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22:25, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Ancient Wounds Narrator

Party is Level 5 and the current experience is 12,360/14,000xp towards Lvl 6. (1,640 more XP is needed to reach level 6)
Current Quest(s):
Discover and stop the mastermind behind the thieves using Chaositech to attack convoys north of Ptolus: The party has managed to discover and clear out the hideout the thieves are using has an entrance to the sewers in the cliff along the Oldtown section of Ptolus with the aid of a Rat Hunter team. They have learned that the thieves were funded by the Killraven Crime League and worked with both an Albino Ratman that was captured and the criminal Shilukar who may have been the leader of this group of thieves. They have learned that more Chaositech and other unusual items are located at the Temple of the Rat God and a Ratfolk den, and after clearing the den realized the Chaositech cache was infact a cache of Numenera. (Completed)
Retrieve the presumed Chaositech from the Temple of the Rat God and learn where Ratfolk den that has the rest is located: The group has searched the Temple of the Rat God and discovered its true natures as the lair of a Chaos Cult of Abhoth. The group has also cleared out the attached Ratfolk Warren and have cleared out the associated Ratfolk Nest. (Completed)
Stop Shilukar's criminal activities: However the group has no leads on where Shilukar is. The group is aware that Shilukar is afraid of the Surgeon of the Shadows and has failed to appease the surgeon and is also fearful of a mage known as Umeli of the Nine Hands who has discovered something in the Crooked Hills to the southeast of Ptolus. The group has also learned that Shilukar is afraid of the Surgeon in the Shadows who is rumored to excel at installing Chaositech items into willing and unwilling people.
Investigate the Crooked Hills: It has been learned that the cache of Numenera found in the Ratfolk's Nest came from the Crooked Hills, which is also the last known location for Umeli of the Nine Hands. Matthew wants the group to investigate to learn what is going on in the Crooked Hills since there are no current leads on Shilukar as he's gone in hiding after the recent events. Umeli's plans to use the Singing Monolith to cause a cataclysm have been thwarted, but the monolith has still risen into the sky. (Completed)
Clear the Temple of the Ebon Hand: It has been discovered that the Templed of the Ebon is a chaos cult and Carrina Juten has invested the group with the power and responsibilities of Imperial Investigators to clear out the temple while other teams make sure fleeing cultists are captured since they couldn't bypass the barrier surrounding the underground entrance. (Completed - Recruited Percival an unmutated cleric)
Explore the Grave of the Machines: An underground lost city has been discovered, it needs to be explored and previous adventuring groups rescued if possible. Also there is said to be a very destructive weapon in the lost city. It cannot be allowed to fall into the wrong hands or misused on the surface. (In progress)

Party Hitpoints, Hit Die, and Conditions
Note: 1/2 Level rounded down, min 1 Hit Dice are recovered each Long Rest. PCs regain 2 Hit Dice each Long Rest
Party Members
Fidgetron Circuitflow 44/44HP, 5/5 (d10+2) Hit Die
Mix (Eden Schylar)    28/28HP, 5/5 (d8) Hit Die
Michael Schylar       38/38HP, 5/5 (d8+2) Hit Die
Elric Custos          43/43HP, 5/5 (d8+3) Hit Die
Mittens               38/38HP, 5/5 (d8+2) Hit Die
Ben                   43/43HP, 5/5 (d8+3) Hit Die
Companions, Familiars, etc...
Abe (Michael's)        7/7HP, 2/2 (d6) Hit Die (Library Automaton)
Bubo (Elric's)         1/1HP, 1/1 (d4-1) Hit Die ('Clockwork owl')
Preston (Ben's)        5/5HP, 2/2 (d4) Hit Die (Flying snake)
Wicked Skull (Mix's)   7/7HP, 2/2 (d4+1) Hit Die
Opa Opa (Mitten's)     1/1HP, 1/1 (d4-1) Hit Die ('Clockwork owl' like Bubo)
Rush                  36/36HP, 5/5 (d8+2) Hit Die (Elric's Steel Defender)
Don(atello)           31/31HP, 5/5 (d8+2) Hit Die (Michael's Constructed Companion)
Giru                  10/10HP, 4/4 (d4) Hit Die (Mitten's Retainer/Minion 1 - Basic Automaton Type 1, a tiny robot from AotA that speaks Common and Machine Speech)
Trashcan               2/2HP,  1/1 (d4) Hit Die (Mitten's Retainer/Minion 2  - tiny robot construct version of Understands Common and Machine Speech)
Robot                 35/35HP, 8/8 (d6) Hit Die (Mitten's Retainer/Minion 3  - Basic Automaton Type 2, a small robot from AotA that speaks Common and Machine Speech)

Everyone but Ben and Fidgetron has used the Archway of Knowledge to learn Ancient Common. Fidgetron already knew the language so she was unaffected, and Ben already can understand and use the language due to the Runekeeper invocation.

List of Relics, Iron Flesh, andCyphers party currently has can be seen in the AW Relic and Cypher description [That description also includes the interaction with the Power Device Mutation that Fidgetron has.]
Carried Relics, Iron Flesh, & Cyphers (Cypher limit is 3 unless modified by some means)
Fidgetron Circuitflow (3) Diagnostic Graft (used/doesn't count) Time Dilator of Offense, Infiltrator, Visual Displacement Device, (Personal Environment Field is either used or depleted)
Mix (Eden Schylar) (2) Oorgolian Slug Thrower (Relic), Puppeterring Sleeves, Astute Weapon Nodue
Michael Schylar (1) Cypher Bag (Relic), Launcher (Relic), Scavenger Spine (Iron Flesh), Oorgolian Slug Thrower (Relic), Instant Wall
Elric Custos (1) Travel Bubble
Mittens (1) Retaliation Implant (Relic), Frost Glove (Relic), Electro-Pulse
Ben (0)
Ones assigned to various companions/pets/minions.
Currently None.
Unassigned Cyphers
Both the Shocker and Plasma Detonation are kept on display at the Schylar Estate as 'trophies'.
The Stealth Coating is kept in the party's Battle Cart to use on the Battle Cart when needed.

