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04:54, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jave Sylberos

Jave Sylberos, Level 11 Harengon Ranger
Alignment: Good with Neutral Tendancies
Age: 16 years old, Height 5'4" (at top of the head, ears reach up to 6') Weight 110lb.
Light Brownish-Tan fur, dark brown hair, and hazel eyes

Initiative: +9 (Dex+PB) Speed: 35ft, Climbing 35ft, Swimming 35ft Vision: Normal
HP: 92/92  Hit Dice: 11x(1d10+2).
Base Stats:
STR 10(+0) DEX 20(+5) CON 14(+2) INT 10(+0) WIS 18(+4) CHA 8(-1)
AC: 20 (15 Half-Plate + 2 Dexterity Modifier + 3 Clockwork Pavise Shield)
Prof Bonus: +4
Save Proficiencies: Str(0+3=3), Dex(5+3=8)
Str Melee/Thrown Mod: 4+0= +4 (Assuming proficient)
Dex Finesse/Ranged Mod: 4+5= +9 (Assuming proficient)
Spell DC: [8+Proficiency+Wis]=16
Spell Attack: [Proficiency+Wis]=+8

Armor Proficiencies: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Languages Spoken: Common, Sylvan, Elven, Dwarven
Tool Proficiencies: Tinker Tools, Brewer's Supplies, Smith's Tools (From Gunner Feat)
Feats: Sharpshooter, Gunner, Fey Touched (Bless, Misty Step)
Trained Skills: Acrobatics (+9), Animal Handling (+8), Perception (+12, Expertise), Nature (+4), Stealth (+9), Survival (+8)

Acquired Advanced Fighting Style: Quick Shot (Jave has gained a special reach with ranged weapons called a firing reach that's a number of feet equal to 5 + your normal reach [10ft]. While Jave is wielding a ranged weapon, other creatures provoke an opportunity attack from him when they move out of Jave's firing reach.)

Boon from saving Toril from the Crystal Vines: +1 use of Favored Foe, if you start a short rest without any uses of Favored Foe, regain a use. Favored Foe no longer requires concentration & if target dies, reaction to change to a new target.

Hare-Trigger: Jave adds his proficiency bonus to his Initiative checks
Leporine Senses: Jave gains proficiency in the Perception skill
Lucky Footwork: When Jave is not prone and has a speed greater than 0 whenever he fails a Dexterity Saving Throw, he can use his reaction to roll a d4 and add the result to the save, potentially turning the failure into a success.
Rabbit Hop: As a bonus action, Jave can jump a number of feet equal to five times his proficiency bonus without provoking opportunity attacks. (20ft) Jave can only use this trait when his speed is greater than 0. Jave can use Rabbit Hop a number of times equal to his proficiency bonus (4) and he regains all expended uses of this ability when he finishes a long rest.

Ranger Features
Deft Explorer: (Replaces Natural Explorer)
     Canny: Jave doubles his proficiency bonus for any ability check he makes using the Perception skill. Jave can also speak, read, and write in Elven and Dwarven.
     Roving: Jave's walking speed increases by 5ft and he gains a climbing speed and swimming speed equal to his walking speed.
     Tireless: As an action, Jave can give himself a number of temporary hit points equal to 1d8+4 (Wisdom Modifier). You can use this action a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus (4), and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. In addition whenever Jave finishes a short rest, his exhaustion level, if any, is decreased by 1.

Favored Foe: (Replaces Favored Enemy and works with Foe Slayer feature) When Jave hits a creature with an attack roll, he can call on his mystical bond with nature to mark the target as his favored enemy for 1 minute or until Jave loses concentration as if concentrating on a spell. The first time on each of Jave's turns that he hits the favored enemy and deal damage to it, including when he marks it, Jave can increase that damage by 1d6. If Jave's Favored Foe dies, as a reaction, Jave can shift his Favored Foe to a new target that he can see. Jave can use this feature to mark a favored enemy a number of times equal to his proficiency bonus plus one (4+1=5) and he regains all expended uses when he finishes a long rest. If Jave finishes a short rest with no uses of Favored Foe left, he regains one use of the ability. This feature's extra damage starts at 1d4 and increases when Jave reaches certain levels as a Ranger, to 1d6 at the 6th level, and to 1d8 at the 14th level.

Fighting Style: Archery, Jave now gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls Jave makes with ranged weapons.

Spellcasting Focus: Jave can use Druidic spell focuses for his Ranger spells.

Primal Awareness: Through Jave's awareness through the interconnection of nature he learns additional spells upon reaching certain levels in this class. These spells do not count against the number of ranger spells you have readied.
3rd Speak with Animals
5th Beast Sense
9th Speak with Plants
13th Locate Creature
17th Commune with Nature

Ranger Conclave: Swarm Keeper
Gathered Swarm: Playful Pixie-like diminutive fey spirits
Once on each of Jave's turns, Jave can cause the swarm to assist him in one of the three following ways, immediately after he hits a creature with an attack: (Enhancements from Mighty Swarm are underlined.)
[*] The attack's target takes 1d6 1d8 piercing (non-weapon) damage from the swarm.
[*] The attack's target must succeed on a Strength saving throw against Jave's spell save DC (16) or be moved by the swarm up to 15 feet horizontally in a direction of Jave's choice. Also Jave can cause the swarm to knock the creature prone.
[*] Jave is moved by the swarm 5ft horizontally in a direction of his choice. And he gains half-cover until the start of his next turn.

