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08:03, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Asbjorn Siggurson

Name: Asbjorn Ulfrik Siggurson

Age: 27

Sex: Male

Species: Human-y?


He has stopped aging, right around the mid twenties. He heals faster than normal. He is stronger than a peak adult human male, and faster too. He can heal others, even life threatening wounds, as long as he gets to it quickly. He can take on others' emotional burdens and stresses as well, offering peace and serenity. He has a natural aura about him that inspires calmness, happiness even. Even powerful individuals can find themselves affected by it, though they can just as easily shake it off and reject it if they choose to, once they realize it. He doesn't do it on purpose.

Appearance: Young and fierce. They were both adequate adjectives to describe Bjorn at a glance, but though his youth was undeniable, the ferocity his initial impression might give, was often shattered by a warm and welcoming smile. Oft times described as the nicest Viking you'd ever meet, there is an openness to him that is quickly realized. It softens the edge, the unavailability and insurmountable nature that an attractive man, or woman, can present. For there is, without a doubt, an inherent handsomeness to the young man. He would certainly have been one of the popular young jocks in school. Or at least, he looked as if he would have been.

His hair is left long on top, and shaved short one the sides, only encouraging that initial 'Viking' look about him. A darker golden blonde, the length is generally pulled back into a small ponytail at the back of his head. He periodically goes through phases of growing it longer, or at least growing it out into a more modern style, but he has been working the more hip and stylish look for a while now. His face is long, and thin, save for the high and wide cheek bones, tapering down into a strong jaw, sparsely covered in the beginnings of a beard, which he'll usually grow out in the colder months, and shave in the hotter ones. His eyes are a striking, deep blue, often warm and compassionate. They're eyes that tend to set a person at ease, that you can fall into. His overall nature radiating through them. Windows to the soul indeed.

From there, it might be hard to believe that this man is a Preacher, and advocate for the less fortunate, as he looks like he belongs on a billboard. Broad muscular shoulders taper down to a wide, well muscled chest. He is muscular, without being bulky, but too thick to be considered lithe, or lanky. It's a strong athletic build to be certain, and if you were to pull his shirt up his body, you would certainly find the tightly compact abdominal muscles that inspire the mouth to water. Even so, he does not dress to flaunt his physique, and in fact is usually in dark, modest dress that tends to hide the lines of his body more than draw the eye to it. Though occasionally, you might find him in a simple pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

Face Claim: Alexander Ludwig


Asbjorn is a social creature, welcoming and caring, even for those he doesn't know, or has only just met. He is a defender and protector of the innocent, or of anyone in need of such assistance. Calm and secure, he doesn't ever seem to lose his temper or his cool. He can be stubborn about certain things, but he does try to be open to other views and opinions. Generally, where he won't budge is in the basic rights of people, and the responsibilities that all people should share, when dealing with one another.

Fiercely loyal, he makes friends easily, and goes above and beyond to keep in close contact, and always present himself as someone who can be trusted, and leaned on, in times of trouble. He doesn't take himself incredibly seriously though, and is quick with humor, even if it is at his own expense. Under it all is a shrewd and calculating mind, often overlooked beneath the rest of it, which is precisely how he likes it.

History: Asbjorn's beginning is painfully cliche. He was left on the doorstep of a church, in the dead of night, with nothing more than his name pinned to his clothes, bundled up in a little bassinet. Just another unwanted child, left for someone else to raise and deal with. An orphan, right from the get go. To this day, Bjorn does not know his mother, or his father, though like any orphan craving to know their origins, he has done his share of searching.

Life was not easy, growing up in an orphanage. As a young child, he was fairly sickly. Small for his age, weak. Beautiful, without a doubt, with pale golden blond hair and a near angelic beauty about him, and always those striking blue eyes. But beauty doesn't afford you much as a small child in an orphanage. It certainly doesn't do you other favors with mean children, just as emotionally stunted and damaged as you, for exactly the same reasons, and just looking to take it out on someone.

The bullying and violence weren't left to run rampant and unchecked of course, this wasn't some horrid establishment that didn't care about the children or anything so dark. But children will find a way, and for most of his early years, the only respite and compassion he received came from the men and women that operated the orphanage. He was too weak, and scared, and shy to fight back, and too untrusting to accept the friendship of anyone who might seek it. Figuring it was just a ruse, to hurt him more.

Things changed, ever so slightly, as he grew older. Puberty brought many changes. He was taller, fit and hale. Strong, athletic. Where before he seemed uncoordinated and poor at physical activities, suddenly he seemed a natural, with striking coordination and natural ability. His beauty had never disappeared, as it sometimes does with young boys, but instead shifted into a fierce and striking handsomeness. This didn't change the bullying, but it did garner him more attention from others, and he was able to handle the bullying now.

He didn't let these newfound blessings turn him into the type of person who had been making him miserable for years though, and instead deliberately sought out those who were still at the mercy of bullies, to make friends of them, to show them they were of worth, and value. He stood up for the underdog, and made quick work of showing others that he was no longer to be pushed around and berated. This lead to some reprisal and punishment itself, but it was hard to be too angry with him, considering the things he had had to put up with growing up. And often times, the caregivers were a little softer on him, when he defended himself or another against those who would torment them.

Bjorn was in and out of foster homes throughout his life, but never adopted. Though a kind and caring child, there always seemed to be something that would happen to send him back to the orphanage. Sometimes it was something his fosters did, that he needed to get away from. Other times, it was something he did that made them uncomfortable. One such couple saying simply that they couldn't even point to any specific behavior, but that there was just something off. The older he got, the less likely his chances of getting adopted, and the deeper the problems became.

He had continued to mature into a strong, and solid man. He was a danger to every young girl around. Tall. Muscled. Strong, far stronger than he had any right to be. Gorgeous and charismatic and convincing. He had gotten into sports, in school, he was popular, but he was kind to others and didn't lord himself about like other popular kids did. He stood for no such behavior from those who sought to call him friend. He was all around the perfect guy.

Although he had been undeniably popular in high school, Bjorn had never engaged in a serious romance. And as such he left school unhindered, an adult, with nothing left to weigh him down. He was eager to get out into the world, and had all the merits necessary to get himself into college. Eager to go someplace far from where he'd spent the majority of his life. He was eager to begin making a difference, and though he had never been incredibly drawn to religion before, he found a calling for it during his time at college. He'd always believed in God, but had never given it a lot of thought during his youth. But his naturally caring nature lead him into the company of other, more religiously minded individuals. And in the pursuit of a degree in Nonprofit Management, he also pursued degrees Theology and Christian studies.

It was in the pursuit of those studies, along with active participation in programs to help the less fortunate, that something was awoken within him. A power, or, as he saw it, an ascension of purpose. He'd always considered himself a good person, but now, with his trajectory set on a path of righteousness in God, he was more. He felt the potency of power stirring within him, and found that with a laying of hands, he could heal those who were suffering. He could instill peace where there was turmoil. This of course, only spurred him on.

He hasn't completed his Master's degree in Christian studies, or even in Nonprofit management, but with the aid of generous donors and investors, he is running a small nonprofit just the same, and has begun work as an associate Preacher. He isn't entirely certain what has called him to Belcoast, but he feels it is important for him to be there.

Profession: Occasional Preacher, Humanitarian, CEO of a Non-profit

Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Cooking, Woodworking, Swimming

Sexual Orientation: Abstinent