  Expendable Abilities & Rechargable Items: (Also keeping track of Lucky uses.) Unless otherwise noted abilities are recovered on Long rests.
Figetron Circuitflow 3/3 Lucky, 1/1 Second Wind (Short or long recharge to recover 1d10+4hp), 1/1 Action Surge (Short or on recharge), 4/4 (d8 Superiority die, recovered on Short or Long Rest), 20/20 Mithril Officer's Blade Charges Regains 2d8+4 charges at dawn.
Mix (Eden Schylar) 3/3 Lucky, 3/3 Bardic Inspiration (d6), 4/4 1st, 2/3 2nd, and 2/2 3rd Level Spell slots, 5/5 Shock Blade Charges, Wand of Web 7/7 Charges (regain 1d6+1 each dawn), Healerbee 8/8 charges (regain 1d6+2 each dawn)
Michael Schylar 3/3 Lucky, 5/5 Shock Dagger, 4/4 1st Level, 2/3 2nd Level, & 2/2 3rd Level Mixture Slots
Elric Custos 3/3 Lucky, 4/4 1st Level Spell Slots, 2/2 2nd Level Spell Slots, 1/1 Enchantment Breaker 'Shatter'
Mittens 3/3 Lucky, 5/5 Ki Points (Short or long rest recharge, meditating for 30 minutes), Rocket Boots Flight/Swimming 240/240 Charges (recovers 10 charges per hour it isn't used, Current charge duration remaining 10 more rounds), Contingency Band (3 Potions of Healing)
Rush 3/3 Repair (Long rest recharge)
Ben 3/3 Lucky, 5/5 Shock Dagger, 1/2 3rd Level Pact Slot (Short rest recharge), 3/3 Dormant Inferno Gloves (Burning Hands)

  Ammunition and consumable items
  Figetron Circuitflow Short Scattergun with Arcane Accelerator 28/30 charges, 3 of 5 in the magazine (slugs) with 25 caseless slugs and 25 caseless shotshells in ammunition bandoleer, 40 arrows for short bow.
  Mix (Eden Schylar) Enchanted Oorgolian Slug Thrower (Depletes on 1 in d20, if depleted, damage drops to 1d10 from 2d10 until next short or long rest.)
20 Light Crossbow Bolts,
Repeater with Arcane Accelerator 30/30 charges & 7 of 7 in Magazine, 50 Caseless Rifle Bullets in Ammo Bandoleer 1
Triple Barrel Manticore Gun with Arcane Accelerator 30/30 charges & 0/3 in Magazine, Ammo Bandoleer 2 containing 15 Darts in Poison Reservoir clips (Giant Centipede Poison) plus 15 unpoisoned darts
HellsBreath Rifle (30/30 Arcane Accelerator charges) 1 of 1 in the magazine, 5/5 Fire Rifle Cartridges in ammo bandoleer 2 plus 20 additional), 5 Frost Rifle Cartridges in ammo bandoleer 2 plus 20 additional)
Michael Schylar Enchanted Oorgolian Slug Thrower (Depletes on 1 in d20, if depleted, damage drops to 1d10 from 2d10 until next short or long rest.) Short Repeater with Arcane Accelerator (30/30 charges) with 7 of 7 in the magazine plus 50 caseless carbine bullets in ammo belt. - Left at Schylar Estate
  Elric Custos Chimera Pistol with Arcane Accelerator (30/30 charges, enchanted with Repeating Shot) Short Scattershot Barrel (Slug or Shotshell), Short Repeater Barrel (Carbine bullet), Hellsbreath Pistol Barrel (Fire or Frost), Manticore Gun Barrel (Unpoisoned Dart or load in poisoned dart), 6 Darts in Poisoned Reservoir Clips on Ammo Bandoleer (Giant Centipede Poison), 4 Unpoisoned Darts on Ammo Bandoleer - All left at Schylar Estate
  Mittens Pistol with 6 of 6 in the magazine and 50 Pistol Cartridges in ammo bandoleer
Unassigned: 20 Bombs, 15 Sticks of Dynamite, 4 Petard Bombs.

Giant Centipede Poison: DC 11, target takes 3d6 poison damage taking half damage on a successful save. If the poison damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, the target is stable but poisoned for 1 hour, even after regaining hit points, and is paralyzed while poisoned in this way.

  Party Wealth
Figetron Circuitflow 735pp,  0ep,  24gp,  15sp,  15cp,
Mix (Eden Schylar)   730pp,  0ep,  19gp,  15sp,  15cp,
Michael Schylar      743pp,  0ep,  23gp,   9sp,  15cp, 50gp Diamond
Elric Custos         787pp,  0ep,  22gp,  11sp,  15cp,
Mittens              735pp,  0ep,  34gp,  13sp,  15cp,
Ben                  785pp,  0ep,  19gp,  15sp,  15cp,
Shared:               80pp,  0ep, 134gp, 192sp, 254cp,

  Training (Training to learn a language or tool proficiency is 10 workweeks modified by the character's intelligence modifier.)

  Claimed Party Items Anything not claimed/carried by a party member is stored at the 'party's quarters' within the Schylar family estate.

Elric and Michael have each purchased a pair of Giant Centipedes that have been trained to Behave (so they will be docile and not attack people unless attacked), Yield (so their venom can be easily extracted for making poison), and Fetch (So they can retrieve items for someone) These giant centipedes are worth 20gp due to their training (10gp for untrained ones) and are kept near the alchemical workshop in the Schylar estate and cared for by staff working there. They are almost treated like dogs and assistants as they can be helpful. With them around, the cost to create a vial of Giant Centipede poison drops down to 25gp (market price is still 145gp, but with the venom freely provided that drops the creation cost down quite a bit from the normal 72.5gp as most of that cost is the venom from the Giant Centipedes) As Giant Centipedes only have an intelligence of 1 they can not receive further training without forgetting a current task.

  Scrolls acquired by the group: (Up to 10 are stored in the Sturdy Scroll Case, the rest are in Abe's 'personal library'.)
 Cantrips: Booming Blade, Green-flame Blade, Toll the Dead, Sacred Flame,
 1st level: Detect Good and Evil, Grease, Entangle
 2nd Level: Detect Thoughts, Heat Metal

  Unclaimed: (Unless otherwise noted these items are stored at the group's quarters in the Schylar family estate.) 3 Stunner Bolas, 5 Shock Blades, 3 Heavy Shock Swords, 2 multiflasks, 6 Sinda Berry Flasks (advantage on saves to resist poison or disease for 24 hours), 1 Alertness Draught, one pressurized launcher (unclaimed), two spellbooks, and ‘caseless ammunition’ for the various firearms with arcane accelerators, 10 Shock Daggers, Stasis Pod (that previously contained Fidgetron, along with a relic that will teach someone to read and write Common, as long as they know a single existing language, over the course of 5 minutes.) A Poison Reservoir Rapier that is empty and a Poison Reservoir Rapier (with Giant Spider Venom [DC 11, 2d8 poison dmg save for half, paralytic) & 2 vials of Giant Spider Venom,
2 Purifying Potions, 1 Potion of Swimming, and  7 Potions of Healing
Basilisk Dagger (+1 Dagger that also inflicts +1d4 poison damage and on a critical hit vs a target of size larger or smaller the target must pass a DC 13 Constitution save or be restrained until the end of your next turn.)
Key to the 'Room of Eight' in the U.t.C.H.
A Sending Stone with the other half of the pair being left in the Schylar Estate.
2 Potions of Vitality
Bounty Turn-ins:

