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14:55, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Rei Nagato

Name: Rei Nagato

Age: 900

Sex: female

Species (human, vampire, shifter, witch): seishin (spirit) kitsune

Powers (be reasonable, if your character is too pumped up, GM reserves the right to deflate them):
Spirit Foxfire
~ generally small balls of spiritual fire which can be used to light the way, as a toy for amusement, or even a weapon.  Unlike most forms of foxfire a seishin kitsune's foxfire doesn't burn the flesh but the spirit itself.
Illusion ~ the ability to cast illusions of anything and make them solid and indistinguishable from the real thing. A deeply devout person can see through the illusions and should they touch it the illusion breaks.
Ethereal Shift - A seishin kitsune can shift herself between physical and ethereal forms in addition to her three physical forms.
Extra-dimensional Storage Space - At will when in human or hybrid forms a kitsune vixen can reach between her breasts to access an extra-dimensional storage space.  The space is not infinite but can generally carry enough for her to stash any odds and ends she wishes to carry around, including weapons, so long as she can slide it between her breasts where the opening invariably can be found.  Note that not all kistune-vixen have these and no male kitsune does.
Seduction ~ the ability to hypnotize an individual via the swaying of her tails in a certain pattern.  The target sees and thinks what she wishes them to inside their mind. Can be broken by certain magic and wards.
Possession ~ taking over a targets body for a period of time. Easier when the target is willing, however a forced possession is possible but requires trapping or breaking the targets will, potentially driving them temporarily insane when the possession is over. In either instance the target has no memories of the time they were possessed. She has very limited access only foxfire and illusion during the possession.
Spirit Warden ~ Seishin kitsune are tasked with tending to the spirit realm and hunting down rogue spirits to protect others from their harmful influence.  They have significant skill in spirit magics including possession, exorcisms, wards, and are natural linguist to facilitate their duties.  They deal with both spirit creatures and the souls of mortals and supernaturals alike.
Weakness ~  While in her human form or during a possession a kitsune places a portion of her essence into a small silver ball. Should it be stolen while she is in human form she is required to do a favor for whomever possesses it, if it is taken while she is possessing someone she cannot return to her natural form until it is returned.
Appearance (Give an idea of what you look like, distinguishing marks, style of dress, etc.):
Most of the time Rei presents herself as an attractive twenty-one year old human woman of Japanese decent.  She has a slender figure with gentle curves and carries herself with an elegant grace that is reminiscent of a time long past.  Her bust is slightly larger than one might expect for her build but she still doesn't measure up to many of the supernaturals around.  Her slanted eyes are a pale blue color and her silken silver-blue hair reaches to her waist.  She wears elegant dresses of pale lavender, dark purple, or bluish gray, usually with a flaring skirt in case she decides to let her tails and fox ears show.

In her fox form Rei has nine tails and has an almost wispy, transparent, look to her.  Her fur is a pale silvery-blue with dark grey-blue at the tips of her tails and on her ears.  In her hybrid form Rei looks much like one might expect, a bipedal, humanoid, fox.

Face Claim (no anime or drawings): Koyku Kato

Personality: Rei is a quiet, introverted woman who is often seen as distracted by things others can't see.  Generally this is because she really is distracted by spirits of one kind or another and is never truly alone.  Rei is more than a bit shy and has troubles coming out of her shell and meeting new people but that isn't for lack of interest, she simply is better with spirits than people.  She secretly fears going dark, becoming a nogitsune, and this is a part of why she is afraid of new people, she doesn't want to get to know them if she falls as most of her clan have.

History (Give us some info on who you are, why you are here. If you are a supernatural being, perhaps how you came to be?):

Rei was born as a fox spirit in 11th century Japan.  She remembers little of her first hundred years, seeing as she was a spirit fox only, and upon reaching her one-hundredth year grew her second tail and gained her human form.  She spent much of the next several centuries isolated.  Her parents, Momijii and Atagi had fallen from grace and become nogitsune leaving the young seishin kitsune alone for the last few years of her kithood.

Surviving alone left Rei with few human connections and this made her come across as...odd to those she met, both kitsune and human alike.  Because of this, despite her incredible beauty, Rei was often and outsider and had trouble interacting with others.  Rei was eventually found and taken in by her aunt Kiko  after her five-hundredth only to become a victim of Kiko's when her aunt too fell to darkness.

Rei was taken in by the celestial kitsune who had rescued her from Kiko and they did what they could to help her but much of the damage had already been done to Rei's personality.  Rei was quite intelligent, and proved adept at her studies, but she had a hard time making friends or engaging in the usual kinds of kitsune activities like pranking, trickery, and general mischief making.  It didn't help that she was often distracted by the spirits almost continuously.  The celestials could see and interact with spirits if they wanted to but it was the difference between a person choosing to open their eyes temporarily compared to someone who could never close them to begin with and it made it hard for them to understand how to help her further.

