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11:02, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

A.W. Relic and Cypher list

Encountered Relics

4 OORGOLIAN SLUG THROWER - Rare relic - a +1 ranged two handed weapon  that counts as a magical weapon which inflicts 2d10+dex damage upon a hit, with a range of 120ft. It has a depletion rate of 1 in 1d20, it has infinite ammo but will not operate when depleted, it can be recharged via mutation for 2 HD. 1 is Claimed by Mix, 1 by Michael, 1 by Mittens as her current 'monk weapon' and the 4th one is unclaimed.

Launcher (Relic, uncommon) This metal tube, wrapped in winding smaller tubes of strange material, projects anything placed in it no larger than the size of a fist with great force. When activated as your action, it launches the object up to 1,000 feet away. If used as an attack with an inert object like a rock, one target you can see within 500 feet must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 5d8 bludgeoning damage. If something more potent were projected, such as a detonation of flesh-rotting, the target would be subject to the same attack and damage, plus save against the effect of the detonation.
A launcher has a depletion of 1 in 1d20.
Claimed by Michael.

Salvaged Freezing Gauntlet a.k.a. the Frost Glove (From Hallow Glaive, treated as a unique relic) - This streamlined gauntlet increases the wearer's base unarmed strike/martial arts die size by one and allows the strike to be piercing damage instead of bludgoning. This gauntlet also adds 3 cold damage to each hit and will slow a target's movement by 10ft until the end of its next turn. (This reduction will not stack with itself.) This relic has no depletion chance and counts as a monk's weapon. Claimed by Mittens.

Safe Corridor (Relic, rare, requires 2 HD to recharge via Fidgetron's mutation)
This relic is composed of two separate metallic capsules about the size of a human’s head, each with a large glass plate. When the device is activated as your action from one of the capsules, the space between them forms an invisible corridor of breathable atmosphere with a moderate temperature. It hedges out dangerous vapors, vacuum, insects, radiation, and other small bits of matter (including tiny machines the Ancients called “nanites.”) The corridor is 8 feet wide and can be up to 1 mile long. It must be relatively unobstructed—uneven terrain is fine, but walls, hills, and so on will block it. The corridor remains for one day.
A safe corridor has a depletion of 1 in 1d20.

Cypher Bag This bag is made of a flexible unknown substance about as durable as wood. It can hold up to three cyphers as long as each is no larger than a typical handheld device. Any cyphers in the bag do not count toward your cypher limit. A cypher bag has a depletion of 1 in 1d20, checked each time you put a cypher in the bag. Claimed by Michael. [Storing: 1 Greater Detonation of Fire and 2 Detonations of Fire]

Empty Hand (Relic, Rare): This yellow metallic cuff can be worn on the wrist. While worn, your hand protrudes into an artificial extradimensional space about 6 feet on a side. To an observer, it seems like you have no hand, but instead a palm-sized sphere of faint light hovering at the end of the cuff. You can use the field to manipulate items in your environment normally, as if you had a hand (instead of a limited telekinetic effect). In addition, you can transfer anything you can hold in your hand into the extradimensional space as an action, or produce something you’ve already stored as an action.
An empty hand has a depletion of 1 in 1d100, checked per day of use. When it depletes, there is a chance of an accidental rift.

Nine Hands (relic, very rare, requires attunement): These nine hands float within 3ft of you and collectively have 9 charges regained at dawn. As a reaction (1 charge) you can take when attacked, a hand can manifest a small plane of pure translucent force that flickers and gleams, taking on a shield-like shape that hovers near you for 1 round, granting a +2 AC bonus to AC and advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Additionally, the hands allow whoever is attuned to them to take a bonus action on any round, up to and including casting an additional spell (so long as that spell has a casting time of a bonus action).

Skull Blaster (Rare relic, so 2 HD to recharge) This headband has an attached cylinder that runs along the left side of a wearer’s head. When worn, and activated as your action, a brilliant beam of focused light targets one creature within 500 feet. On a failed DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, the target takes 8d6 fire damage.
A skull blaster has a depletion of 1 in 1d20.
Claimed by Mix/Eden.