400gp worth of blacksmithing and Tinkering materials

195gp worth of alchemical (55gp worth used to upgrade the Healing Draughts into Potions of Healing and 100gp used to silver the poison reservoir short sword and for Michael to Craft a batch of blade fire (2) and Ghost strike (2) for Mix, 50gp to create 2 more vials of Giant Centipede poison by Elric 210gp used to create 10 Sticks of Dynamite by Michael and 90gp used to create 10 bombs by Michael), herbalist, and poisoner supplies, plus 4 mounds of Fire Essence - Ash (Low Quality)), 2 Pouches of Jesanthum Spores, 3 Bundles of Jesanthum Roots, 6 Pouches of Jesanthume leaves/petals, 6 Jesanthum tubers

Note: Everyone in the party carries Identification (Citizenship) papers and a firearm Permit. The group also has a permit letting them ask for aid from the City Watch to gain entrance into the sewers (So they don't have to risk illegally opening a sewer grate) to hunt down Ratfolk and criminal elements. Also, everyone is currently a Level 2 member in the Delver's Guild. Additionally, everyone has a Fancy writ designating bearer as an official “Knight of the Caracara Fair” and a masterwork dagger with Caracara Fair etched into the blade (Masterwork property gained is deadly, can reroll a damage die result of a 1 once, does not stack with other means to reroll 1s.)

  Figetron Circuitflow Potion of Healing, Mithril Blade of the Ogre Mage (Attuned) [Loaded with:Thunder (Booming Blade), Radiant(Sacred Flame), and Fire (Green-FlameBlade)] Scroll Case containing: Scroll of Toll the Dead [Adds Necrotic damage option to Mithril Blade of Ogre Mage when loaded into Hilt], Rigging Boots, 2 Stunner Bolas, Sinda Berry Flask, +1 Shield
  Mix: Shock Blade, Poison Reservoir Alchemically Silvered Short Sword with Poison Sheath (contains 2/3 doses of Giant Centipede Poison), 2 vials of Bladefire, 2 Vials of Ghoststrike, 5 Poison Dart Clips (loaded with Giant Centipede Poison), 15 darts, 3 unused vials of giant centipede poison, Sinda Berry Flask, Rigging Boots, Repeater with Arcane Accelerator & 50 caseless Carbine cartridges, Triple-Barreled Manticore Gun with Arcane Accelerator and concealed holster & 30 darts, up to 15 of which are in poison reservoir clips, Hellsbreath Rifle (automatically has Arcane accelerator) with 20 Fire Rifle Cartridges and 20 Frost Rifle Cartridges, Potion of Healing, Sturdy Scroll Case (Holding Detect Evil and Good, Entangle, and Grease), Periapt of Eldritch Knowledge (Attuned) (Containing a Heat Metal Scroll.), +1 Rapier, Clockwork Mount, Goves of Healing, Cloak with properties of Manta Ray and mimicloak akla Mimiray Cloak
  Michael: Shock Dagger, Rigging Boots, smoke stick, Potion of Healing, Enchanted Alchemical Supplies (Attuned), Bag of Holding with 50gp worth of gemstone and gold thread embroidery
  Mittens: Integrated (arm) Pressurized Launcher with 200ft of silk rope + grappling hook (Extracting or retracting the launcher is a bonus action. Takes 4 Actions to repressurize the launcher after use, rope with grappling hook can be reeled in as normal), Flingstone Staff, Rigging Boots, (Items that can be thrown with the Flingstone Staff): Flask of Alchemical Fire, A flask of Alchemical Frost, the Vial of Acid, 5 Festering Bombs, Potion of Healing, Goggles of the Night, Contingency Band
  Ben: Shock Dagger, Potion of Healing, Dormant Inferno Gloves (Attuned), Sinda Berry Flask, Rigging Boots, +1 Shield, Cloak with powers of Protection and Manta Ray (Attuned), Goggles of Night
  Elric: Shock Blade, 2 Potions of Healing & 4 Flasks of Oil in Bandoleer, , 2 Poison Reservoir dart clips, 3 Vials of Giant Centipede Poison, Rigging Boots, Enhanced Spring Shock Shield + 1, 'Custom Enchanted Steam Armor' (Integrated), All-Purpose Tools (+1)(Attuned), Stunner Bola, Enchantment Braker

Items stored in the party's Portable Hole: (0/7000lb)
Items stored in Michael's Bag of Holding: (0/500lb)

Notes about items:
 - A 'Healing Draught' is a 'minor' healing potion that is the basis for all other healing potions which restores 1d4+1 hit points.
 - With a 'Purifying Potion' as an action, a creature can pour this potion into a single serving of nonmagical food or drink and render it free of poison or disease.)
 - With a 'Potion of Swimming' as an action, a creature can drink this potion and gain a swimming speed equal to their walking speed for 1 hour. During this time, the creature has advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks they make to swim. Waves flow through this potion even when it is still.

'Shock weapons'
A shock weapon is a blade that is tethered to its sheath with a coated metal wire. This wire does not interfere with the usage of the dagger and the sheath has a small crank on it to recharge the dagger. The Shock weapon can carry 5 charges and when you press a subtle lever in the hilt as a bonus action when you hit with the weapon a charge is expended and the target takes an extra 1d4 lightning damage in addition to the normal damage of the weapon. Using two actions to turn the crank on the sheath will recover 1 charge for the Shock weapon. The weight of the weapon is 1 pound heavier than normal due to the heavier sheath and wiring.
Shock Blade => Shortsword base (1d6 piercing; Finesse, Light, Natatorial 2lb base)
Heavy Shock Sword => Estoc base (1d10 piercing; Breach, heavy, two-handed 3lb base)
Shock Dagger => Punch Dagger base (1d4 piercing; Deadly, Finesse, Light, Natatorial, 1lb base)

