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Welcome to DnD5e: In'Galada - The Living World

20:28, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


NAME:           Jesper Cairnes
NICKNAME:       None
RACE:           Uzukuth
CLASS:          Spore Druid/Undying Warlock
LIVE SHEET:     link to a message in another game

SEX:      Male
AGE:      23
HEIGHT:   5'4"
WEIGHT:   154 lbs.

QUOTE: "Let's have a little fun, shall we?"
THEME: <Theme song describing the character.>

Jesper is a male of his species, which resembles the average human of many other worlds. He's shorter than average, and physically more dense than an average human, with stronger bones and tighter muscle groupings. It's not enough to make much of a difference aside from being a little heavier and slightly stronger than he otherwise would be for someone of his semi-athletic, boyish build. His complexion is pale from a lack of sunlight, and has a number of small scars from close calls with the dangers of wild animals, warring tribes, and other environmental hazards. There are markings that cover his body that resemble intricate tattoos the color of pitch, dried blood, and polished brass. Upon closer inspection, it's revealed that they're part of his skin, and appear to flow naturally in a symmetrical pattern. Over his back there are large and deliberate burn scars; they seem to resemble a language of some kind, the symbols resembling groupings of circles, crescents, and chevrons laid out in a pattern pleasing to the eye.

Jesper's hair is red in color, as are his irises. He has a completely black sclera, which brings out the bright red even more. If one is perceptive enough, they'll notice a faint glow coming from his eyes, which is more prominent during the night or when there is complete darkness. He is fond of body modification, and has a number of piercings and plugs fashioned from bones of felled monsters. His teeth, pearly white as they are, are also all a little sharper than those of the average human, though not enough to be considered fangs of any kind.

His typical clothing usually consists of whatever is most practical and/or comfortable at the time. Something that'll allow him freedom of movement and be durable enough to last during his expeditions.

Curious would probably be the best word to describe Jesper. Ever curious. Ever thinking. Plotting, planning, dissecting. He's detail oriented, and cannot resist tinkering and toiling in matters that sometimes he maybe should not be. He'll be more than friendly when it suits his needs, and is ready to appear pliant and meek should ever it be required of him to do so. That laugh of his,'s maybe more sinister sounding than it should be when he's truly amused...

Uzuhar - The place where Jesper from. Literally 'Flesh World'. Uruzukutha is the word used to describe the people of the world, a sort of homage to those who are able to better shape their environments and inflict change upon their surrounding; literally 'first flesh cutters'. They speak the language of Uzukuth, a shortened version of Uruzukutha.

Uzuhar is a wild place. The world is covered in a thick mist that limits visibility, and shrouds the surface of the world in perpetual darkness. Floating in the air are spores that are part of a larger ecosystem where Fungus has evolved alongside Flora and Fauna, and has fully integrated itself into every aspect of life. Some of these floating spores glow, providing the majority of the light for those on the surface. The world is overrun with biological wonders that seem to defy logic; mushrooms larger than most buildings, structures composed of hardened mucus and regurgitated biological matter, and oceans of a purplish, jello-like substance. Biomechanical technology and design has taken precedence in the matters of development within individual tribes. Large-scale civilizations haven't become prevalent due to the hostile, predatory nature of the world. It's entirely wild, with the most advanced races operating in loose bands of nomadic and semi-nomadic peoples that have adapted to the extreme conditions.

Monsters, big and small, stalk through the world. Some larger than buildings, with others smaller than a fingernail. Some glow with bio-luminescence to attract prey, while others mimic the pheremonal signals of other creatures. Sounds and smells have evolved to be the primary senses for many creatures, with sight being a runner up. The uzukathans, the most advanced creatures of the world, utilize sight, sound, and pheremones to understand the world around them and communicate with each other.

Jesper Cairnes, a prodigious flesh cutter, was one of the few to uncover the existence of something 'outside' through his research. The discovery came after he'd performed a number of biological experiments on himself, altering his vision and forever changing his eyes. With the new alterations, he could 'see' the patterning that overlaid reality. With this new perception, he eventually learned how to interact with the weave, and began to experiment with how it could affect the world around him. It allowed him to perform feats of shaping that were previously unknown to the others of his kind. Knitting flesh in mere moments, causing it to harden, or even rending it without physical contact. It was a discovery unlike any other. It wasn't long before Jesper realized he could use this new sense to communicate...with what he didn't know at first, but he learned soon.

The first being to make contact with him through the weave of magic was the demoness Selula, who offered him power in exchange for a foothold in the world. He accepted, and was branded with her mark, granting him the use of her regalia. He could will into being a set of armor that would seemingly appear from nowhere, fusing with his body and reshaping the pair of them into a single, terrible entity. Stronger, faster, more durable than anything he could have done to himself, Jesper had acquired the taste for making contracts with foreign entities...and had learned of a place outside his own world. He'd unwittingly unleashed the monstrosity that was Selula into his realm with this act, something he couldn't have known at the time would be harmful beyond imagination.

She appeared much like many of the horrible abominations that had evolved where he lived, and didn't pay much mind to it. When he saw what she could do, however, describing him as shocked would've been an understatement. She could demolish the titanic beasts much larger than herself with little effort, and began to reforge vast parts of the realm to her own liking. Occasionally she'd request things of her anchor, the one who allowed her access to Uzuhar, and grant him other boons. Using the ability to contact other entities to aid him with his work, he eventually thought himself beyond Selula's reach. When he'd refused to perform one of the actions she had requested of him in exchange for a boon, she decided that was her time to strike, killing the anchor and allowing her a permanent foothold in the world.

<Any other important notes about the character.>