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11:18, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


“He was, after all, the ultimate rebel -- it takes a lot of cojones to stand up to Zeus.”

- Jasper Fforde

The Man

Name: Prometheus

Age: Born Long Before The Birth Of Humanity

Species & Gender: Titan / Male

Classification: Myth

Height & Weight: 6'9" / 255 LBS

Hair & Eye Color: Dark Brown Hair / Eye Color Depends On Current Mood

Physical Description: A Titan in species as well as stature, Prometheus stands well above the average man or woman. The sheer size of the man can be off-putting to some, but if one were to observe his mannerisms for the slightest hint of aggression, it's clear that he's not a threat to those around him. Prometheus bodes no ill will toward those who have not wronged him or those he cares for, and that shows in his open and welcoming demeanor. Knowing that he is trapped indefinitely within the Dreamscape, Prometheus cares little for the Time he spends on his own comfort. The Titan can often be seen wearing expensive clothes, dining at high end restaurants and driving exotic cars. Having spent ages chained to that godforsaken rock, Prometheus takes time to enjoy the finer things.

The Myth

Crafting- Having stolen the knowledge of crafts and metal working to gift to mortals long ago, he is well versed in the field and, if he were at his full power, could likely forge machinations akin to those of Hephaestus.

Hunting- The Titanomachy (war between Titans and Gods, in Greek mythology) forged the ever beating heart and soul of a warrior through blood, sweat and tears shared by Prometheus and his kin. Forced to face the horrors of war and then, millennia later, the horrors of the Dreamscape, the Titan became a beast on the field of battle. Making up for his lost powers with skilled use of various weaponry and utilization of the strength granted to his species, Prometheus made a name for himself rather quickly as a freelance Hunter, long before the Guild took shape. However, since its founding, he has worked closely with those of a like mind and great skill who flock to the Guild's hall.

Deceit- A Titan known well for his trickery, immortalized in myth no less, Prometheus has a knack for deception, persuasion and intimidation all in equal measure. Although, the intimidation may come from his massive form, rather than his words. One can only guess.

Titan Physiology- Titans, in general, are a very hardy species, immortal in nearly every sense of the word- when they are at full strength. Much more durable than the average human, or mountain for that matter, Titans are a force to be reckoned with on the field of battle. The power of the Titans is not just in their durability, but it is also in their overwhelming physical strength and an impressive healing factor. However, thanks to Zeus's very creative, yet disturbing, choice of eternal torment, Prometheus's healing facotr is strictly limited to his liver, due to protective yet sinister warding carved (quite literally) into his soul that activate when the eagle fulfills its duties. His physical strength and speed have been stunted as well, still above human ability but not nearly to the degree of his kin.

Vulnerabilities: Prometheus was bound in Adamant chains for millennia, and has developed a severe phobia of that particular metal (an odd thing for a master craftsman to fear). While he is effectively immortal (excluding the threat of Nightmares and Time), he can be trapped through the use of Adamant, as can others of his species.

Though he is hard to kill with physical weapons, he is vulnerable to powerful magics and poisons, as well as mind control.

The Legend

Personality: Despite his large stature, Prometheus is not an intimidating man, when up close and personal. He is a gentle giant, when around mortals and other myths. While Prometheus is a skilled warrior and is quite merciless in battle, that does not give him a hard edge in social settings. He's well versed in the ways of the people, able to blend into any crowd or stick out of he so chooses.

Not the type to push people away, he has many friends and his shop is well known throughout the city of Coldharbour. If you haven't met the Titan smith in person, you've likely heard his name somewhere around town, many praising his wares as well as his manners.

With a warm smile and kind eyes, Prometheus has drawn in a very healthy clientele which, in turn, gives him a good source of revenue. Always having Time coming in (or going out?) and knowing that even if he works through his sentence he won't be allowed to leave, Prometheus tends to spend his Time however he sees fit.

Though he isn't entirely wreckless with his spending, due to the fact that he will Transition if he reaches triple digits, he certainly isn't stingy.

Backstory: The story of Prometheus has been well documented throughout history and mythology, and even in the form of a Greek Tragedy. What people don't know is that much of what was written was falsified by Zeus and his lackeys. History is written by the victors, as they say.

The basics are the same: molded humans from clay, gave man fire, imprisoned by Zeus. However, what isn't known is the extent to which the god king tormented him. Day in and day out that damned eagle ate his liver, while Zeus sat by watching, keeping tally no less. Even that wasn't enough. As Ancient Greece collapsed, Zeus (scheming alongside Morpheus and the other Oneiroi) banished the Titan to the realm of Nightmares.

As one who was aptly credited with the creation of man (at least of the Greek man, as it were), having risked everything to help them thrive, to be separated from them for so long and then to only be exposed to their fears and flitting memories of the mortal world within the Dreamscape... he felt disconnected from reality.

Prometheus eventually came to terms with his new life, taking the good with the bad in stride. Though he was still pushed away by the gods and kept from his creations, he could give his life protecting them from the Nightmares of the hellscape he now called home.

The City

Length Of Time In Coldharbour: 2,165 years. Zeus moved him to the Dreamscape, as the era of Ancient Greece came to an end.

Occupation: Prometheus works hand in hand with the Hunter's Guild, when he can get away from the hectic life he leads, but he also owns and runs a smithy in Coldharbour. Though his shop focuses on arms and armor, he does accept orders for general crafts as well.


1. Why are you trapped in the Dreamscape?
Answer: "Invoke the wrath a petulant god-king, and you'll be enlightened in short order."

2. What did you do on your first day in Coldharbour?
Answer: "I was drawn into a meeting with Morpheus and Zeus, who explained why I'm here and that I'll never be able to leave. Zeus couldn't stop smiling, which wasn't surprising. Family reunions... always pleasant."

3. What are your current goals?
Answer: "To live a life that I can be proud of, damn what anyone else thinks."

4. What is your greatest fear?
Answer: "In the darkest recesses of my soul rests a fear baked in, unmoving, cemented- a fear of becoming desperate enough to sink to the level of my tormentors. I fear the divine blood we share has been tainted by eons of foolish decisions and a deep seated hunger for power that surpasses even the avarice of mortals."