Headroom Helmet (Rare relic, so 2 HD to recharge) This helmet is made of a hard, smooth, clear substance similar to crystal. When worn, your head and most of the helmet except for a metallic collar protrude into an artificial extradimensional space just large enough for comfort. The helmet allows you
to see, hear, and communicate into the Material Plane almost normally, though with some distortion. To observers, it seems as if you have no head. While worn, you gain resistance to psychic damage, immunity to attacks that would blind you, as well as any other attacks that require your head to be targeted for the effect to be transferred. A headroom helmet has a depletion of 1 in 1d100, checked per day of use. When it depletes, there is a chance of an accidental rift.
This item is not claimed?

Liquid Transfer Orb (Rare, relic so 2 HD to recharge)
This head-sized amber orb is inscribed with countless tiny metallic lines. Using the relic requires a few rounds. First, the orb is broken into two halves. One half must be submerged in a liquid medium of any kind. Then, at any later date, the other half can be activated as your action. For the next day (or until deactivated), liquid from the submerged half of the relic pours out of the
other half, teleported across any distance (including planar separations). Up to 150,000 gallons can be transferred during a one-day activation period.
A liquid transfer orb has a depletion of 1 in 1d100.
Instead of being claimed, this item is being used to insure the Balcony of the Night has a ready supply of water for those working there to live and complete there jobs growing plants as well as other tasks in that location.

A Chef Automaton that is a medium sized automaton (type 3) that is a skilled cook/chef and can operate for up to 10 hours a day, and can be recharged via equipment on the Balcony of the Night where it has been stationed to help feed the crew that work up there.
Encountered Iron Flesh

Retaliation Implant While attuned to this Numeneran relic after it is implanted, anyone striking Mittens in melee suffers 2d6 Lightning damage. Unattuning to this item deactivates it, but does not remove the implant and it can be reattuned normally. Claimed by Mittens who is attuned to this item.

Scavenging Spine This Ironflesh is comprised of a strip of banded metal that is implanted vertically in your back when you attune to it. After implantation as an action, you can use nanites to coat your forearms with nanite scaffolding from which various tools can be formed out of nanites tailored to the current task at hand while also making it safe to touch otherwise hazardous materials with your hands. This nanite scaffolding will form over clothing and armor without issue. The nanite scaffolding will function in an anti-magic area, anything that disables nanites will disable the formation of tools and functionality of the Scavenging Spine. Due to being controlled with your thoughts, if used as a melee weapon to make an attack, your nanite scaffolding covered hands count as magical weapons, despite not actually being magical, that each ‘fist’ inflicts 2d4 bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage with the light, natatorial (Can be used underwater without penalty), finesse, special, and high-critical (on a natural 20 crit all 1s count as 2s) properties with an enchantment bonus equal to half your proficiency bonus rounded down. The special property of this weapon is that it ignores any resistance or immunity to piercing or slashing damage and due to being the nanites being thought-controlled you can use your intelligence modifier instead of your strength or dexterity modifiers. The link between the implanted spine and your mind and senses manifests to you as information being overlaid onto your vision about various targets you view and indicates what resources could be gathered from that target. This overlay grants a +2 bonus to perception and to your initiative as it can reveal and warn you of things your mind might perceive but might not realize is important or a threat in time to react. Also, the nanites at the tips of scaffolding can enhance any toolkit in which you are proficient and grant a +2 bonus when using the arms to augment the usage of a toolkit your proficient in, unless the check involves harvesting or scavenging in which case the bonus increases to +5. This bonus is not gained if you use the nanites without a toolkit. However, you do not suffer the penalty of lacking a toolkit to perform the task if you lack the appropriate toolkit. The nanite scaffolding cannot enhance a weapon or spell focus. However, the nanites in these arms are optimized for gathering resources or scavenging materials as you gain a +5 bonus to skill checks for harvesting or scavenging checks even when you don’t have the proper toolkit to make such skill checks. The integrated intelligence within the Scavenging Spine further aids in harvesting and scavenging granting a 50% bonus towards the maximum possible amounts of materials that can be scavenged in any attempt. For example, scavenging can result in 1d6 items or instances, then the bonus is 3, but the result cannot exceed 6. Likewise, if the roll is d8, the bonus is 4. Limitations in the Scavenging Spine prevent it from being used as a spell focus even by spellcasters who can use a tool kit or weapons as a spell focus. The nanites housed within your body to create and modify the scaffolding also grant you advantage to resist any harmful effects caused by nanites. Claimed by Michael who is attuned to this item.