Stunner Bola, this Bola is made of metal wire, magnets, and static electricity capacitors. It is worth 40gp and comes with a recharging pouch (worth 10gp) in which the balls at the end (comprised of the magnets and static electricity capacitors) rest while a hand crank can be used to charge the capacitors. While it only takes 2 minutes of cranking to generate a charge in the pouch, the bola has to remain in the pouch for two hours to slowly charge up the capacitors with that charge. A stunner bola will hold a charge until used. Typically, a Stunner Bola is only recharged during a long rest. A stunner bola has the Finesse, special, and thrown (20/60) properties. On a hit, the target takes 1d4+str/dex damage and the target is restrained (escape DC 13). While restrained the target takes (2d6) lightning damage at the start of its turn for up to the next ten turns, and falls prone. If this lightning damage reduces the target to 0 hit points the target falls unconscious but remains stable despite possibly continuing to take 2d6 lightning damage for a few more turns, which won’t affect the unconscious condition or being stable at zero hit points. The target will remain unconscious while at 0 hit points but might twitch due to the lightning ‘current’ and if not released from the bola any further lightning damage from the bola can return the target to 0 hit points again if the target is healed. If woken up after being exposed to the bola for the full ten rounds, the target will be stunned until the bola is removed. An attack with a stunner bola has advantage on the attack roll if the target is wearing metal armor or made of metal. (Not magical, 2lb + 1lb for the pouch, 50gp for stunner bola and pouch)

A Poison Reservoir Short Sword, which can use alchemical oils in addition to poisons in the reservoir (just like how the Poison Reservoir Dagger can.) Worth 38gp, non-magical, 2lb (As an action or bonus action to depress a subtle switch on the handle and flick your wrist to fore the stored liquid out of the reservoir, through the hidden channels, and onto the various points along the blade to apply the contents of the reservoir to the blade but takes an action to load the reservoir ahead of time.)
Claimed by Mix.

A Poison Sheath is designed to fit a specific sword and form an airtight seal so that poisons (or other similar coatings) won't dry out when exposed to air so time spent sheathed does not count against the 10 round duration of those coatings. (10gp, Mix has one for the Poison Reservoir Short Sword.)

Poison dart clips have a weight of .5lb (unloaded as each dart weights an additional 0.1lb so fully loaded weights 0.8lb) and a value of 15gp but is considered a restricted item due to it being linked to poison use. Crafting these requires proficiency with tinkering tools.

Boxes of ammo for Type 3 Firearms with Arcane Accelerators cost 3gp and weigh 3lbs for 50 cartridges and 5.5lbs for 50 shotshell, slugs, or hellfire pistol cartridges. Hellfire rifle cartridges weigh .3lbs each and cost 3gp for 25 of such cartridges. Hellsfire gun/rifle cartridges come in 'fire' and 'frost' versions based on Alchemical Fire and Alchemical Frost.

The Multi-flask is a designed to hold and isolate three flasks worth of liquid. It is made of thin sheet metal divided into three equal glass-coated sections with a twist stopper that locks into one of four positions with a quick and easy twist of the ‘nob’ that is the stopper. Positions 1, 2, & 3 provide access to the three chambers while position four is a closed position. The multi-flask weighs 2 pounds when fully loaded with 3 pints of liquid. Switching the nob between the four positions is a non-action included in the act of drawing and using the multi-flask. Has a market price of 3gp. Can safely store 3 separate magic potions in a single multi-flask.

Sinda Berry Flask Drinking this flask grants advantage of saves to resist being initially poisoned or contracting a disease for 24 hours, it does not help to cure or remove existing poisons or diseases.

Triple Barreled Manticore guns with Arcane Accelerators weigh 5lbs and lose the light property but remain one-handed and have the magazine (3) property.

The Chimera Pistol is a 4-barrel breech-loading pistol with an Arcane Launcher. The four barrels are 1 Short Repeater Barrel (Carbine cartridge 50/150), 1 Short Scattergun barrel (Shot Cartridge – Shotshell or Slug 20/60 -this is the base barrel which is why the weapon is a handgun), 1 Dart launcher (40/120ft range, 1d4 dmg + any poison the dart is laced with), and a Hellsbreath pistol barrel (10ft line, 2d4 fire/cold damage and set on fire/freezing as if by Alchemical Fire/Cold. A DC check of 10+any weapon enchantment bonus to stop the burning/freezing is the same). The Chimera Pistol weighs 7lbs and has the heavy, handgun, and magazine (4) [1 per barrel]

Acquired spellbooks:
Spellbook 1: Detect Chaositech (Ritual), Burning Hands, Disguise Self, Shield, Scentless (TotOM), Chromatic Orb, Identify (Ritual)
Spellbook 2: Identify Device (Ritual, Ptolus), Tashas’ Caustic Brew, Burning Hands, Disguise Self, Shield, Snare, Purify Food and Water (Ritual)
Spellbook 3 (Umeli's): Detect Magic (Ritual), Comprehend Languages (Ritual), Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Shield, Feather Fall, Chromatic Orb, Alarm (Ritual), Misty Step, Suggestion, Kinetic Jaunt (Stixhaven), Vortex Warp (Stixhaven), Protection from Poison, Locate Animals or Plants (Ritual), Locate Object, Rime's Binding Ice (FToD), Counterspell, Fireball, Fly, Dispel Magic, Slow, Gaseous Form, Ashardalon's Stride (FToD), Protection from Energy, Greater Invisibility, Ice Storm, Arcane Eye, Summon Elemental, Stone Shape, Fabricate, Resilient Sphere, Secret Chest, Cone of Cold, Teleportation Circle, Wall of Force, Transmute Rock

Ben is attuned to the Dormant Inferno Gloves and Rod of the Pactkeeper +1.
Fridgeton is attuned to the Mithril Officer's Blade +1, Fidgetron's Cloak of Protection, and the Armored Commando Suit.
Elric is attuned to the All-Purpose Tools (+1), his Armcannon merged with the Alchemical Buster Hand-Cannon (They share the same attunement slot), and his Custom Stabilized Forge-Horn Steam Armor +1.
Michael is attuned to the Dormant Enchanted Alchemical Supplies, Scavenging Spine, and Scholar's Cap +2
Mittens is attuned to the Integrated Rocket Boots, and Retaliation Implant
Mix is attuned to the Clockwork Healerbee and Periapt of Eldritch Knowledge.

Magical items
Everbright Lantern is a bullseye lantern containing crystals that shed light produced by a continual flame spell.  An everbright lantern sheds light in a 120-foot cone; the closest 60 feet is bright light, and the farthest 60 feet is dim light. This lantern is a common magical item.
Carried by Giru.

The Flingstone staff is an uncommon magical item, at +0, and is permanently under the effects of the Shillelagh and Magic Stones cantrips. It is a fustibalus (staff sling) that lacks the normal sling but instead can have a single item no heavier than one pound floating in a random or set pattern restricted to the area within one foot of the Flingstone staff. The staff is comprised of Oak and Ithilnaur in the form of thin strips and endcaps which is enough to both make the weapon glow as if by candlelight and to count as a silvered weapon. As your interaction with an object, you can place an item weighing up to 1lb to float near it or grab the item currently floating around the Flingstone staff. Additionally, a single eligible item may be set to float in this manner as part of the action to sling an item as an attack (like with a normal sling or sling staff) as it is this floating item that is flung. The effects of magic stone are only applied to a floating pebble or sling bullet when it is slung and not when an alchemical item is slung. When used as a staff sling, you fling the floating item. If you lack a caster stat, use the highest stat between your wisdom, intelligence, or charisma.
As a Quarterstaff it is versatile but as a Staff sling, it is a two-handed weapon with a range of 45/180.

