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18:38, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Ruelle Suva Havenglow/Bloodyfist
Ruelle sometimes changes her last name to Bloodyfist, depending on the situation. For example, if conversing with orcs, she might refer to herself as Bloodyfist. When conversing with humans, she might refer to herself as Havenglow.
Nicknames: Storm Wolf, The Legacy of Hien
Tribe: Blazing Shield (Chieftain: Argok the Wise)
 Fathers: Hien Suva (blood-father), Thrash Bloodyfist (adopted father)
 Mother: Janice Havenglow

Class: Rogue Scout (Level 4)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: 21 Height: 5'6" Weight: 133 lbs
Hair color: Black Eyes: Yellow
Deity: ?


Initiative: +4   Speed: 40'   Vision: Darkvision 60
Passive Perception: 14, Passive Investigation: 9

AC: 12 (Studded Leather) + 2(Shield) + 4 (Dex) = 18
Save Proficiencies: Dexterity (3+4): 7, Intelligence (3-1): 2

HP: 24 (hit dice: 4d8)
You regenerate at a rate of 1 hp per round.

STR: 14
CON: 12
DEX: 18 (13+2(race)+1(feat)+2(ABI))
INT: 8
WIS: 14
CHA: 12

Proficiency Bonus: +2
Spell DC: 8+2(proficiency)+2(Wis) = 12
Spell Attack: 2(proficiency)+2(Wis) = 4

(Sneak Attack: +2d6)
Melee Attack: 2(Prof)+4(Dex) = 6
 +1 Short Sword: d6+5 piercing
   Red&White striped sword, adorned with red and green ribbon
   and a glacial white emblem at its guard with a yule tide tree
   and mistletoe adorned.
   Command "Missiletoe" and the ribbons wrap around the opponent.
   Grappled. DC 16 to break free.
 Rapier: 1d8+4 piercing per hit.
 Dagger: 1d4+4 piercing

Ranged Attack: 2(Prof)+4(Dex) = 6
 Shortbow (80/320): 1d6+4 piercing, two-handed
 Longbow (150/600): 1d8+4 piercing, heavy, two-handed

Sneak Attack
Beginning at 1st level, you know how to strike subtly and exploit a foe’s distraction. Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. The attack must use a finesse or a ranged weapon.
You don’t need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn’t incapacitated, and you don’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.
The amount of the extra damage increases as you gain levels in this class, as shown in the Sneak Attack column of the Rogue table. (+1d6 every odd level: 3, 5, 7, etc)

Cunning Action
Starting at 2nd level, your quick thinking and agility allow you to move and act quickly. You can take a bonus action on each of your turns in combat. This action can be used only to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.

Starting at 3rd level, you are difficult to pin down during a fight. You can move up to half your speed as a reaction when an enemy ends its turn within 5 feet of you. This movement doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks.

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Nature and Survival skills if you don’t already have it. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of those proficiencies.

Skills: (B=Background,C=Class,F=Feat,R=Race)
C Acrobatics (Dex): 2(prof)+4(Dex)=6
  Animal Handling (Wis): 2
  Arcana (Int): -1
  Athletics (Str): 2
C Deception (Cha): 2(prof)+1(Cha)=3
  History (Int): -1
B Insight (Wis): 2
  Intimidation (Cha): 1
  Investigation (Int): -1
  Medicine (Wis): 2
C Nature (Int): -1 +4(Expertise)=3
B Perception (Wis): 2(prof)+2(Wis)=4
  Performance (Cha): 1
  Persuasion (Cha): 1
  Religion (Int): -1
C Sleight of Hand (Dex): 2(prof)+4(Dex)=6
C Stealth (Dex): 2(prof)+4(Dex)=6
C Survival (Wis): 2 +4(Expertise)=6

Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
Tools: None

01) Moderately Armored
You have trained to master the use of medium armor and shields, gaining the following benefits:
    Increase your Strength or Dexterity by 1, to a maximum of 20.
    You gain proficiency with medium armor and shields.
04) Mobile (PHB p168)
You are exceptionally speedy and agile. You gain the following benefits:
    Your speed increases by 10 feet.
    When you use the Dash action, difficult terrain doesn't cost you extra movement on that turn.
    When you make a melee attack against a creature, you don't provoke opportunity attacks from that creature for the rest of the turn, whether you hit or not.

04) Ability Increase: +2 to Dex

16) Ability Increase: +2 to ??

Future Feats:

Languages: Common, Orc, Thieves' Cant
(wants to learn: )
Learning: ??

Background: Folk Hero

Feature: Rustic Hospitality
Since you come from the ranks of the common folk, you fit in among them with ease. You can find a place to hide, rest, or recuperate among other commoners, unless you have shown yourself to be a danger to them. They will shield you from the law or anyone else searching for you, though they will not risk their lives for YOU.

Defining Event:
-I saved people during a natural disaster.

-I judge people by their actions, not their words.
-If someone is in trouble, I'm always ready to lend help.
-Freedom. Tyrants must not be allowed to oppress the people. (Chaotic)
-I protect those who cannot protect themselves.
-I have a weakness for the vices of the city, especially hard drink.