Mask of Machine Command While attuned to this Numeneran relic after it is implanted, This implanted mask covers your face, neck, arms, and hands with a permanent silvery-gold tracery that pulses with threads of light. This iron flesh conveys information to you regarding machines, including cyphers, relics, and other instances of iron flesh, giving you advantage on tasks for finding and salvaging them, but also when attacking or interacting with machines. This implant also grants the ability to communicate via Machine Speech. It also has 5 charges and regains 1d4+1 charges daily at dawn.
You can expend 2 charges as an action to attempt to take command of a machine within 60 feet that you can see or sense. It must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or obey your will for one hour. (Advantage applies to its saving throw if you or your allies are already embroiled in a conflict with it.) If you expend all 5 charges instead of 2 charges, you can either increase the DC to 19 or increase the duration to 8 hours.
While charmed, you enjoy a machine channel of communication with the target that extends across all locations. This channel allows you to sense using the machine’s senses if you use an action to do so. You can issue commands (no action required) that the machine attempts to obey. Each time the commanded machine takes damage, it makes a new Wisdom saving throw against the effect. If the saving throw succeeds, the effect ends. c
Claimed by ---- who is attuned to this item. Currently unclaimed.

Song Nodule This spherical device is a plum-sized metallic nodule attached to your throat. It has ten charges and regains 1d6 charges daily at dawn.
You can activate the nodule to blast a focused beam of sound at one or more targets within 60 feet (using one charge per target). Each target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 5d6 thunder damage. Even on a success, targets still take 2d6 thunder damage.
Each time you use the song nodule, you must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or gain one level of exhaustion.
Claimed by Rush who is implanted with (attuned to) this item.
Encountered Cyphers

ADHESION GLOVES - Cypher, uncommon - These synth gloves are covered in thousands of slightly sticky black dots. When activated, for the next 30 minutes while wearing them, you can move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and upside-down along ceilings, while leaving your hands free. You also gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed.

DETONATION OF THE BLACK SPHERE - Cypher, very rare (can be recharged for 3 HD - This handheld device is a cluster of heavy metal rods with jewel-like tips. You can activate it and point the rods at an area (range min 30ft/max 120ft) as part of the same attack action. It creates a temporary hole in the universe (approximately 2 feet across) at the target location. All creatures within a 25-foot-radius sphere (whether or not they come in contact with the hole) must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw. All unsecured objects and creatures within 10 feet are drawn toward the hole and have disadvantage on their saving throw against it. A target takes 4d6 + 4 force damage and is stunned for one round on a failed save, or half as much damage and is not stunned on a successful one.

ASTUTE WEAPON NODULE - Cypher, rare (2HD to recharge) - This device of crystal and synth must be attached to a weapon to function; applying the nodule takes an action. The affected weapon then becomes a sentient item for the next day, with a personality and outlook similar to yours. It can speak, read, and understand one language in common with you, has hearing and normal vision out to 60 feet and an alignment that is either the same or within one step of yours. Its Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are 12 (+0). It can fly at a speed of 5 feet. It helps you in combat by moving itself toward your opponent’s vital spots, giving you advantage on attack rolls while wielding it. Claimed by Mix.

VISUAL DISPLACEMENT DEVICE - Cypher, common (Free to recharge) - When this band that can be worn around the wrist is activated as your action, it projects illusory images of you to confuse attackers. The images appear around you for 30 minutes, during which time creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls against you. An attacker is immune to this effect if it doesn’t rely on sight or can see through illusions. (Worn by Fidgetron)

[Detonations (Uncommon)- You can activate one and throw it (range 20/60) as part of the same attack action. It explodes when it hits a creature or solid object (such as the ground). All creatures within a 10-foot radius sphere must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 2d6 + 2 damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.] Available Detonations: 2 Corrosion Detonation (Acid damage), 5 Flame Detonations (fire damage), Lightning (Lightning damage), 1 Cell Disruption (Necrotic, only harms flesh) [Not rechargeable via Power Device Mutation]

2 Greater Detonation of Flame (Rare Cypher, DC 15, 25ft radius, 4d6+4 fire damage, half on save, otherwise same as a Detonation)

Numenera Effort Enhancement - This pill when swallowed as an action is filled with nanomachines that grant you proficiency (or expertise if you already have proficiency) with the identification and usage of Numenera for 24 hours. [Rare, Not rechargeable via Power Device Mutation]

Rally Beacon - This bulky backpack device has a slender metallic mast rising about 2 feet. When activated as your action, all creatures you can see within 15ft of you at the moment of activation gain a +1 bonus to AC for one hour. [Rare rarity, requires 2 Hit Dice to recharge]

Ray Emitter of Paralysis - When this shoulder-mounted disk-like device is activated as your action, a beam of energy targets one creature within 120 feet. On a failed DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, the target is paralyzed for 1 minute. [Common rarity, free to recharge]

Ray Emitter of Heat/Concentrated Light (Common cypher, free recharge) A handheld metallic device of interlocking hollow metal rings and arcs is activated as your action, releasing a destructive beam of fire energy that targets 1 creature within 120ft. On a failed DC 13 dexterity saving throw the target takes 5d8 fire damage.

