way to force fate to chose them instead. When a sun-beings daughter is born into the world and is set to ascend the throne in merrage Salphon saw an opportunity to wake the blade he held as a full fledged artifact. By guiding her and corrupting her into being a dark-star when she ascends the throne she could imbune his sword with her power..... or worse come to worse.... killing her with the blade might do the trick after all extinguishing the light of a star with it could be just what it needed to wake up. He had feed it so much trying to make it an artifact... maybe feeding it the heart of another star would do it.

In the end to many had come agents him and he retreated to his home, but even the barriers he had set around the portal where to much... and he was forced to destroy the portals... and think of what to do.... the lack of portal would not save him for long, they could find people to create new ones into his realm.

(IRL the player payed 400$ that we know of for gear from the GM.... and was paying more.... they just keep shelling out IRL money for stuff.... and a lot of people quit because they wheren't happy he turned it into a PTW game out of no where.... he was basicaly just hard up for cash and though why not one day and it ruined the game.... after that everything favored that player they go all the fights/exp/gold and other people got ingored too... it wasn't just the gear... he RPed there things and fowared there stories but not other peoples..... it just was reiduclous.... putting all the people that had RPed for years aside for the person that payed money... was sad... but yah put years into the char so would like to keep playing him))

Artifacts kinda worked like the mystic weapons in shield warrior (it predated shield warrior if you wonder =p) except they only absorb similar themed items. This made say the weapon that linked with anything metalic/technological one of the more powerful ones because it gained sooooo many abilities. (guess who got that) But they grew in power as you did (had there own exp in other words and leveled up too) unlike shield warrior could actualy produice items from them. They also gained intelligence sometimes as they grew in power, starting out like a VI or AI that eventually became a sentience.

The rose accepts crystals and plants (and to a less extent metals because they are crystals but only metals in there crystallized form not there possessed form... and it would most likely AGRESIVELY reject baylor considering what it is) It use to only be fire, but when he picked it up it gained darkness, then it absorbed a powerfull magical saphire that created endless supplies of water for those that needed it, and it gained water abilities... he was trying to get it a magical emerald to incress it's fire power but someone (guess who) got it first and wouldn't sell it, and inquiries into other crystals hadn't turned up anything yet. It was also full on sentient with him.

The roses items where:
A crown
Royal regalia (clothing) that shifted into armor in combat
A sword / staff (ether as needed)
a guardian beast (just a big plant monster)

and it could form structures grown from it up to a set size that grew with level and power..... at the end of the game he had an massive castle and much of the town formed from the rose, every portal sealed (SG1 iris style) with the rose, and used them as communication devices with those he knew, and grew them all over the places as spying devices.

Of corse now the castle would collapse under it's own weight as the crystals started to decay. O.O

The black star blade isn't really awakened but would asumme it accepts metals, and darkness/void/space themed things or could possably exept ANYTHING considering it could just be a black-hole blade o.o  no one ever figured out it's secrete .... but it was ether something big that took a lot to unlock (like the sun-girl) or just nothing and he was being a dick teasing me about it.... lol


As for after that figure he could have used the engine he had that let his island move and pored all his power and it's power into the god-shield around the island and used it like a warp drive.....    twisted it's shape and moved it through the inter-denominational void like a warp-bubble until it collided with a dimensional membrane....  Thus his Island just CRASHING into an oner some where..... hopefully some where with an atmosphere for the people living on it!   I mean.... he don't need air.... but they do!

As far as Clichés: