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23:14, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Nathaniel Harken

Nathaniel (Nat) is a tall, lanky human often with a preoccupied air, like he is not fully present. His appearance is neat, but only (maybe) fashionable by accident. He has risen steadily through the Scholar ranks, and is recognized within that community, but has little to show for it in the way of 'spendable' resources.

Nathaniel was born, and grew up, on Gaargir «Drexilthar (Reaver's Deep 2322) UWP: B565304-C», the son of an administrator at the naval base, and an engineer scout. Through basic schooling, Nat was fairly average in most things. A bit brighter then most, but not quite as strong. He did participate in the group physical outings, when and where permitted by the Navy. The usable locations changed, or were shut down with little official notice. It was not talked about much, but everyone in his (small) peer group knew it was because of various 'operations' the Navy was conducting. Sometimes he was the first to know, because his mom would be more tired, and working longer hours just before the official notices were posted. He liked the stories dad told (when he was around) about the peoples he had seen on distant worlds, or passed on by others from even further away.

At 18, he easily passed the university entrance qualifications. That was done mostly as remote computer learning, but the Navy did provide some (limited) access to workshop facilities and tutors at the base for the needed hands on lab work. So he did get to expand the group of people he interacted with. Following some of his fathers background, he studied basic engineering, with a focus on manoeuvre drive systems. He spent more time though on learning how legal systems worked across wide ranges of space and governments. While her area was in administration, his mother had talked about problems related to differences in laws and legal systems. That had seemed a challenge to him, and he dived into the learning with enthusiasm. Some of the laws that varied by system include gambling and he also encountered a group that met regular in one of the labs adjacent to the one he used for engineering. For poker night, and telling outrageous stories. From that introduction, he started learning about gambling as a hobby.

He graduated from university, though not with as good of marks as his entrance qualification would have implied. University had tweaked his interest in learning, and wanted to continue that. The marks were good enough to help qualify for a Scholar career. Lavnia was only a couple of weeks (plus layover time) away at jump 2. One of the feudal lords there had need of advocate skills, and an aptitude for science.

Everyone starting this career learned much the same skills. There were differences. He learned to drive hovercraft, where others worked with wheeled or tracked vehicles. He learned remote operations, while others did sensors or computers. This was also his first exposure to Psionicology. That was something outside his experience (other than (mostly) really bad vids), and he learned more about it than others did. He choose a scientist assignment.

Jumping into that, he learned to write reports that were both accurate and interesting to others. He considered a career as a journalist, or writer, but science was still a stronger draw. The person he was working for was eccentric, but brilliant. The reports on his research into intelligent beings was required reading for those in the field. He learned a lot while asking questions, and turning the research notes into something more consumable by a wider audience, although he did not advance to the next rank as a Scholar.

With a recommendation from his mentor, he got passage and work supporting an expedition on Ildrissar, where some Iltharan ruins had been discovered. It was nearly 2 months travel time, which he spent improving his education. It was interesting work, that he did well, despite the higher gravity, pressure, and nuisance of filter masks anytime you needed to go outside. Extending from what he had learned about Sphontology, and what he was learning about Archaeology and the Iltharan language produced results that were noted more widely. He was awarded the sector wide Humming prize for 'advancement of understanding of previous civilizations'. It definitely helped that his advocate training kept all of the arguments logical and related. It did not hurt either that the reports were interesting to read, due to the writing skill picked up previously. It got his work in front of the eyes that choose the recipient.

The award got his name known in some of the right, and wrong, circles. Travelling to Drexilthar, he was asked to do work that he was not comfortable with, but his curiosity, and thirst for knowledge won out. They were looking for ways to selectively block different psionic abilities. His advocate training stood him in good stead here, dealing with the omnipresent bureaucracy and convoluted laws. Even that would not have been enough, if his patron had not been easing the way. As it was, he made some enemies. One a fellow scientist that figured (possibly rightly) that he was taking the research too far. The other was almost accidental, when he 'proved' that with the existing laws, that a specific seizure of equipment he needed was illegal. The responsible administrator lost face and position, and was forced to deal with her own lengthy legal process. It was never stated, but reading between the lines, he figured that someones goal was to block things like telepathy and clairvoyance, while allowing telekinesis to work. With the aim of creating a 'safe' (controllable) telekinetic work force. The results were mixed, and inconsistent, usually with serious side-effects. The path they were trying was not going to work. Still, he learned more about Sophontology and Psionicology. Promoted to rank 2, he also learned to work with computers effectively.

Shaking the legal tangles and other issues from his head and heals, he moved to Cassandra, where a corporation was doing some research with robotics and remote operations for mining the asteroids. He updated is skill with remote operation electronics, and got some advanced training for robotics, which he further improved on with the research. If they can work out the remaining glitches, and get the manufacturing costs and complexity down a bit, there might be a new line of semi automated mining robots on the market soon. That is all up to engineering now.

He gets a new offer, and moves to Duncinae. It was nice to be able to take a walk without needing to take special protective measures. He had not been able to really enjoy an afternoon stroll or outdoor swim since leaving home after university. A lot more people, but he has become used to, even comfortable with, the crowding. He picks up a bit more general Medic training, learns the Iltharan language better. Combining this with his previous skills and research produces enough of a breakthrough in the understanding of Iltharan society that he was promoted without the usual performance review interview process. Still, he is finding himself more tired lately. It is time to consider something new.

Characteristic Scores 486DD7

Primary Skills:
   Advocate, Science (Psionicology), Science (Sophontology)
Secondary Skills:
   Diplomat, Electronics (Remote Ops), Electronics (Computers), Language (Iltharan), Medic
Tertiary Skills:
   Art (Write), Drive (hovercraft), Engineer (m-drive), Investigate, Recon, Science (Archaeology), Science (Robotics), Vacc Suit
Other Skills:
   Admin, Athletics, Flyer, Gambler, Mechanic, Swimming