Shocker - When you use this short rod as a simple weapon to make a melee attack as your action, it deals 10d8 lightning damage if you hit. The shocker burns out after inflicting its damage once. (Kept at Schylar Estate as a Trophy) [Common rarity, free to recharge]

Speed Boost - When you place this adhesive patch on your skin as an action, you gain advantage on Dexterity ability checks for one hour. [Uncommon rarity, 1 Hit die to recharge]

Stealth Thrower - This bulky handheld device is attached to large metal tanks and features a hose with a wide aperture. When activated as your action, a fine mist of color-adapting dust covers all creatures within a 60-foot cone emanating from the device. The dust coating provides adaptive camouflage for an hour, granting advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks. [Uncommon rarity, 1 Hit die to recharge]

Time Dilator of Offense - This crystal nodule must be affixed to a melee weapon to function; applying the nodule takes an action. For 1 day, the weapon wielder moves at a variable—but always faster—speed when they wield the weapon. Thus, the wielder rolls a d8 each time they attack or make a saving throw, gaining that number as a bonus to any given attack or Dexterity saving throw they make while holding the weapon until the duration expires. (Carried by Fidgetron) [Uncommon rarity, 1 Hit die to recharge]

Structural Reinforcer - This bulky backpack-like device has a connected tube with a crystal mouth. When sprayed on a structure within 5 feet over the course of 1 minute, a skin-like material is laid down over a portion of the structure that would fit within a 50-foot cube. This effectively grants a +2 bonus to the object AC of the structure. Additional uses of this type of cypher on the structure provide no additional benefit. (Stored at the Schylar Estate. Used periodically to grant Battle Cart +2 AC as well as the estate grounds itself, done over the course of several weeks.) [Uncommon rarity, 1 Hit die to recharge]

Diagnostic Graft - When swallowed, it embeds itself in your body cavity and unleashes microfilaments that connect to various organs. The cypher monitors your body for diseases, parasites, poisons, and contaminants. When it detects such things, it indicates their presence with a pattern of lights (visible through your skin), sounds, or vibrations that show the location of the problem and the nature of the threat. You must succeed at a DC 9 Intelligence or Wisdom (Medicine) ability check to correctly interpret the signals (such as “brain parasite,” “lung cancer,” “blood venom,” or “stomach fungus”). The alarm repeats every hour unless you acknowledge it with a firm tap, and it repeats each day until the threat ends. Once the graft attaches, the effect is permanent, and this device no longer counts against the number of cyphers you can bear. (Used by Fidgetron) [Not rechargeable with Power Device]

Metal Death - This canister with a hose produces a stream of foam when you use your action to trigger it. The foam fills a 5-foot cube within 5 feet of you, transforming any metal that it touches that isn’t being worn or carried into a substance as brittle as thin glass. The foam affects metal to a depth of about 6 inches. Worn or carried items may be affected, if the creature in the area doesn’t vacate by succeeding on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw.[Uncommon rarity, 1 Hit die to recharge]

Detonation of Peace - When activated, this wristband projector creates a psychic burst. All creatures within a 100-foot-radius sphere must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or become indifferent about any creatures they were feeling hostile toward, and end any violent actions they were performing or going to perform. This indifference ends if the target is attacked or harmed by an effect, or if it witnesses any of its friends being harmed. After a minute, the effect ends, and affected creatures become hostile again unless the GM rules otherwise. [Uncommon rarity, 1 Hit die to recharge]

Personal Environment Field - When this disc-like device (which can be worn on a belt or carried in a pack) is activated as an action, it creates an aura of temperature and breathable atmosphere that will sustain a human or similar creature safely for one day. The aura extends just a few inches from your skin. If you are subject to an attack that inflicts fire or cold damage, you have resistance against that attack, then the cypher burns out prematurely. [Uncommon rarity, 1 Hit die to recharge] (Fidgetron likes to use this and will either leave it depleted or recharge and then use the next day, assuming she doesn't need to restock Hit Dice.)

