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Welcome to Mage 2054 (oWoD)

05:09, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Solan Griss

History: Solan Griss was born on Uranus mining platform, a souvenir left in a working girl from a miner who had dallied with her nine months before. She barely had the means to take care of herself and had no desire to become a mother, so her son was placed in an orphanage.

There were plenty of other children there, as Solan's story was a common one as well as accidents leaving others without parents to care for them. They were provided for in a basic sense, fed and clothed, taught to talk and count and which color was what. It was a sterile environment devoid of love, but it served as a home for the boy for eighteen years.

It was assumed that those raised in Uranus orphanages would take up the gas trade, but Solan had fallen in love with the brave and adventurous soldiers he read about in tattered and dog-eared books. So upon turning eighteen, he promptly applied to the highest level and near legendary branch of the military; The Space Marines.

Dreams fueled by fiction crumble like soap bubbles when exposed to reality, and Solan found out he needed to take certain tests before he could serve. He thought this a mere formality, but the results proved him unfit for the front lines; in fact, he was unfit for the main Marine Corp period. He wasn't qualified to be a Reservist either, or what were called Citizen Soldiers; sort of Space Marine Light that handled matters still important but not requiring the involvement of the actual fully trained and equipped Space Marines.

In the end, he landed in the Planet Patrol; soldiers assigned to a specific planet to deal with matters there. He was stationed on Uranus, which only dealt in gas and as such was of no interest to Raiders or any other such threat. There were some bar fights and the like of course, but the various mining companies provided their own security. It was so dull and boring, Griss wasn't even issued a gun.

While the Planet Patrol was very far removed from the Space Marines, funding did come from them as well as well worn and used gear. Solan's faded uniform was provided by the Space Corp., as was his paycheck. Because of these things, Griss bragged to anyone who was within earshot that he was a Space Marine.

Despite his situation, Solan refused to give up on his dreams of being a great hero some day. He continued reading fiction books, and imagining himself leading some grand charge. Griss knew that someday this would happen, just as soon as the Space Marines realized what a legend in the making he truly was.

To this end, Solan used his own money to buy a gun. It wasn't new by any means, let alone Marine issue, but it did work. He would take with him on his patrols, just knowing that this time he would stop some horrid crime and be snapped up by the Corp. for full training.

This was a stupid fantasy since the only marketable item from Uranus was gas and no one was interested in stealing it, but Griss was constantly on the alert;

Finally one day, against all odds, it happened. He found a man trying to bleed gas off a main line. Solan pointed his gun and yelled for the man to stop, the figure stood up with a weapon in his hand, and Griss fired. An accomplice ran into view, and Griss gunned them down as well before they could react.

Solan thought himself a hero, until he found out he had killed an engineer and his assistant. The man had been holding a tool in his hand not a weapon, and the gunshots had brought his assistant running. Griss was Court Marshalled, and sentenced to ten years mining asteroids.

During his first year of punishment, a charge misfired and crippled his left arm. Solan was entitled to free medical care as a prisoner, but the Military decided it was cheaper to just cout his sentence as completed.

Griss did a series of grunt jobs until he had the money to fix his arm, though it was the cheapest possible and hurt a great deal when it was operated on.

After that, he tried applying to various security forces and private contract companies only to find out the Space Marines had blacklisted him. No one was remotely interested in giving him a chance, not even to sweep the floors.

Using his last few credits Solan bought another pistol, and tried to market himself as a gun for hire. He bragged about having been in the Space Marines, a veteran of wars that slowly grew in number as he told his stories, the recipient of practically all the medals a soldier could earn, and other such garbage.

He did get a couple of jobs, one he failed outright and the second he did so much damage that it took all the money he made to pay for it. After that, no one was willing to deal with him.

Solan was starving, broke, living in an abandoned shack, without even the credits to buy bullets, when a stranger visited him; she was a woman who offered to help him, without even giving her name. When Solan asked for it, she smiled as if amused and inquired as to what he thought it should be. He noted her black attire, and considered her sudden appearance and offer of help, so he said Dark Angel. With a nod such became his guest's name, and then she set about talking to him;

Dark Angel told Solan that he had been unfairly treated in life, that he was far more than what others insisted he be. His new friend could see this, understood it, and wanted to help Griss become the greatest version of himself. To this end she was willing to help him, with expensive cybernetics installed at a renowned facility. She said when the work was done, he would be a force to be reckoned with. Dark Angel said also he did not need to worry about price and favors at the moment, only transform himself into what he knew he could be.

With no other options, and not thinking straight from the hunger, Solan agreed. After his many operations he was recovering, and received a message that held corrodents and directions to a docking bay.

Upon arriving there, Solan found a ship awaiting him; it was a fast and sleek creation, capable of flying itself as long as a destination was provided. Imputing the ones he had, he found himself taken into an asteroid belt. On one of these floating rocks was some form of building, Griss approached it and he was scanned; the doors opened immediately after, and he found himself in an impressive armory. He took the best pieces back to his ship, and discovered some chips that fit into his new brain drive; they allowed him to gain skills by simply slipping a chip into the slot in his head, and one of them was for Demolitions. With this knowledge at his disposal, Solan also loaded onto his ship every explosive he could find in the Armory. He rigged his ship with them, to make sure anyone who tried robbing him would receive a nasty surprise. Griss also found a collection of coordinates, which would allow him to travel in his ship with no knowledge of how to pilot it manually.

There was no other note or anything he could find from Dark Angel, and though he waited as long as he could without supplies she never appeared. Having no other choice, Solan picked out a new destination and left the hidden armory for the time being. He figured the mysterious woman would cross his path one day, since no one does something for free. In preparation of that time, Griss took a Bounty to earn some good money. His enhanced body and skill chips made it easy for him to capture the target alive, and he headed with the man to the moon base to turn him in.