Claimed by Michael.

Dormant Inferno Gloves When attuned to these gloves you add your caster stat mod to fire damage spells and grants a spell melee attack which does 1d6+caster stat fire damage. This attack also counts as a melee weapon attack for reactions and effects that allow the wearer to make an attack. It can start fires and if the flame is held and it sheds light like a torch. Additionally, it lets you cast the Control Flames cantrip at will. The gloves have three charges, and you can spend a charge to cast Burning Hands, the gloves regain 1d3 charges each day at dawn. Finally, any fire damage you take is reduced by one point. You must be a spellcaster to attune to these gloves. These gloves also can become Awakened and Exalted if specific criteria are met as this time will grow in power with the wearer.
Claimed by Ben who is attuned to this item.

Plague Smasher (Attunement optional), a +1 Liturgical Mace with the sure breath minor property (once a day, even if you are not attuned to this weapon, you can spend one Hit Die to remove any Disease you are suffering from.) Once used this ability cannot be used again until the next dawn. The reservoir within this Liturgical Mace has been magically enchanted to fill itself and to prevent someone from putting something into the reservoir which would damage the internal components. Liquids that would normally damage the fragile internal components of a Liturgical Mace are instead immediately ejected from the reservoir, possibly harming the user as the liquid falls to the ground where the user is instead of damaging the weapon. When you attune to Plague Smasher, it will inflict an additional 1d6 necrotic damage to someone who is suffering the effects of any disease and enable you to spend Plague Smasher’s charges. Plague Smasher has 10 charges and regains 1d6+4 charges each day at dawn. When you attune to this Liturgical Mace you can spend a charge when you make an attack by issuing a command word as part of that attack, and the reservoir within the mace is empty to fill it with one of the fluids listed below. (Normally it takes having the mace in one hand and the flask of fluid in the other and spending and spending an action to fill the internal bladder with the contents of the flask.) Spending a charge will fill the reservoir with Holy Water, Unholy Water, Defoliant, Slow Burning Oil, or a special Festering Fluid, which is the liquified, concentrated, and strained contents of a festerbomb. A flask of Holy Water deals 1d6 Radiant damage on the next two hits if they are against Fiends or Undead. Unholy Water deals +1d6 Necrotic damage on the next two hits if they are against a Celestial. Defoliant deals +1d6 Acid damage on the next two hits if they are a plant creature. When filled with Slow Burning Oil is used, then the target of the next two hits is coated with Slow Burning Oil and can be set ablaze if the target takes fire damage within the next 25 rounds (2.5 minutes) before the oil dries out and will take 5 fire damage when burning each round for 5 rounds. Successive hits with this option don’t stack the damage but prolong the durations before the oil dries out and how long the target will burn unless the nonmagical burning oil is put out or smothered, which takes an action on the part of the target. A target doused in slow-burning oil stays doused for 5 minutes before drying out, instead of 1. When filled with Festering Fluid, every hit forces the target creature to make a DC 13 Constitution save or become subject to Cackling Fever.
The ‘Giant Rat’ Disease a.k.a Cackling Fever: Until the disease is cured, the target can't regain hit points except by magical means, and the target's hit point maximum decreases by 3 (1d6) every 24 hours. If the target's hit point maximum drops to 0 as a result of this disease, the target dies.

Mithril Blade of the Ogre Mage (Attunement required)
This mithril blade was once used by an ogre mage but is nevertheless large enough to be a gladius. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon as well as to spell attacks and DC rolls.
This blade’s hilt is hollow and can hold up to 3 cantrip spell scrolls. Cantrip scrolls left within the compartment for 1 minute activate one of the three clear gems adorning its grip. Once activated, for 1 minute or until you end it early, no action reacquired, you change the sword's damage type of the blade into the damage type dealt by the cantrip connected to that gem. Scrolls contained within the sword are not destroyed after using them in this way.
As this is a mithril weapon it has the finesse property despite a normal gladius lacking that property and it is enchanted with the Proficiency minor property so that anyone can wield it proficiently.

Mithril Officier's Blade (Attunement required)
This mithril Gladius was created by merging the Mithril Blade of the Ogre Mage with the Buzz Baton. It has both finesse and nautical properties (no penalties underwater). It deals 1d8+1 Piercing or Slashing damage plus 2 Lightning damage. It has 20 charges, and upon a hit, a charge can be used to inflict an additional 2d6 lightning damage instead of the +2 lightning damage. Each day at dawn the Officier's Blade regains 2d8+4 charges. A hollow along with three clear gemstones are incorporated into the handle of the mace. That hollow can contain three scrolls and the enchantments allow for replacing the bludgeoning damage with a damage type from one of the three cantrip scrolls that can be contained within the hollow. Each of the clear gemstones will take on a color representing a damage type based on a cantrip scroll within the hollow, and are used to switch the piercing or slashing damage inflicted by the Officier's Blade to that type of damage. The Officier's blade requires attunement.
Claimed by Fidgetron who is attuned to this item as it was crafted for her.
A Gladius is a 3lb is 1d8 piercing or slashing damage sword that suffers no penalties for being used underwater.

Fidgetron's Buzz Baton <small>The buzz baton is a collapsible truncheon (mace) that gains a +1 to hit and damage and has a point capable of emanating a powerful electric shock. Basic damage is bludgeoning. As part of a hit, you can use a cell charge and either inflict +2 lightning damage, or replace the entire bludgeoning damage with lightning damage. Its integrated power cell stores 20 charges and it can be recharged via magic or with a portable generator. The technology that created this weapon has been lost to time.

All-purpose Tools (+1) Claimed by and attuned to Elric.

Dormant Enchanted Alchemical Supplies This tool kit requires attunement, but it also functions as an arcane focus for a spellcaster proficient with alchemical supplies and grants a +1 bonus to spell attacks and DC saves Reduces material components spent on supplies by 40% (Example, 30gp is spent instead of 50gp, which also means items are made 40% faster.) and any alchemical item created with these tools that deals damage has one damage roll increased by your proficiency bonus (+2 to +6). Also, the DC to resist the effects of an item created with these tools is increased to your spell save DC, unless its normal DC is greater. Claimed by and attuned to Michael.