Magnetic Shield - This small, pyramid-shaped device can be activated as an action. For one hour, metal objects cannot come within a 10-foot-radius sphere of the activated device. Metal items already in the area when the device is activated are slowly pushed out at a rate of 5 feet per round. Strength contests to resist this push are versus DC 13, which increases by +1 per round the force is successfully resisted, up to a maximum of DC 25. [Uncommon rarity, 1 Hit die to recharge]

Travel Bubble - This Handheld device is spherical, translucent, and can be held in the palm of one hand. When activated as your action, you and additional targets that can fit in a 10-ft sphere centered on you are encapsulated in a spherical, nearly transparent force field for up to 10 hours or until you collapse it. The sphere hovers at all times and moves as you wish, vertically or horizontally up to 60ft each round. (Carried by Elric) [Rare rarity, requires 2 Hit Dice to recharge]

3 Rejuvenators - (Rare, Not rechargeable) When you place this adhesive patch on your skin as an action, you regain 8d4+8 hit points.

Detonation of Gravity: - (Very Rare, Not rechargeable) Thrown range 60ft, 20ft radius, DC 17 or smashed flat towards the ground. 8d6 bludgeoning damage, or halve on a successful save.

Teleporter of Bounding (Common cypher): When this sparkling device about as large as your thumb is activated as your action, you can teleport up to 500ft to a location you can see. You arrive safely with your equipment but cannot take anything else with you.

Density Nodule (Cypher, uncommon): This crystal nodule must be affixed to a melee weapon to function; applying the nodule takes an action. The affected weapon then gains the following additional ability for 1 day. Each time the nodule-bearing weapon strikes a solid creature or object, it suddenly increases dramatically in weight, dealing an additional 1d4 damage (this damage is the same type that the weapon normally deals).

PLASMA DETONATION (Cypher, uncommon not rechargeable) This fist-sized crystal globe bottles a luminous white flare. When thrown up to 60 feet, the sphere explodes on impact, releasing a burst of sun-hot plasma that deals 27 (6d8) fire damage on all creatures within a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point that fail a DC 13 Dexterity save, or half that if successful.

Phasing Detector (Uncommon) This set of goggles enhances your perception of extradimensional and
out-of-phase creatures and objects. For the next day, you have advantage on perceiving and interacting with these creatures and objects, including attacking and defending against them.

Memory Goggles (Uncommon) When these goggles are activated as an action, you mentally record everything you see for 2 minutes and store the recording permanently in your mind. (You must be wearing the goggles to gain this benefit). This cypher is useful for watching someone pick a specific lock, enter a complex code, or do something else that happens quickly.

Attractor (Rare) When you activate this weaponlike device and point it at an unanchored item of Medium size or smaller within 100 feet, that item is pulled to you and arrives just before the start of your next turn. The item has no momentum when it arrives.

Ray Emitter of Force (DC 13 Dex, 120ft range, 5d8 Bludgeoning damage [Common so free to recharge])

Sound Dampener (Common) When this boot-mounted device is activated as your action, sound you generate is dampened, granting you advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks for 10 minutes. However, you are effectively rendered mute for the duration.

Subdual Field (Uncommon) When this complex device about as large as two fists is activated as your action, an invisible field of influence fills a 60-foot radius sphere centered on the device two rounds after activation. The field lasts for 1 minute. It affects the minds of thinking beings within the field, preventing them from taking hostile actions. The effect lasts as long as they remain in the field and for 1d6 rounds after, although a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw is allowed each round to act normally (both in the field and after leaving it).

Remote Viewer (Rare) This box-like device splits into two parts when activated as your action, one with a glass window covering one side. For 6 hours, the window shows everything going on in the vicinity of the other part, regardless of the distance between the two parts, even across planar boundaries.

Fireproofing Spray (Uncommon, 1 HD to recharge) When you activate this synth and metal canister, it sprays aromatic droplets up to 10 feet. The spray dries within seconds, creating an invisible coating. Anything coated by the droplets gains fire resistance for 1 day. The spray can completely coat one Medium creature or about a 10-foot-by-10-foot flat area (such as a wall). - Kept at the Schylar Estate

Persuasion Skill Boost (Rare) When this metallic device with a needle on one end is plunged into your flesh as your action, a burning sensation travels through your body, and you enter a trance-like state for one minute as fever grips your body. When your head clears, you recall visions of a howling void and booming alien voices thundering across it, incomprehensible to you. However, for the next day, you gain a proficiency in one skill; if you already have proficiency in that skill, you double the proficiency bonus you can apply.

