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Welcome to Atomic Highway

02:04, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Wearing an old battered pair of coveralls with oil stains both fresh and ancient, rather reminiscent of those worn by vault dwellers but to old battered to be anything other than stolen, handed down, or bartered for... along with heavy leather boots, thick gloves, and a pair of greasy goggles (with the greasy black hair to match), it is fairly obvious what line of work this young woman deals with. If the clothing didn't do it the bag of tools and satchel of odd parts would lead even the slowest of minds to figure it out eventually. Though the 9mm and knife and the untrusting eyes may incline that she may not work for just anyone.

History:  Mathilda was born in a vault city, a new city built around a vault that had only reasently opened up to the ruined world and was establishing itself, planting farms, and building up the land around it using the technology they had stored inside. She was very young, barely begging her childhood education and learning to read and wright when the raiders came. The city had no idea how hostile the humans had become in the lands above and had only prepared the most scarce of deffinces to keep watch for what ever predators this new world might have. When the city was attacked the vault panicked and sealed itself away once more leaving the city, and Mathila to it's fate.

The people of the city fled as the assault of the vault continued, the ran for there lives hoping the raiders would focus on the vault doors once they where discovered. Thankfully they where right, however only a small portion of the city survived the attack and where left to wonder the waists as nomads trying to survive.

Most of Mathilda's life was a harsh one, moving from camp to camp scrounging for what ever she could to survive with the rest of the survivors, but they where not use to this kind of life... they has grown up in vaults where the living conditions where tailored for human life and as long as everything was maintained there was want for little. Most struggled to adapt to nomadic life, and most died. The children like Mathilda adapted the best, but the numbers dwindled over time the tribe scattered more and more until there was little left. When the people who raised Mathilda died she had little reason to stay with what was left in her group and in the middle of the night packed up what was hers, some supplies and left.