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Welcome to Dungeons and Dragons: Mysteries of Iveriu

19:55, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Gruudgal Bloodpool

Towering by nearly double than a typical specimen of his kind, Grrudgal is all that ogre-kind idealizes in strength and raw, physical power.  Like others of his kind, his form is mutable, though he prefers to remain his normal eighteen-or-so feet, four-armed, blue self.  Thick cords of muscle covers his massive frame.  His upper body is peppered with fading tattoos and ritualistic scars, many too faint to make out the original shape or meaning.

Unlike his ilk, however, the ogre mage has a shocking lack of barbarism.  In fact, much of the time he has an ethereal, ascendant quality that is hard to put into words.  He wears a simple linen wrap that covers from his knees to naval.  Other than that, out of the corner of one's eye or in brief flashes during times of intense emotion Brother Festive seems to be decked out in ghostly spender; plates of armor made from the hide of some terrible beast, or a vibrant purple sarong of flowing cloth, or an animalistic mask covering half of the ogre's face are not uncommon glimpses.

Gruudgal is known for two things in particular; he used to command giants and goblinkin, but abdicated his power.  No one is entirely sure why.  He had also been publicly decapitated twice; in the first instance, he came back later and took his revenge.  In the second, more recent occasion, he bludgeoned his enemy unconscious with his own head before setting it back in place.  In terms of personality, the ogre is fairly oblivious to wealth, power, or authority.  For all that he is a forgiving soul, his baser nature is apparent in his sense of humor and crass remarks.

Gruudgal has collected dozens of monikers in a the past few decades. Some of the more common include Warlord Bloodpool, The Troll King, Shaman Nightshade, Butcher of the Deep Gate, The Impecunious King, and most recently Brother Festive.