Otherspace Stasis Chamber Skeleton Key (Uncommon) This small device is keyed to a specific pocket dimension where a creature is held in stasis. Activating it releases the creature, which appears up to 60 feet away. On the round it appears, the creature has disadvantage on all actions as it recovers from the stasis effect. The creature is not under your control, and the cypher does not grant you any way to communicate with it or return it to the otherspace. Depending on the creature’s nature, it is likely to fight or flee. The challenge rating of the released creature is usually 5, but about half of these cyphers release a creature of challenge rating 3 or less.

Extradimensional Hand (Rare) This glove of synth and wire mesh is slightly too long and has too many fingers, but can fit on a human hand. When you activate it, for the next 30 minutes your hand becomes pandimensional, able to touch and affect extradimensional and out-of-phase creatures and objects as if they were completely solid or insubstantial (whichever you prefer). For example, if your hand is out of phase, you could punch a creature on the Ethereal Plane, reach through a solid wall, or pick up an extradimensional object. This pandimensional state extends just beyond your flesh (including clothing and armor on your hand, a small object that can be held in a closed fist, and so on).

Magnetic Master (Rare) This small, pyramid-shaped metallic device can be used as an action to establish a connection with one metal object within 60 feet that a human could hold in one hand for one hour. After this connection is established, you can move or manipulate the linked object anywhere within 60 feet (each movement or manipulation is an action). For example, you could wield a weapon or drag a helm affixed to a foe’s head to and fro (giving them disadvantage on their actions).

Stealth Coating (Common) This handheld device disperses light-resistant particles over the surface of an object (or several objects) that can fit in a 10-foot cube as your action. The object is no longer visible to casual observation, and attempts to find or perceive the treated object(s) have disadvantage. The effect lasts until the objects are moved or damaged. - Being kept to conceal the Battle Wagon when needed.

Instant Wall (Uncommon) This handheld device has multiple apertures and coiled tubes. When you activate it in the presence of air and at least one gallon of water (it can draw water vapor from the air on a humid day outside), it rapidly builds a simple wall up to 10 feet tall, 30 feet long, and 2 feet thick. The wall is made from stone. It is permanent and immobile once created.

2 Electro-Pulse (Common) This small device is made of crystal and strange metals. You can activate it and throw it (range 20/60) as part of the same attack action. It sends out a pulse of light when it hits a target (such as the ground). All machines within a 10-foot-radius sphere of the impact become inert for one minute. Machines that are also creatures can make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be paralyzed for one minute.

Lightning Wall Projector (Uncommon) Fidgetron recognizes this device as a portable energy deterrent field. (When this fist sized complex machine is fized to the ground as an action and triggered it creats a wall of lightning up to 30ft by 30ft by 1ft within 30ft of the device. Any creature in the area or anything trying to pass Through the area must make a DC 13 dex save or suffer 5d8 lightning damage (half on a failed save). And if they failed the save they are thrown back and unable to pass through the wall that round. If hooked into an existing power grid the item becomes a permanent wall that can be turned on or off from the device as an action. Without an external power source it will last for one day before it shuts down and is burnt out.

Machine Control Implant (Uncommon)
This metal disc adheres to your forehead. When activated as an action, the cypher splits into two pieces. One remains adhered to your forehead; the other can be affixed to a numenera device that you can reach. You can then use your mind to control the device up to 120 feet away that you can sense or see for up to one hour, bidding it to do anything it could do normally. Thus, a device could be activated or deactivated, or a machine capable of movement (like a vehicle) could be guided. If the control half is affixed to a machine that is also a creature, it can attempt a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw each round to ignore your command. Currently unclaimed.

Automaton Remote (Uncommon) This handheld device allows you to control an associated machine for up to one day, no matter how far you are from it. During any turn in which you concentrate on the device and are able to operate its controls, you can see what the machine sees and hears, and, using your own action, you can cause the machine to take any action or actions it is allowed during that round.
Not every machine has an associated automaton remote, but many do, if they can only be found. Once activated, automaton remotes go dead within twenty-four hours, no matter how much or how little you take advantage of the connection.