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Welcome to Kingdom of Kazakhstan

20:30, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


As a young lad, Rinaar lived with his family in a semi-desert region known as the Kazakh Steppe, a vast region of open grassland spanning from the area east of the Caspian Depression and north of the Aral Sea, all the way to the Altai Mountains. As early as the age of the Lower Paleolithic, ancient man settled down on these Karatau lands fit for normal life, rich with game and wild fruit. Vast in size, the land in Kazakhstan is very diverse in types of terrain: flatlands, steppes, taigas, rock-canyons, hills, deltas, in part snow-capped mountains and deserts. To the north and northeast of the Kazakh Steppe lies the Kazakh forest steppe, an ecoregion of pine groves interspersed with grasslands that formed a transition between the Kazakh steppe and the forests of Siberia.

Nomadic tribes adapted to this arid landscape and developed seasonal migration routes within the natural boundaries. According to Kazakh legends, three jüzes originated from the children and grandchildren of the three sons of the mythical forefather of Kazakhs, and divided the steppe into three factions; Uysun Orda, Argyn Orda, and Alshyn Orda.

Each jüz contains a number of clans, which share a presumed genealogy of forefathers going back to the presumed ancestor. They had predominantly Mongoloid features; fair to light-brown skin tends to be the norm. Among physical traits are aquiline noses, epicanthic fold and high cheekbones. Hair color among Kazakhs varies from prevalent jet black to red and sandy brown. Hazel, green and blue eyes are not uncommon.

His father was an influential man among our people, a chieftain by the name of Baltabek MoQcwu of the Nunar Clan. His mother was a simple woman by the name of Mariam who devoted her attention solely upon the family. Of the three children; Ulgar is the eldest son, followed by Rinaar, and a younger sister, Asel. Traditional Kazakh belief held that separate spirits inhabited and animated the earth, sky, water and fire, as well as domestic animals. They lived by the laws of tribal rivalries, establishing military alliances among themselves within each jüz and quite often, against the others.

Rinaar wandered the steppes of Kazakhstan in hunt for Saiga Antelope, Siberian Roe Deer, wolves, foxes and badgers while his Father plotted an aggressive campaign against a neighboring tribe. He was a passive lad while his brother was more like their father and often accompanied him on the warpath. Rinaar was out hunting one day when the news arrived that his father had been killed.
He ran to the village but the enemy had gotten there several hours before and torched everything in sight, capturing the women and children. A scene of devastation met his watering eyes and he sank down to his knees in a mournful prayer, not knowing what fate had chosen for his family. His brother, Ulgar was avenging their father’s death and both mother and sister were now slaves to another tribe.

The lad fled to the mountains in a state of despair and became lost among the rocky crags, heartbroken with grief. Weeks past and he became a recluse, never staying in one place for too long as he wandered the steppes without a purpose. He never returned home, ashamed to face his brother’s scorn and the news of his sister’s rape by an enemy’s cruel hands.

Eventually, he met a ranger, who called himself Rowalum the Mad. He was a warrior who used tracking and other wilderness skills to hunt down his enemies. He was a fierce protector of nature, a skilled woodsman, and a solitary individual who lived off the land. Rinaar took to this man, as a mentor, and learned the mystical ways of the ranger, perfecting his survival skills. Someday he vowed to avenge his sister’s defilement and make his brother proud.

Rinaar grew to be a man in those mountains. One day, while hunting, he saw a beautiful woman skinning a rabbit beside the entrance to a small cave. Curious, he stared at Surja until she noticed him and then fled into her rough shelter like a frightened animal. He approached her carefully and assured the bedraggled woman that he would not harm her, gaining her trust.

They spend 6 wonderful months together and found love but her being there was a tale of woe as she had been searching for her missing daughter in the wilderness of the mountains. With a heavy heart, Rinaar insisted that she resume her search and assured her to have no doubt that they would find each other again. He had his own quest to complete; the finding of his sister and to face his aggressive brother once again. 18 years later, the two lovers became reunited and married, vowing never to part again.