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Welcome to Atomic Highway

09:21, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Skeezer has pale skin, though of course nowhere near that of a Trog; this, plus the grim she tends to be covered in, might be why few if any actually notice this about her. Her body is clad in pants, a shirt, boots, a jacket and knit hat; these items share two things in common, the first is they are dirty and worn like much apparel in the here and now. The second is they are all black, which match with even her fingernails, lips, and the tended curls of hair plastered to the side of her face almost in some symbolistic way.

She wears a light chain around her waist as a belt, and attached to this is a light crossbow as well as a small quiver for bolts, and a knife. Those with very sharp eyes, might see something of a lump in a jacket pocket.

Overall, just some waif or tramp beneath anyone's notice, drifting past and here and gone before you knew they were at all.

Personality: Skeezer is out for Skeezer, anything else is expendable at some point just as long as she's still alive and as healthy as possible. She learned at a point in her life that anything can be used in trade, and she has no problems putting any and everything on the table; want something someone else has, she'll snag it. Want someone who's breathing to stop, that can happen. Want her body for an hour or even a night, the right price gets you want you want. Life's a game, and she plans to win as much as she can as long as she can...

History: Skeezer grew up in the wilds, who put her there or why were never as interesting as surviving so she didn't ponder on it long if honestly at all. She found water, ate insects, found out what plants to eat by trying them then vomiting or not. At some point an animal attacked her, she grabbed a rock, and found out how to kill. She also began consuming meat, and figuring ways to fashion what she couldn't eat into rustic things she could use such as traps for more prey.

Once she had things to lose, she noticed some of her food was being taken. That was when she she crouched and waited and spied, to discover not all animals attacked outright for what they needed. Some snuck and slinked and crept, letting bigger and meaner things do the work for them and then gaining the reward after.

Raiders found her as a preteen, as they thought her an easy capture until three ended up dead. The Leader ordered her taken alive, which was done with more harm to the group. But their boss liked the feisty spitfire, and claimed her as his own personal slave; he had no interest in young girls for carnal pleasures, but since she'd slain three of his men without any training and only what nature had given her, he had high hopes for what training and the 'proper' education could do.

She learned the dirtiest forms of fighting, unhindered by such garbage as Honor. Skeezer also found out how to use manmade weapons, and speak the common tongue. She was something of a guard dog for the Leader for a while, then he began using her in Raids; not in frontline assaults, but he'd have her sneak into the area to kill guards or strike vital areas to weaken them for the main assault.

Several years later he actually took Skeezer as one of his Brides, a position she ended swiftly by slitting his throat on her first night with him. She then grabbed the best of what she found, and slipped off into the night.

Between then and now, she's been adding a bit here and there to her skillset; her mindset however, never changes.