Gloves of Swimming and Climbing Requires attunement claimed by Mittens

Wand of Web Requires attunement by a spellcaster claimed by Mix

Fidgetron's Cloak of Protection Requires attunement. In addition to granting +1 to AC and saving throws, it also is fortifying which means while attuned Fidgetron succeeds on a Death Saving Throw of 8+ (instead of 10+) and has resistance on any damage past 0hp, which protects against instant death) Claimed by Fidgetron.

Fidgetron's Goggles of the Night In addition to granting, or extending, 60ft darkvision, these goggles while worn grant a +2 bonus to initiative checks and on any Wisdom (Perception) check to avoid being surprised (in combat) Claimed by Fidgetron.

Fidgetron's Timekeeping Bracelet of Minor Illusions While wearing this bracelet, as an action the wearer can be shown the precise time for the part of the planet they are on, so long as they are in the material plane. Also, this bracelet has 10 charges and a charge can be spent to cast the Minor Illusion cantrip. All ten charges are recovered at dawn. Claimed by Fidgetron.

Mitten's Rocket Boots (Based on Winged Boots) Requires attunement. These boots are integrated into a Warforge's feet similar to how the armblade, armwand, and armcannons are integrated into an arm. While the Rocket Boots have 'flight time' remaining, they will also grant a swim speed equal to your movement speed. For every four minutes spent swimming, or part thereof, will consume 1 minute of flight time. The Rocket Boots recover 10 minutes of flight-time per hour of non-use. When these boots no longer have any flight time remaining, they still grant the warforged they are integrated into advantage on all swimming (athletics) checks. Claimed by Mittens who is attuned to this item.

Elric's Armcannon Requires attunement, similar to the armblade and wand sheath, the armcannon attaches to an arm and becomes inseparable from you as long as you are attuned to it. To attune to this item you must hold it against your forearm for the entire attunement period. After it is attuned, Elric can integrate any one one-handed ranged weapon into this item through a process that takes one minute. While integrated, a weapon cannot be separated from the armcannon unless Elric spends a minute separating it from the armcannon, or if Elric ends his attunement to the armcannon, in which case it separates automatically. If the attached ranged weapon requires attunement, then it and the armcannon count as a single magic item with regard to the number of magic items Elric can attune to. It only takes a bonus action to expose or retract the weapon integrated into the armcannon. While exposed, the weapon can be used as if being held but that hand cannot be used for any other purpose. Additionally, the armcannon grants Elric the following:
 A +2 bonus to his initiative and to Wisdom (Perception) checks to avoid being surprised in combat.
 Death Saving throws are successful on a roll of 8+ (instead of the normal 10+) and Elric gains resistance to all damage past 0hp, which protects against instant death.

Claimed by Elric who is attuned to this item.

Ben's Rod of the Packkepper +1 While attuned gives a +1 to spell attack rolls, saving throw DCs, and spell damage. Once per regain a spell slot with this ability regained after a long rest. Claimed by Ben who is attuned to this item.

Periapt of Eldritch Knowledge (Vault of Magic page 163 Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
This pendant consists of a hollow metal cylinder on a fine, silver chain and is capable of holding one scroll. When you put a spell scroll in the pendant, it is added to your list of known or prepared spells, but you must still expend a spell slot to cast it. If the spell has more powerful effects when cast at a higher level, you can expend a spell slot of a higher level to cast it. If you have metamagic options, you can apply any metamagic option you know to the spell, expending sorcery points as normal. When you cast the spell, the spell scroll isn’t consumed.
If the spell on the spell scroll isn’t on your class’s spell list, you can’t cast it unless it is half the level of the highest spell level you can cast (minimum level 1).
The pendant can hold only one scroll at a time, and you can remove or replace the spell scroll in the pendant as an action. When you remove or replace the spell scroll, you don’t immediately regain spell slots expended on the scroll’s spell. You regain expended spell slots as normal for your class.
Claimed by Mix who is attuned to this item.

Sturdy Scroll Tube (Vault of Magic page 180 - Wondrous item, common)
This ornate scroll case is etched with arcane symbology. Scrolls inside this case are immune to damage and are protected from the elements, as long as the scroll case remains closed and intact. The scroll case itself has immunity to all forms of damage, except force damage and thunder damage. Claimed by Mix.

Glamoured Studded Leather (Rare, 13lb) While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. You can also use a Bonus Action to speak the armor's command word and cause the armor to assume the appearance of a normal set of clothing or some other kind of armor. You decide what it looks like, including color, style, and accessories, but the armor retains its normal bulk and weight. The illusory Appearance last until you use this property again or remove the armor. Claimed and worn by Mix.

6 Lightning Pylons (Rod, rare) These 3-foot-long rods are made using a blend of magic and science. The pylons are tipped with a fragment of a blue dragon’s horn. A lightning pylon can extend electricity to any neighboring pylons to create an electrical barrier between them. Each pylon has an electrical charge. Once a charge has been lost, it takes 12 hours to recharge.
You can place a pylon upright in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of you using an action. If a pylon has an electrical charge, you can speak its command word as a bonus action if you’re within 5 feet of it. When you do, that pylon is electrified for 1 minute and loses its electrical charge at the end of that minute. Any other pylon with an electrical charge placed within 20 feet of an electrified pylon also becomes electrified, creating a wall of lightning between them that is 10 feet tall and 1 foot thick. The wall is opaque and casts bright light out to 10 feet and dim light for an additional 10 feet. You can have up to 6 pylons connected in this way at one time. Electrified pylons are magically bound to the ground until they lose their charge.
When the wall appears, each creature within its area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 5d8 lightning damage and its speed is reduced to 0 until the start of its next turn. On a success, a creature takes half as much lightning damage and its speed is halved instead. Creatures made of metal or wearing metal armor have disadvantage on this saving throw. A creature that enters the wall for the first time on its turn or ends its turn within 5 feet of it must also make the saving throw.
Each magic pylon has AC 15 and 20 hit points. A creature that touches an electrified pylon or hits it with a metal melee weapon takes 1d8 lightning damage for each pylon connected to it, including itself. When a pylon is reduced to 0 hit points, it falls over and loses its electrical charge, ending any connection it has to other pylons. A pylon reduced to 0 hit points can’t be used again until 2 days have passed, at which point it regains all its hit points.