Though she could never express it Rei admired Mia Ranger, that the vixen could go through all that she had and still be a kitsune, even if she was slowly withdrawing from her own kind, Mia never fell like Rei's family did.  When Rei neared her ninth century Mia had abandoned almost all contact with her people and Rei worried about the vixen.  They weren't that far apart in age and Rei thought she could understand at least some of what Mia was going through, she wanted to help but by the time she gained the courage to try Mia was gone.

When Rei reached her ninth century and grew her final tail becoming a kiyubi she heard about what they had done with Mia, assigning her to the shrine in a place called Belcoast.  Resolving herself Rei approached first the kami involved in the decision for their approval, which was easily granted to her given her status as a spirit warden, and then asked permission from Mia's grandparents and mother to be assigned to Belcoast to apprentice under Mia.  She explained to them, with more passion than they had ever heard from her, that Rei wanted to help Mia, how she thought that, maybe more than any of the Celestial Clan, she understood how Mia felt and might be able to help her where they couldn't.  Her plea to them was answered and they agreed to her request which came with superb timing as Mia had just sent for her things to be sent for her.  Being thrifty as always the Celestials decided to have Rei deliver it all, and herself, on their behalf.

Profession: apprentice shrine maiden, spirit warden

Hobbies: reading (sci-fi/fantasy), origami, visiting haunted places, GMing Sci-Fi RP games for the spirits

Sexual Orientation:
bi-sexual (She's an untouched virgin and has no clue what her preferences are yet but she is attracted to beautiful people be they men, women, both, or neither.)

Writing Sample:
Rei took a deep breath as she entered the room with the Celestial elders.  It took all her courage to walk before them but she knew that she had to do this, she was determined to help Mia overcome what she was suffering and she would convince them.  Her usual nervousness showed through as she bowed to the elders and said, "Thank you for seeing me Elders, I appreciate all that the Celestial clan has done for me and I would not ask anything from you if I didn't think it would benefit you more than me.  It is about Mia-san."

Rei almost wilted under the combined focus of Mia's family, her grandparents and mother, but she felt a spirit hug her leg in encouragement and it gave her strength giving Rei's expression a slight smile at the gesture.  Rei refocused her gaze on the elders and said, "I know that Mia-san is suffering, that she has withdrawn, and that you sent her to Belcoast to try and help her return to herself.  That also leaves her bereft of contact with other Kkitsune and I think that will be harmful to her recovery."

Rei's voice was filled with more passion than she had ever shown as she said, "More than any other I think I can understand the feeling of separation from being kitsune and I believe that I may be in a unique position to help Mia-san with her recovery."  Rei paused for a breath, her chest rising and falling as her tails swished nervously, "I ask that you send me to Belocast to serve as an acolyte at the shrine under Mia-san, to help her in the way only I probably can."

It was then that the kami, the same ones who were helping with the intervention for Mia-san, appeared before the elders.  "Yeah, let her help," one said, another called out, "Yes, let the Game Mistress help Ria-chan!"  A last kami, much older and more substantial than the others said, "Yes, if anyone can help her it is the Mistress of Game, she has our full confidence."

Some time later:
Rei was excited later that evening.  She'd been asked to take Mia's things with her since they had been sent for and she had no problem helping out.  She finally heard a voice pipe up as the older kami called out, "Alright men, propulsion is down, shields are down, and our antimatter core is about to go critical.  If we fail here all we care for is lost.  We may not get out of here alive but by space I will be damned if we fail now.  Gorf, activate the atomite device!"

The littlest kami, spoke up in a piping voice, "Aye Captain Car'pette!"

Captain Car'pet called out, "Never give up, Never surrender!"

As Gorf pushed the button he said, "By Darkstar's Hammer they will be avenged!

Rei rolled a bunch of dice behind a screen so the kami couldn't see and said tallied up the results before she said, "With a shuddering boom the SS Tamto exploded, the crew died instantly but the explosion expanded, it swept across the Daliho fleet turning them all to free floating atoms and then swept over  Death Blossom station and took it out as well.  It stopped just short of the Daliho capital of Trensin but still broke the spirits of the would be Empire."

Rei gave them a grave look as she said in a voice of deep respect, "Forever after the crew of the SS Tamto would forever be known as the saviors of the galaxy who gave the ultimate sacrifice to save all they held dear."

Rei smiled at the gathered spirits and said, "That ends this campaign and, as most of you know, I won't be here to start another any time soon.  I'll miss playing with you all so much but I promise I'll come back again someday and we'll start another."  As she spoke to them Rei was quickly putting her dice back in her bag and folding up her GM screen and slid each item down the front of her blouse then added her books to the extra-dimensional space as well.  As they past between her breasts they each shrunk down and vanished from sight.  "I wish I could stay longer but I'm going to miss my ride if I do, I'll see you all again!"  With that Rei quickly ran to catch her ride to the airport for her journey to Belcoast and the task ahead of her.