•chain shirt (50gp) 13 lbs.
•shield (??gp) ? lbs.
•rapier (?gp each) 2 lbs each
•an explorer’s pack (10gp) 59 lbs.
 backpack (2gp) 5 lbs.
 bedroll (1gp) 7 lbs.
 mess kit (2 sp) 1 lbs.
 tinderbox (5 sp) 1 lbs.
 10 torches (1 sp) 10 lbs.
 10 days of rations (5gp) 20 lbs.
 Waterskin (2 sp) 5 lbs. x 2
 50 feet of hempen rope (1gp) 10 lbs. x2

Carpenter's Tools (8gp) 6 lbs

TOTAL GP: 164.31/200
TOTAL LB: 147/180

Carrying Capacity:
Normal: 225 lbs
Push/Drag/Lift: 450 lbs

MAGIC ITEMS: ( * = attuned )


 Contents: Bedroll, Mess Kit, Tinderbox, Rope, Changes of clothes (Traveler's, Common, Fine), Lyre, Dragonchess Set, Three-Dragon Ante Set, Weaver's Tools, Perfume, Mother's Book, Sticks of Incense (5), Candles (5), Cask of Dwarven Brandy (1)

RACE: Werewolf
Ability Score Increase. Choose any +2
Age. Lycans live just as long as normal humans.
Alignment. Lycans lean towards chaotic alignments
Size. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Werewolf Regeneration. You regenerate at a rate of 1 hp per round.
Lycanthropic Shift. As an action, you can change from human to hybrid wolf or from hybrid wolf to human.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language that you and your DM agree is appropriate for your character. (Chose Orcish due to backstory)




22 years ago, a human woman by the name of Janice Havenglow fell in love with a human man named Hien Suva. Both were residents of the small town Uthmere. Janice's parents felt she could do better than to mix up with Hien as he was of far eastern descent, but she was in love and nothing could stop her.

A problem arose around that time when a werewolf was hounding the area during times of the full moon. So the town got what silver they could gather together and silvered the weapon of the town champion Gothard Warrenfield. He hunted and slayed the werewolf, who reverted back to his human form; Hien. When Janice learned it was her lover that was the town werewolf and was now dead, she was wracked with sorrow and anger. Most people were not very comforting to her; some saying she was lucky Hien died before he devoured her. Others went as far as to say she might be a werewolf also because of mixing with Hien. However, another full moon came and went with no incident of Janice becoming a werewolf, so she was cleared of all suspicion.

Within a month of the death of Hien, it was discovered Janice was pregnant. Janice was no werewolf, but she had begun to be a bit violent and feral when it came to anyone suggesting she get an abortion. This baby was all she had left of Hien and she would die before letting anyone mess with her child. Desperate for protection from the people of her town, Janice went in search of the local beast tribe of orcs who had been known to occasionally trade with humans (albeit the more shadey humans). Janice was fortunate and happened to find an orc who was honorable: Thrash Bloodyfist.

Thrash taught Janice how to defend herself, how to escape from overwhelming odds, and unexpectedly, the two fell in love. Ruelle was born and immediately, Thrash and Janice discovered the baby could change to look human... or wolf-like. Ru began being raised by the two, learning beastman culture. Although Ru was able to make a friend or two, most of the tribe did not approve of Ru being among them. They were already upset about Thrash taking a human as his bride, but raising some werewolf's kid was a bit much. Ru's childhood was rough, but she became a tough (and sneaky) girl. When Ru was around nine years old, Janice decided Ru was old enough to be responsible about her shapeshifting and opted to try moving back to Uthmere. She timed it to be close to the full moon.

The people of Uthmere weren't too pleased with Janice bringing home an orc. Janice was quick to stand up for him, but also pointed out she wanted to show the people of Uthmere that her child would not be a menace. Sure enough, the people found that during the full moon, Ru did not change into a werewolf. So they reluctantly allowed the trio to stay. Janice found that the hate was different here; mostly directed at Thrash. But him being the big, beefy orc he was, most didn't dare mess with him. Ru was more accepted, but she had to learn human customs quickly as some of her habits from orc society were weird to the other children of Uthmere.

A few years later, the Year of Blue Fire happened. Ru was just starting to get interested in music as refugees began to pour in. Luckily, this made her a popular little girl and a big sensation at the tavern. But as more and more people flooded in, so did more and more prejudice and worry from the elves and beastmen. The "High rule" was agreed upon, but this did not stop the frequent assaults and occasional murders. Sadly, during one of the riots, Janice was killed. Thrash had witnessed who was responsible and killed the culprits on the spot. Unfortunately, all people understood was "orc killed humans" and so he was arrested, tried, and hung publicly.

Orphaned, Ru got herself a job at the tavern she was so beloved by. She was still the musician, but was also a cook in the back and sometimes a waitress. Things settled down, but Ru was still furious with the law and with rioters. In a couple more years, Ru had gotten contacts within the growing city who were like-minded.

It was four years after the Year of Blue Fire that 15-year-old Ru began finding pocket incidents of authorities abusing their power and would lead gorilla strikes against such authorities. In such strikes, Ru would transform into her wolf form so that her identity would be hidden from any witnesses. During one of the strikes, however, a storm rolled into the city. The wind and rain were such that buildings were damaged and streets flooded. Ru, still in wolf form, turned her attention from city bullies to people who were trapped. She used her strength to free people from broken buildings, and helped people evacuate dangerous areas. She helped till she worked herself unconscious and reverted back to human form. The people took her unconscious self, set her in a bed and took care of her. Although the people she usually stood up for were beastmen with the occasional human or elf, this time she rescued mostly humans and elves with the occasional beastman because of where she was at the time.

Word spread through Uthmere among the underclass and ordinary folk about Ru and she was given the nickname "Storm Wolf", becoming a hero of the people. Since that day, the common folk have a respect for Ru, while the authorities have a bounty out on her wolf form. The authorities paint her out as "The Legacy of Hien", which is ironically true.

Up to the present, the Storm Wolf continues doing illegal activities for the sake of the downtrodden.