Clockwork Healerbee (Wondrous item, rare, requires attunement)
This pill-shaped magical mechanism is 2 inches long and made of brass and glass. It has a pair of tiny wings that silently keep it aloft. It hovers up to 5 feet above the ground and does its best to stay at your side within your space. The bee can enter and pass through another creature’s space and does not provoke opportunity attacks.
The bee has 8 charges and regains 1d6 + 2 expended charges daily at dawn. While the bee is within your space, you can speak its command word as a bonus action and expend up to 3 of its charges to command the bee to heal a creature that you can see within 20 feet of you. The bee flies to the creature’s space and touches its stinger to the creature, causing the creature to regain 1d6 hit points for each expended charge and emitting a bright light that fills the space. After healing the creature, the bee returns to your space.
The bee is considered a magical object and is not a creature. It has AC 15, 10 hit points, and has resistance to all damage. If the mending spell is cast on the bee while it has at least 1 hit point, it regains 2d6 hit points. If the bee drops to 0 hit points, it can’t be used again for 24 hours, at which point it regains all its hit points.
Claimed by Mix who is attuned to this item.

Clockwork Faefly (Wondrous item, uncommon)
This brass clockwork mechanism is 2 inches long and whirs with the hum of tiny gears inside. You can tap the head of the faefly twice as a bonus action. When you do, the mechanism begins to flutter 5 feet in the air. The faefly has AC 10 and 10 hit points and flies in this way until a creature grasps it or it falls to 0 hit points. If you move more than 60 feet from the hovering faefly, it follows you until it is within 60 feet of you. It takes the shortest route to do so. If prevented from moving, the faefly sinks gently to the ground and becomes inactive, and its light fades out. While it’s flying, you can use a bonus action to speak its command word to cause it to move up to 20 feet.
If you are within 60 feet of the faefly, you can speak another command word as an action to cause it to emit the light spell or cast faerie fire (save DC 13), affecting a 20-foot cube originating from itself. Faerie fire does not require concentration when cast in this way, but ends early if the faefly falls to 0 hit points. Once the faefly casts the faerie fire spell, it can’t cast it again until the next dawn.
The faefly is considered a magical object and is not a creature. If the mending spell is cast on it while it has at least 1 hit point, it regains 2d6 hit points. If the faefly falls to 0 hit points, it can’t be used again until 2 days have passed, at which point it regains all its hit points.

Armored Scholar's Cap +2 (Wondrous item, rare, requires attunement This hat carries with it the cleverness and knowledge of many previous scholars. While wearing the hat, you gain a +2 bonus to Intelligence checks and saving throws. Additionally, this hat has 2 charges that can be used to cast Mage Armor on the wearer. While mage armor is active, the wearer's AC is 15+Dex. modifier and the mage armor looks plate-like. These charges are regained at dawn.
In addition, when it would normally take you at least 1 week in order to research a subject, you instead finish that research 2 days faster for each week you would have spent.
You can use an action while wearing the cap to cast the Comprehend Languages spell from it. The spell ends early if you remove the cap.
At the start of a long rest, you can place the cap next to a book or stack of parchment, such as on a desk, to create a spectral copy of yourself. The copy appears after 10 minutes, sheds dim light in a 5-foot radius, and remains for the duration of the rest or until the cap is moved or you move more than 30 feet away from it. It can perform light activities within the cap's space, such as reading, writing, or copying spells into your spellbook/formula book, provided it has all the materials necessary to do so. You decide what the copy does at the start of the long rest. The copy can't speak, hear, or see anything outside of its space. When you finish the long rest, you learn any information the copy read or wrote about over the course of the rest.
Claimed by Michael who is attuned to this item.

Alchemical Buster Hand-Cannon See Elric's Description, he is attuned to it.

Custom Stabilized Forge-Horn Steam Armor +1 See Elric's Description, and he is attuned to it. This armor is also integrated.

Enhanced Spring Shock Shield+1 This spiked shield weighs 7lbs due to the mechanical components in this enchanted item. The Enhanced Spring Shock Shield can be used as a +1 spiked shield inflicting 1d4+1+strength piercing damage and 1d6 lightning damage when triggered as a bonus action or as a reaction to being hit with a melee attack by a foe within 5ft. Due to the enchantments placed on this shield it now recharges itself so it does not need to be hand-cranked to regain its charge.
This shield has the Lightning Guard minor enchantment on it so lightning damage inflicted on the wearer is reduced by 1. This shield does not count as made of metal for spells like Shocking Grasp or Heat Metal due to the insulation protecting the wearer. This shield also grants a total AC bonus of +3.

Both Fidgetron and Elric Custos have one of these.

Armored Commando Suit (Requires attunement. It is currently in its Dormant state.) This full suit of armor is made of hard unknown substances. It resembles plate armor but is far lighter than any known smith can create, and very fine articulation points cover the entire body even at complicated joints like the neck. This armor is comprised primarily of a bluish metal that is not steel and does not seem like it could be made on Earth, the current civilization calls it Azure Steel and Fidgetron would recognize that it is a non-magnetic ceramic titanium alloy that can’t rust that her civilization could craft in zero gravity. It is lighter than steel and at least ten times harder and tougher giving it properties as an alloy of Mithril and Adamantine. It also contains a visor made of what the current civilization refers to as Stronglass which looks, feels, and is worked like glass, but has the strength of steel. Fidgetron would recognize that it is a material made with transparent aluminum. The joints and areas of the suit that must be flexible is comprised of a material the current civilization simply calls ‘Pliable metal’ which has the strength and durability of steel but is pliable enough to use in bags, boots, and similar objects. Fidgetron knows of the material as a memory metal, similar to materials used in 21st-century flexible frames for glasses. You can connect several uncommon/rare/very rare cyphers to the suit using its built-in ports depending upon its state (Dormant/Awakened/Exalted). In the Uninitialized (Dormant) state this plate armor has a +1 bonus to AC and is entirely sealed so it is airtight and watertight with its own eternally renewed internal atmosphere allowing you to breath normally in any environment and giving you advantage on saving throws made against harmful vapors and gases (including inhaled poisons and some breath weapons like the one from a green dragon) This armor does not suffer disadvantage on stealth checks and provides resistance to cold and fire damage. It negates critical hits upon the wearer. The armor also functions as a Cypher Stabilizing suit and can connect to 4 uncommon cyphers with 1 of those cyphers not counting towards the cypher limit, instead of the suit depleting on a 1in 1d6 the stabilizing suit ability stops functioning until either the armor is recharged as per a ‘depleted rare relic’ or after completing a long rest. If you are wearing the suit and activate a cypher connected to it, as a bonus action you can preserve the cypher (so it isn’t used up) and instead have the suit make a depletion roll. (If the suit ‘depletes’, the cypher is still usable.) Some cyphers (particularly pills and injections) cannot be connected to the suit in this way. In its Initialized (Awakened) state, its AC bonus increases to +2 and its sensor package comes online granting you 60ft of darkvision or extending existing darkvision by 60ft. The camouflage features of the armor come online allowing the armor to function like a Cloak of Elvenkind (disadvantage on perception checks to spot you and you get advantage on stealth checks.) Additional safety features also come online providing advantage saves against gaze attacks, against being blinded, or against being defeaned. The Cypher Stabilizing suit functionality can now handle up to 5 cyphers up to rare quality with 2 of them not counting towards the cypher limit and its ‘depletion’ rate is 1 in 1d8. In its Optimized (Exalted) state the armor’s defensive systems are fully functional as the armor’s bonus increases to +3. Additionally, the cypher stabilizing suit functionality can now handle up to 6 very rare cyphers with three not counting towards the cypher limit and its ‘depletion’ rate is 1 in 1d10. If depleted, the suit will now restore its stabilizing functionality after the next short rest or if it is recharged via other means. Claimed by Fidgetron who is attuned to this item.

