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Welcome to Shattered Eberron

13:53, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Embody your dream, and bring il-Yannah into the world.

A distant descendant of the giants of Xen'drik, Nova still stands an inch over a full eight feet, with straight black hair down to mid-back and piercing blue eyes. While obviously strong from her size and the breadth of her arms and shoulders, most of her muscles are concealed under her robes. There is a kind of trained grace and care to her movements, and her default expression is serene, often with a little smile. In her forehead is set a crystal resembling a small sapphire.

She customarily wears long white robes that she meticulously keeps clean and cover almost her full body, except her head, hands, feet, throat and a small triangle below it. Her feet are sandaled. Over her shoulder, she carries a small satchel full of necessities, as well as a pouch and waterskin into her sash, and she walks with a simple wooden staff.