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Welcome to The Rightful Ones

06:10, 28th May 2024 (GMT+0)


Group: Norse

Name: Sigrun

Age: 18

Occupation: Beekeeper

Sexuality: Attracted to both sexes

Physical Description: Sigrun is 163cm and weighs 8 stone. Her hair is brown and cut at the shoulders. She possesses a passing attractiveness but probably does not turn heads in regard to beauty. Her complexion is fair though weathered. She does not have any tattoos. She dresses in simple clothing befitting the station of a karl.

Personality: Sigrun is friendly to those she considers friends and neighbors. She realizes that they all have to get along if they are all going to survive in this new world, so to be petty or otherwise serves no purpose. Despite the relative rarity and high demand of her ware among her people and the world in general, she does not seem to desire to lord wealth over others. She is a giving, old soul type. She seems far more willing to share than hoard.

Biography: Sigrun was the youngest daughter of the farmer Dane and his wife Freida. She had two siblings, Arne and Birger. They were not a wealthy family, but they were karl. They had a small plot of land in the fjords of Norway where they raised sheep. When she was only three, she was the sole survivor during a razing by a rival clan. She was sent to her uncle's where she was raised and learned how to keep bees.

When she was 14 her uncle arranged a marriage with Bo, the son of a local karl, to gain financial clout. The marriage was relatively happy. They moved to a home on land gifted to them by her new father-in-law and she continued to ply her knowledge in keeping bees and tending the hearth. Her husband had a mind for more adventure than he did farming and would join exploration or trading parties and be gone for long periods of time. With him being away as much as he was, they had a childless marriage. With no thralls, she tended to the hives, hunted, traded, and did for her own to survive.

Shortly before her eighteenth year, she received news of the passing of her husband Bo. It was an honorless, non-warrior death. He had not been stricken down by some errant arrow nor cut down by a fearsome enemy, but instead fell to some sickness in transit home during a sea voyage. By law, his property became hers. She had managed it well and prospered in her dealings with trade in the town and through selected merchants while he was away, and believed that would not change. However, she heard of a new voyage to a new place. She spoke with her father-in-law, settled on a fair price to return the property to him, and joined the voyage to the new land.

Dane: Father (Deceased ~ Killed in a raid by rival clan)
Freida: Mother (Deceased ~ Killed in a raid by rival clan)
Arne: Oldest Brother (Deceased ~ Killed in a raid by rival clan)
Birger Older Brother (Deceased ~ Killed in a raid by rival clan)
Bo: Husband (Deceased ~ Killed by an unknown disease)