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Welcome to Empirium

13:14, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Creator GM

RACE: Jakar


RACIAL DESCRIPTION: The Jakar are a proud race, with a rigid caste system, based upon the colors they are born with.  Blue Jakar are the warrior caste and largely govern the planet.  Red Jakar are more rare and usually head up scientific and cultural pursuits.  Lastly are the purple Jakar which have the ability to shoot off pheremones that either attract another to do as they wish or disgust the other, making them able to do little more than writhe on the ground.

RACIAL DEMEANOR:  As stated above the Jakar are proud, not so much arrogant, but rather patriotic.  They approach things with optimism, but from a defensive stance, awaiting any little betrayal in which they will root out and eradicate with extreme vigilance.  Curious creatures, they love to tinker with objects and seek out how to integrate other technologies into their own for the good of the Jakar.

RACES HISTORY:  The Jakar are actually beings from a parallel dimension, which through an accidental experiment became permanently a fixture on this plane of existence.  Always seeking to return home, where they believe they will be reunited with the Supreme Jakar Fleet, they constantly research into technology which will help them in this endeavor.  In doing so, they have become expertly gifted when dealing with temporal distrubances, time manipulation and phase technology.

YOUR RACES LEADER:  The Jakar have a military council which decides most of the decisions the race takes.  The position of the Jakar fleet is that they are merely visitors trying to etch out an existence until they return home.  However, their religious and philosophical caste also holds a good deal of sway in their governing body.  Both sides agree on almost everything, seeing how battle is a very necessary piece of Jakar religious ceremonies and the main topic researched other than phase technology by the scientific community.