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Welcome to [DnD, 5e] Tales from Wilderland (Adventures in Middle Earth)

06:00, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Character simply disappeared one night on way to Rhosgobel in the Fall of 2947.

Thalanir is a tall and willowy Silvan Elf from from the Woodland Realm of Mirkwood. Until recently he led a sheltered and reclusive life, serving table for the noble Sindarin who rule the kingdom and performing other menial tasks as a diligent member of his community. He was happy with his place but enjoyed the occasional training he received as a defender of his homeland. It gave him the opportunity to travel around the Woodland Realm and, truth be told, he has always preferred being on the move, exploring the wilder places he was permitted to visit.

Following the losses sustained during the Battle of the Five Armies, it was decided that Thalanir should spend more time serving with the defenders of the realm and he was permitted to leave his homeland for the first time at the age of 174. He took part in patrols throughout Northern Mirkwood and occasionally journeyed as far as the upper parts of the Anduin river. He enjoyed his new role and performed well, receiving complements from his commander, particularly regarding his preference to fight with paired sabres.

Thalanir dresses in simple but well made Elven clothing in greys and greens, designed to help him fade into the trees when in a forest. He wears a leather corselt and has a short bow and shield slung over his shoulder next to his backpack. Most noticeable however are the paired Elven Sabres he wears on his belt, well made twin swords that he has practised regularly with over the last few years.

His face has the slightly angelic look that is typical of an Elf, framed by long, blond hair with piercing hazel eyes in the centre of it. He stands a little under six feet in height, relatively tall for an elf, but his frame is thin and agile, even for one of his ancestry.

Now 178 years old, Thalanir has led a surprisingly isolated life. He had rarely met anyone who is not an Elf and has only once left the Woodland Realm on an expedition, and then only as a member of a company under the command of a much more experienced commander. He is friendly but is still learning what many members of the younger races mean when they speak.

Several months ago, while patrolling along the Elf Path near the southern border of Northern Mirkwood, his company met a trader who was travelling westwards along the trail. He was an uncouth man with an ill feeling surrounding him who gave his name as Erlingr of Bree and said he was travelling from Dale to somewhere called Trader's Island, a place that Thalanir had never heard of, though his commander had. There was some debate as to whether Erlingr should be taken back to King Thranduil's Hall but in the end it was decided by the commander that the merchant would be allowed to go about his way. As Erlingr left he turned to stare at Thalanir and then smiled wickedly at him. Since then Thalanir had had strange dreams at night, or rather one dream that keeps reoccurring.

It is always the same dream, although small details vary each time. I find myself on a path that winds its way up a mountain, a tall peak that rises up above a forest. Away in the distance, at the top of the mountain is the silhouette of a tall tower, quite possibly ruined, and the vague outline of a single figure stands in front of it. I keep trying to follow the path up but either side are shadowy creatures lying in wait for me, often orcs but other times paler, more indistinct creatures, and I always get stuck fighting them and never make it up the mountain. I keep trying each time but I never reach my destination.

My dream resulted in an audience with King Thranduil and he told me that he believed that I dreamt of Dol Guldur but that my dream was in vain. Dol Guldur had been destroyed by the White Council and the Necromancer driven out, fleeing to somewhere unknown, leaving the fortress abandoned once again. He gave me permission, though, to leave the Woodland Realm and follow the path my dreams seemed to lead me along and that I have now begun.