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Welcome to Yu-Gi-Oh! Call of the Duel

08:58, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Alucard Stoker

Name: Alucard Stoker
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Nationality: The Tops
Deck: Blood and Nobility (Vampire)

Personality: As is probrably fitting, Alucard's place as a child born and raised in the tops. He is a boy with a sense of higher place and dignity that benefits someone who has had copious amounts of money. Even without noticing, he has this gaze that looks down on people that are not from the tops, and even more clear when he notices people from the Satellite. He would walk as if the roads were paved for him, and that poverty and tribulations were far from his mind.

However, this is just a glance at a part of his personality. One that was bred from his upbringing and livelihood as a member of the tops and one that quite many of them would share. Past this bodily posture of elitisms, Alucard is actually quite the age he is, which is curious about his place and at the open doors and opportunity that await him as he is naive about the world and their differences due to his pampered lifestyle. He holds an outgoing and adventurous sense of self, that has him often engage in things and with others that are outside of The Tops itself. Enjoying to just mingle among the folks of New Domino.

And this adventurous and outgoing self also culminates in a final trait that is clear about Alucard, and that is his sense of responsibility. A very uncommon trait found among most of the Tops but one that Alucard holds proudly in his heart, is the obligation to those of the lower class. While his lifestyle and pampering may have rendered his perceptions of how the world really works inert, what it has never changed is Alucard's wish to make New Domino a better place. He believes that as he is apart of the Elite and the higher echelon it's his duty that whatever path he chooses, as short as it may remain. That in the end, it is to help those below him, because those below him do not have what he does, and that he was given these gifts and chances to make their lives better, not merely make his own life better.

Appearance: Alucard is a young boy that is sixteen years of age, He stands at a short 5'2" and weighs 124 lbs. Due to his diets and strict foods within The Tops, the higher quality preparation and food. Alucard actually seems to look a lot younger than he actually is, which is not complimented due to his height and weight.

Alucard has Blonde-Honey colored straight hair, that is kept relatively short. His hair is kept nicely cleaned that gives a shine, and seems to compliment his goldenrod colored eyes. To keep more in touch with how the standard definitions of style, Alucard often keeps his hairstyle free of too much brushing to keep a "all natural" hairstyle, that he has heard much about.

Alucard's style changes based on the given situation, be it special events, at home, or if participating in his work. However the most used one would be his casual attire. His clothes are certainly name brand styles, and of the best line as benefiting from the tops. The most eye catching thing would be the yellow sports jacket that he would wear, if a fine cloth, and interwoven with technicolored buttons. Though many may think it seems childish, as far as Alucard was concerned, he loved the varying colors and believed they gave his attire an explosion of color, that he believed matched his personality.

Underneath was a white sleeveless cloth shirt that he wore, due to the style of the jacket itself, this attire suggestion was picked for Alucard to ensure he stayed cool in the events the days in New Domino became too hot. Alucard himself, however believes it makes him look more like the New Domino locals.

Finally, would be a pair of dark blue jean shorts, which length reaches to just past his knees. Held up by a black leather belt with a silver buckle, with a brand indentation, indicating the maker of this belt on the right side of his hip.

Along this hip as well, Alucard would keep his duel deck tightly secured, and kept shut by a efficient magnetic flap lock, by his mother's request. Which would be easy for Alucard himself to open if he ever desired to pull out his deck, but would be harder for those who stole the case itself from Alucard.

And as for the shoes, Alucard wears this month's newest edition of Duel-Kickers, a brand of sports sneakers that is being advertised by some dueling star, colored black and yellow, to match with his jacket.

The most important appeal that Alucard has however, would be the Duel Disk that he has. Keeping it either on his left hip, attached to a secure magnetic hook, or strapped to his left arm, Alucard has a custom made Silver Duel-disk. From the looks of it, it was either an unreleased Second Generation Battle-City variant duel disk, or simply a new duel disk that had just been made specifically for Alucard. Unlike the newer models that have a more curved field section, or the Battle-City variants that has the angled field. Alucard's Duel-Disk holds a straight rectangular surface. And however, following the Battle-City variant, it splits down the middle, and both sides of the field can retract to the sides of the duel disk and inside of it, for ease of transportation. There is talk that it may be able to fit into and link with modern duel-runners.

Alucard "Lulu" Stoker

Proto-Disk SLV-Variant

History: Alucard Stoker, heir to the Stoker Industries. And a happy resident that lives within The Tops. Alucard lived much of his life, as most privileged kids had, fine clothing, high dinning, advanced educations and private tutoring. Alucard was given all of the benefits wealth could afford him. However to keep up this wealth demanded time and dedication, and this time and dedication that their parents would have used for their son Alucard, was instead spared for work and their business. Thus leaving Alucard mostly alone within his suite inside of The Tops.

Though Alucard did miss his parents, he did hold a sense of maturity ingrained by his parents, that this dedication his parents underwent was for him, and the family as a whole, so while the boy waited in silence, he waited all the same. During this, Alucard engaged in several hobbies that had struck his interest. Musical talents through the Violin and singing, artistic sense through free-form and landscape painting. A personal love of reading, which even lead to attempting novelization to varying degrees of failure. Though out of them all, his most treasured passion, and hobby was dueling.

As such, the next step that Alucard would take in his life, the step that brings him to his most present day self, may be the most inturiging one but most reasonable one. That being, his decision to become apart of Sector Security.

The very word of this spread a lot of confusion from his parents, and among his neighbors within the tops. As being a Sector Security "Civil Servant" seemed...beneath those of The Tops, and especially for the wealthy Stoker family. However, Alucard was adamant, following that noble obligation he held in his heart to make New Domino a better place. His parents simply thought it was merely a phase in the boy's life, like wanting a puppy or wanting to grow your hair out.

Along with, due to him barely being old enough to actually fight crime and face criminals. Strings were pulled, people were spoken to, and money was passed around, eventually enough that Alucard was given the Offical Job title of "Junior Detective" of New Domino. He was given a Badge with a registered serial number, and was allowed to meet with the Vice Director to entertain the boy during his time here. Aluicard was allowed to roam in designated area free of restriction, and the actually important areas under supervision. He would also be allowed to oversee Pursuit Duels, and one of the Officers even let Alucard try out their Duel Drones for a bit. Suffice to say, no one in Sector Security took him truly seriously, as they really just saw Alucard as that kid who sits in the front of the Police Car, just so they can feel cool.

But for what everyone didn't know, and couldn't see. Alucard was serious...while he wasn't sure if being a member of Sector of Security was a proper step. What was a proper step, was his desire and dedication to help make New Domino a better place. And Alucard was willing and more than excited to not only prove himself, but prove his will to his parents, the Tops and towards Sector Security. So until that day, he would ready his deck, polish his skills...and ready his will for whatever the world may hold for him.

Opponent: Win, Lose, Draw, or No Result