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Welcome to Whispers of the Walking Man

04:29, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Khulekani Kumalo

Dame Khulekani Kumalo stands as a living example of what a bard might sing of late at night in a tavern. A knight in shining armor if there ever was one. But that was ten years ago. Hard years of fighting for the innocent and downtrodden has tarnished her fine features with the scars of battle and age. Where once stood smooth skin, now it stands weathered by wind and sun, with wrinkles at the corner of her eyes have begun to form. Where once flowing ebony locks flowed easily in the breeze, grey-flecked hair slowly replaces what stood previously.

The weight of years and the souvenirs of war may have detracted from her features, but the frame that carries it remains much as it always has. Tall and straight backed, with broad shoulders that have made more than a few men and maidens swoon still, are her most obvious features. The hard muscles of her body, and the old callouses covering her hands show that Khulekani did not inherit her titles, but earned them honestly. Indeed, the one thing that the Paladin has not lost over the years is her muscle mass, and the easy grace of a hunting cat.

The attire of The Silver Lion, it is jestingly said, is as constant and predictable as the tide. No matter if she is at court, on the battlefield, or at leisure in her estate, Khulekani clads herself in the colors of her Order. The Order of the Radiant Heart's colors are gold and white, the reason for such is tied into their heraldry, which itself is storied and prestigious. And while Khulekani takes the jokes in good humor, she still maintains the habit. However, if given the choice, Khulekani prefers to go about in her full plate armor. She is a warrior at heart, and feels more comfortable with her second skin, than without it. It is not so much a matter of paranoia, as one of familiarity.

Even before the events that turned her into the Paladin that she is today, Khulekani was an eccentric girl who is always seems full of life. She has a burning passion for history, friends and protecting the innocent and those under her rulership. She loves her parents, her grand steed, and doing for her what seems like a divine calling. She is quite happy, and always full of energy. She laughs often, and loves easily. Khulekani also has a bit more than a little theatricality in her soul, which appeals to the romantic in her. This charismatic spirit meshed well with her chosen profession, and the actions expected of her. In a nutshell, she is a happy, intelligent, passionate young woman. Which is not to say that these qualities were completely untouched after years with the Company of Light, only that they now have been tempered by years and uncountable horrors. But the ember of that old romanticism remains strong, as she believes that the world will withstand any crisis thrown at it. She just has to learn to find a balance in her new life, and make the world a better place before her passing.

Amn is a city that draws trade from all corners of the world. It is a civilization built upon a river of gold. The heart of the mercantile empire is the great city of Athkatla, whom thousands of souls get swept along in the currents of its commerce.

Khulekani Kumalo's parents are two such people. Originally wealthy traders from Taerloon on the continent of Katashaka. They brought with them many exotic trade goods and raw materials from their homeland and built a rather impressive fortune for themselves. However, as the bulk of their fortunes were held in Athkatla banks, they decided to settle in the grand city full time, and run their business back home through hired intermediaries. Once settled into a fine manse in the Gem District, they decided to marry and start a family. It was into such wealth and privilege that Khulekani was born.

Despite having every advantage in life, Khulekani never lost her innocent spirit, and never saw herself as better than anyone else. In fact, it was her great empathy that made her urge her mother to aid the less fortunate in the River District. After weeks of incessant pleading, the young woman convinced her mother to open up a few soup kitchens, and give generously to the local hospice. Seeing the joy in her daughter's eyes, and the opportunity to flaunt their wealth to their neighbors was all the convincing her mother needed. And for years, that was enough to placate Khulekani. However, by the time she reached her teenage years, she decided that she wanted a more active hand in the family's charity work. Her father was a more practical man however, and knew the dangers of the world. Knowing the dangers of the River District, and wanting no harm to come to his daughter, he insisted that she take fencing lessons as part of her expensive education. If set upon by brigands, he wanted her to be able to fight them off on her own.

For five years, Khulekani managed the family charity funds, and made regular trips to the River District. As was almost inevitable however, much as her father feared, she was set upon by four thugs one rainy day in Marpenoth. Despite her schooling in swordplay, they eventually overpowered her, though she did make a good accounting of herself. Before they could run her through and steal her gold, the young woman was saved at the last minute by a literal knight in shining armor. A venerable woman with flashing eyes and a wicked mace sent the thieves scattering. Once safe, the knight introduced herself as Shevath of Impiltur. Athkatla was the home of the  High Hall of the Radiant Heart, and as such knights of the order were not an unusual sight in the city. Having seen Khulekani in the past, knowing of the girl's honest and generous heart, and now having seen a martial talent in the girl, Shevath made the surprising offer of inducting Khulekani into the Order of the Radiant Heart.

Once the Order's purpose and history were made known to her, Khulekani made the surprising choice to agree, even over the strenuous objections of her parents. They had great plans to marry her off into a noble family to join their family into real heights of power. The last thing they wanted was for her to die alone in some Goblin warren trying to defend some filthy peasants. But despite how much she loved and respected her parents, Khulekani had to follow her own heart. And so she was inducted into the Radiant Heart Auxiliary. For three years, she trained under their senior members, and learned all they could teach her. But she could not become a full fledged member of the Order until her fortieth year, and only then if she was in good standing with their creed.

As such, Khulekani has set out on a most holy Errantry Tour. To right as many wrongs as she could, and to bring succor to the suffering. And it is here, when sword drawn to defend the helpless, or healing the sick, that she has found true happiness and contentment. She was born to serve both the gods, and mankind.

But such things have a way of changing a person.

As she journeyed all over the Realms, she saw acts of cruelty and sheer evil that were not born out of desperation and ignorance like they had been back in her home city. There were no excuses that could be made, and no compassion shown to many creatures, for they could not even understand the concept. These injustices awoke a fury in her soul unlike anything she had ever experienced. She soon discovered that this fury was not simply anger of the heart, but carried with it a divine spark, for it aligned with the rage her god felt at the evils of the world. And so rather than turn from it, Khulekani embraced it. Honed it as she would a weapon and used it against those that would victimize the innocent.

It was such actions that brought her to the attention of the Company of Light. For someone of such power and principles would be an asset to any, but especially those looking to make the world a better place. They had many grand tales and triumphs heaped upon their name as time went on, but it all came to a crescendo when they tracked the Walking Man across the desert and into the Nethernisian palace that floated as though on a cloud above the Great Dale. The battle was legendary in it's scope, and left all of them with scars. As many on the soul if not the flesh.

But that was all ten years ago. Nowadays, Khulekani Kumalo does not wander in seek of danger. Danger usually comes to her and her people. As a Lady of Hartvale, her duties are more domestic, though the world being as dangerous as it is, she often has to take up her sword in defense of the people. She has even settled down with a family, something that she never thought would be blessed with. For Khulekani thought that duty would always clash with wants of the heart, but in this case, the gods have seen fit to grant her a loving wife, and a wonderful adopted daughter.