Contingency Band (Ring, rare) Each of this leather ring's three braided bands bears the design of a dark, winding serpent. You can use an action to submerge the ring in a potion of healing or similar healing draft. If the ring is left to sit in a potion for 1 minute in this way, the ring magically consumes it and any of its healing properties. For each potion the ring has consumed, one of its dark serpents glows with a faint red light. The ring can have up to 3 consumed potions at a time.
Immediately after you take damage while wearing the ring, you can use your reaction to speak its command word and gain the healing effects of one of the ring's consumed potions (your choice). The consumed potion is then lost, and one of the ring's serpents becomes dark once more.
Claimed by Mittens.

Enchantment Breaker (Ring, rare) This ring’s tiny chains rotate slowly around your finger while worn. Whenever you are affected by a spell that restores hit points such as cure wounds or healing word, you can use your reaction to reattempt the saving throw against an enchantment spell that’s currently affecting you.
Shatter Enchantment. When you’re targeted by an enemy enchantment spell or fail a saving throw against one, you can use your reaction to weaken the enchantment’s grip on you and other allies within 10 feet of you: allowing you and nearby allies to roll the enchantment’s saving throw with advantage. Once you use this feature, it can’t be used again until 1d4 days have passed.
Claimed by Elric Custos.

Cube of Teleportation (Wondrous item, rare) This hefty, metal cube is about 6 inches on a side and weighs 3 pounds. One of the cube's sides looks like a metallic stamp, and is made of countless interlocking and shifting panels that reconfigure themselves to magically generate a new, unique sigil sequence daily at dawn, as described in the teleportation circle spell. Its five other sides are flat and blank, or, at the GM's discretion, have up to 5 different sigil sequences recorded onto them.
If you find a permanent teleportation circle, you can place and hold one of the cube's flat sides against the circle for 1 hour, focusing on it for the duration (as if concentrating on a spell). If you hold and focus on the cube for the full duration, the circle's sigil sequence is recorded onto the cube's face. If a sigil was already on the cube's face, it's replaced by the new one.
The cube has 3 charges and regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. If you hold one of the cube's recorded sigil sequences on the ground face-down and focus on it for 1 minute (as if concentrating on a spell), the cube expends 1 of its charges and duplicates the effect of the teleportation circle spell, using the sigil sequence from the cube's face to form the spell's teleportation circle on the ground below it.
Alternatively, you can hold the stamp side of the cube on the ground and focus on it for 1 minute (as if concentrating on a spell). If you hold and focus on the cube for the full duration, it magically applies its unique sigil sequence onto the ground in a 10-foot-diameter teleportation circle, provided that there's enough space to do so. This circle remains for 1 hour, and can only be used as a destination circle for the duration. Once this property has been used, it can't be used again until the next dawn, unless you use an action to expend 1 of the cube's charges to generate a new sigil sequence and regain the use of this property. Once you've placed a unique teleportation circle in this way, you can use this side of the cube as if it were a normal sigil sequence recording for the generated circle.
The group shares this item, it currently has two sigils stored, for the Schylar Estate, and for Fortress Salzinwuun, three more location Sigils can be stored in this cube without having to erase an existing sigil location.

Gloves of Healing (Wondrous item, rare) These silken gloves enhance the rejuvenating power of healers and clerics. While wearing the gloves, whenever you cast a spell of 1st level or higher to restore hit points to one or more creatures, you can choose one target of the spell to regain additional hit points equal to your proficiency bonus.
Alternatively, a creature can regain these additional hit points if you use a healer's kit to stabilize or restore hit points to it. Once a creature regains extra hit points in this way, it can't do so again until it finishes a short or long rest.
Claimed by Mix.

Rope Caster (Hand crossbow, common) This magic weapon is a favorite among infiltrators. Its firing mechanism has no string, unlike other crossbows. Instead, this weapon can only be loaded with rope. As a bonus action, you can load a length of rope into the crossbow. When you do, individual strands from the rope magically latch onto the weapon's limbs and pull the mechanism taut. You can make a ranged attack with the crossbow to fire the rope at a willing creature or an object within range that isn't being worn or carried. If it hits, the target takes no damage from the attack but is bound by the rope. If the rope is long enough, it magically wraps around the target in a single loop and securely ties itself, leaving the remaining rope to hang from the knot. If the target is a willing creature, the rope ties itself around the creature's chest or waist as a harness but does not restrain them. If the attack hits an unwilling creature, the rope falls harmlessly to the ground without being tied.
A creature can use its action to make a DC 10 Strength or Dexterity check, releasing a bound object within its reach on a success.

4 Rod of Endless Light (Rod, Common) While holding this rod, you can use an action to speak its command word. When you do, the rod sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. The light remains for 1 hour or until you use an action speak the rod's command word again while holding it. For the duration, you can use a bonus action to mentally change the color of the light while holding the rod.

Spool of Endless Rope (Wonderous Item, Rare) Some adventurers never seem to have enough rope. A spool of endless rope contains an unlimited amount of the finest silk rope, yet the whole spool weighs only a single pound. The spool comes with a belt loop so that it can be hung conveniently at an adventurer’s side. To use a spool of endless rope, the owner feeds out as little or as much rope as desired, up to a maximum of 1,000 feet at any one time. When finished with the rope, the owner can simply wind it back onto the spool. (Feeding out or rewinding requires 1 round per 50 feet of rope.) The rope can’t be entirely separated from the spool, though it can be cut or broken as a normal silk rope can be. Any portion of rope cut away from the spool disappears instantly, but the spool immediately replenishes the missing rope. The rope from a spool of endless rope can be spliced or knotted together with another rope (including a rope from a second spool of endless rope), but the rope can’t be wound back into the spool while so attached. If knotted to make it easier to climb, the effective length of the rope is reduced to a maximum of 800ft (80% of total length extended) but anyone climbing the rope has advantage on any skill checks needed.)