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Welcome to We Are Bound

12:52, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Not really an imposing figure Kaje stands a wopping 155cm (5'-1") not counting the extra inches of his ears. His face and body resemble a coyote more than a fox so most who know anything of the canine races might mistake him for a very short coyle rather than a hybrid. His thick fur does hide a deceptively strong, well built body. His fur is the usual mixture of red-brown with various markings of white, black and other earthy tones. White covers his chest to the knees on the inside of his legs as well as the insides of his ears. Hands and feet are white with gray/black markings. Bright white teeth and striking blue-green eyes,a very rare trait for any of the canines except the Ice Eye wolfen tribe, stand out clearly against the color of his fur. While travelling he is usually seen in sparse but fine clothing (he is used to the colder climates of the north). In towns he tends to wear a hooded cloak that reaches almost to the ground to help hide his canine features. His voice is deeper than expected but smooth and has only a slight hint of the cliche rolling 'R's when he speaks.
Image ...

Coyles are generally not very well tolerated by most races so it is not often a coyle will care about or go through the trouble to make others recognize them. Despite this Ruulkaje, a Bloodstone coyle, proved himself to have what it takes to be accepted and join a band of the Emerin Tribe of kankoran giving up everything he once knew to remain with them. He did this after meeting a female kankoran, Ilythyrratan, a hunter of the Emerin Tribe.
It was not long before the two became a mated pair and Kajetan came into being. It was noted early in his life that Kajetan possessed an exceptional mind. He learned quickly and could figure out how to put what he learned to use. As soon as Kajetan could walk his father began to teach him how to take care of himself (ie. physical training) knowing that being part coyle the young canine would surely attract trouble. The blade was one of the first tools Kajetan learned to use but showing some of his mother's heritage he was more attuned to the bow. Unarmed fighting, for those times when he had to move fast without a weapon in hand. Running, jumping and other skills that would help him both in the tribal life of the kankoran and in combat were a daily ritual.
The powers of his mind never truly manifested until his rite of passage. Kajetan, with his friend Akkar, followed the age-old custom of the tribe, found and battled a young emerin. Bad luck plagued the pair from the beginning. Akkar was severely wounded early in the encounter and Kajetan's bow string broke after the first shot at the cat. When the powerful beast turned and charged at Kajetan his powers came to life with unexpected force nearly killing the emerin with a blast of pure energy from the young canines mind. At that moment it was as if he just opened his eyes and could see after being blind for his entire life to that point. With his mind now opened the damage his friend had suffered was easy to heal. He then broke tradition and ignoring the advice of his friend he healed the emerin instead of killing it.
The emerin headed back into the forest where it lived while Akkar, with a good scar to brag about, and Kajetan unscathed which he hoped would show his battle prowess, went their way. Though not killing the emerin was not a major offense it did mark him as a bit of a renegade for going against a time-honored Rite of Passage. The battle did earn him his adult status but many came to the decision that it was the unreliable nature of the coyle blood within him that caused the breach of tradition while others with more imaginative minds said it was a sign that Kajetan would be untrustworthy when it came to matters of life and death ... that he would betray them in a moment of need.
With such a mark hanging over his name Kajetan talked with his parents about how to correct this negative blemish. Many people in the tribe were afraid of him after witnessing some of the things he could do with his mind alone and were against even having him around. With that in mind and upon the suggestion of the tribe's leaders they came to the decision that Kajetan would head out alone into the world under a kind of self-exile for an undetermined amount of time to prove his worth. If he returned with tales and proof of his deeds during his time abroad he would be well accepted once again. Within a couple of months he left the nomadic band striding confidently between  columns of all the tribe's members. Once out of the camp he heading south without ever looking back (something that would have further tarnished his name).
Kaje, as he had started calling himself, headed for a place that he would quickly be immersed in adventures ... a city. Once there he found that something his father told him was very true, that even in wolfen lands there were those that condemned his coyle heritage. With the teachings of his father, that one should have a strong body as well as a strong mind, Kaje continued to practice and exercise daily, toning his form to be quick and lethal ... proving to those who deserved it that he could use a blade or bow as well as his mind. Another thing he found in the city was the lust for money that most people had and  that one could not hardly live without it. This did not turn out to be much of a problem for Kaje though. Being able to heal others filled his pockets with gold regularly and his reputation for being a competent guard for trade caravans or other travellers kept him constantly busy. He also found that he had a talent for story telling and often would visit a tavern to spin a tale for those that would listen (and often received a free meal or even a bit of gold for his efforts).
Some of his jobs led him out of the wolfen territory and into human lands. He had heard of the human's prejudice against any of the canine races and has faced it in many of the towns he has travelled through even if the members of the caravan would vouch for him. This has not deterred him in any way but has made him more wary when in a human town.
Sometimes determination wins though and he has found some of the people in the towns he has traveled to, after getting over the initial shock of seeing a 'wolfen', were somewhat curious and even friendly to him ... these towns usually being further south and away from the borders. This was especially true in a town called Talior. Set close to the border and being one of the usual stops for them the caravan had just come in to find a large crowd of people around a burning barn, many of them trying desperately to put out a raging blaze that was quickly consuming the place even though it was obvious that their efforts were in vain. Hearing that two children were trapped inside Kaje, concealed in his travelling cloak, didn't even hesitate and leapt from his horse to charge into the blaze. Most thought he had just run in to his death but within moments emerged with the two children, singed but alive, protected by his cloak.
The initial shock of seeing one of the hated baby-eating canines , especially with two of the town's children, made the entire crowd go silent for a moment. Within a couple of seconds though the parents of the children rushed forward tocheck on their kids and to thank Kaje for his actions. From that point most were openly welcoming to him in the town and he could travel around without worry.
His travels brought him to many other places. Always though he is searching for that elusive scrap of information that will lead him on the hunt for that epic adventure ... a story that he would be proud to tell to the tribe when he returns one day.