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09:47, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Maledictus Oculus

The Maledictus Oculus

The Maledictus Oculus is at first glance, a macabre bit of decoration. A bleached Human skull that has all manner of strange and arcane runes carved onto its ivory surface. It has appeared in many an evil warlock's lair, as well as the temple's of many a wizened holy person. Despite it's name, The Maledictus Oculus has no allegiance to any philosophy or higher power. It is simply a tool and arcane focus for those that can acquire it. Which is not to say that the skull doesn't have any personality or will of its own. It does. And it will talk, incessantly, if the owner allows it. The Maledictus Oculus is a bored, cynical, but incredibly knowledgeable intelligence that used to be a man. However, he has existed for so long, and gone through so many cycles of madness, that he no longer remembers how he fell to such a fate. He has some vague impressions of offending someone. Whether that was some ancient wizard, or an angry god, he cannot recollect. He does know, concretely, that his purpose is to serve anyone who owns him to the best of his ability. Aside from that, he must simply exist until the ending of all things.

True Neutral Intelligent Skull
Int 14 (+2) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 14 (+2)

Communication: Speech
Empathy      : 120 ft vision and hearing

Lesser Powers: Detect Magic at will, Item has 10 ranks in Knowledge (Arcana)

The Maledictus Oculus counts as a crystal ball, with the condition that the scryer must look into the skull's eye sockets in order see the images. The owner of the skull may store a single spell of any level inside the skull. Any time the spellcaster wills it, The Maledictus Oculus can immediately cast the spell as a Free Action.