Swarmkeeper Magic
Jave learns the Magic hand cantrip, when Jave uses it, the hand takes the form of his swarming nature spirits.
Jave also learns additional spells as he reaches certain levels in this class, these spells count as ranger spells for Jave but do not count against the number of ranger spells Jave readies.
3rd Faerie Fire, Mage Hand
5th Web
9th Gaseous Form
13th Arcane Eye
17th Insect Plague

Extra Attack: Jave attacks twice, instead of once when he takes the Attack action on his turn.

Writhing Tide Jave can condense part of his swarm into a focused mass that lifts him up. As a bonus action, Jave gains a flying speed of 10ft and can hover. This effect lasts for 1 minute or until Jave is incapacitated. Jave can use this feature a number of times equal to his proficiency bonus (4), and he regains all expended uses when he finishes a long rest.

Land's Stride: Moving through nonmagical difficult terrain costs Jave no extra movement. Jave can also pass through nonmagical plants without being slowed by them and without taking damage from them if they have thorns, spines, or a similar hazard.
In addition, Jave has advantage on saving throws against plants that are magically created or manipulated to impede movement, such as those created by the Entangle spell.

Nature's Veil: Jave draws on the powers of nature to hide himself from view briefly. As a bonus action, he can magically become invisibile, along with any equipment he is wearing or carrying, until the start of his next turn. Jave can use this feature a number of times equal to his proficiency bonus (4) and Jave regains all expended uses when he finishes a long rest.

Mighty Swarm Your gathered swarm grows mightier, see Gathered Swarm.

Spellcasting: 4/4 1st Level, 3/3 2nd Level, & 3/3 3rd Level Spell Slots
Jave can ready two spells from the Ranger spell list each day. (# of spells readied is the number of spells normally known to a Ranger.
1st Level
Fey Touched: Bless (Once a day free)
1 Absorb Elements
2 Entangle
2nd Level
Fey Touched: Misty Step (Once a day free)
3 Healing Spirit
4 Spike Growth
5 Pass without Trace
3rd Level
6 Revivify
7 Protection from Energy

Background: Wildspacer
Feature: Jave ignores any penalties for being in Zero-gravity.


Armor: Half-Plate & Pavise Shield [aka Archer's shield] (Can deploy shield or pick up as an action, when deployed you don't gain the shield's AC bonus and it is stationary but can grant half-cover if behind it, or three-fourths cover if prone behind it. This cover bonus will not protect against melee attacks.)
+1 Clockwork Enhanced Lightning Gunblade (2.5lb, 395gp value)
Melee Attack: +10 to hit, 1d8+6 Slashing or Piercing damage and +1d8 Lightning damage, Finesse.
Ranged Attack: +12 to hit, 1d10+1d8+6 Lightning damage, Ballistic (40/120), Handgun, Breach (2), Magazine (Infinite) This weapon no longer runs out of ammunition due to the lightning Jolt module from a Clockwork Horror.

+1 MW Long Rifle (11lb, High-Critical), +12 to hit, 2d6+6 Piercing damage, Ballistic (200/600), Heavy, Deadly, High-Critical, Magazine (2x1) As an action, Jave can reload 1 round, as a bonus action, Jave can reload 1+1 rounds which could be combined with Extra Attack to fire the Rifle twice a round. [Includes Ammunition Bandoleer and Gunner feat.] (Deadly: Reroll a single die result of 1, High-Critical, on a critical hit, any 1s (after reroll) counts as 2s.)

Ammunition 50 Pistol Cartridges, 50 High-Power Cartridges
(Both types have, Breach 2, ignores up to 2 points of AC from Armor, Natural Armor, or a Shield)
[As an action Jave can reload 2x(4+1 bullets up to the magazine size) and as a Bonus action Jave can reload 2x(1+1 bullets up to the magazine size) due to an Ammunition Bandoleer and the Gunner Feat. With the 2x this means that this reloading can be done on two different firearms or on the same firearm twice as long as Jave has the firearms and ammunition available.]
Equipment: (Weight Carried 122/150lbs)
Sprig of Mistletoe on a necklace, Druidic focus
Quickdraw Holster (worn, -lb, holds Agile Gunblade when not in use, 1/round Jave can draw a handgun from a Quickdraw Holster without using his interaction with the environment)
Ammunition Bandoleer (Worn, 1lb- Holds 30 Pistol Cartridges and 20 High-Power Cartidges (5lb), can load an extra cartridge as part of a bonus action or action to reload the Agile Gunblade)
Half-Plate (Worn, 40lb, Disadvantage on Stealth checks)
Shield with Sconce (Carried 6lb, Can lock a lit torch or sunrod into the shield to carry a source of light in the same hand as the shield, cannot be combined with a holy symbol emblem or shield spikes)
Travers Clothes (Worn, 2lb, weight not counted when worn)
Belt Pouch, 1 (Worn 0.5lb) [Filtered Mask (1), Signal Whistle (0), Tinderbox (1) 2/6lb]
Belt Pouch, 2 (Worn 0.5lb) [20 Pistol Cartridges, 30 High Power Cartridges, 5/6lb]
Backpack (Worn, 5lb) [Bedroll (7lb), 5 Days of Rations (5lb), 5 Torches (5lbs), Brewer's Supplies (9), 26/30lb internal; Waterskin (5lb), Tinker's Tools (10lb), 15/15lb external]

Starting Funds: 1gp, 2sp