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Welcome to Collaborations Lost and Found (PC Stories)

00:17, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Character Name: Sylvain Dupree
Character Aliases (if applicable): Several, none of which he remembers.
Gender: Male
Age: 21-22 (He doesn't have official birth records.)
From: Paris, France.
Height: 6'2
Weight: 210 pounds

Physical Description: His remaining eye glows an unnatural blue as a byproduct of his mutation while the empty socket is filled with a constantly roiling electric storm that extends outward a few inches depending on his mood, and he has a number of scars from his years as a mercenary and lab rat. He has three tattoos, Lord Byron's Destruction of Sennacherib on his torso to remind him of his past, and to remind him to look to his new future with the X-men and a rosary across his neck, which ironically helps keep him anchored when he needs it most, despite not being particularly religious anymore. The Grim Reaper holding a lightning bolt instead of a scythe covers his back, an ironic nod to his power, as well as to his past. A massive scar marks where his throat was cut when he was a child, which is the only scar normally visible that isn't actually on his face. (He doesn't actually remember when it happened, but he will always mention that they 'must not have paid attention during anatomy in school'.) The rest of his many physical scars are hidden by his clothing.

Personality: He's seen the worst humanity has to offer, and he's been through the worst humanity has to offer. Despite this, he is very trusting and loyal, figuring that the future is more important than anything that ever happened to him in the past. His past shaped him so that he can help make the world a better place. He's driven and focused, and his training regimen- though  designed to help him burn off excess energy as he absorbs it throughout the day- is a product of that combined with an almost obsessive desire to get the most out of his natural talents in a place surrounded by people that are better equipped in the strength and durability department. As such, sometimes he needs someone to remind him that it's okay to take a break every so often. Telepaths will find his mind a labyrinth of pain and suffering, a testament to the past he keeps locked away.

When it comes to combat, Sylvain is a great kick boxer, judoka, and freestyle wrestler. This gives him a wide variety of ways to use his body as a weapon, through kicks and punches to knees and elbows delivered with a focus on overwhelming his opponent. If his opponent grapples, Sylvain uses his natural strength and flexibility for an even wider array of throws that he transitions to a variety of submission holds. His style can be brutal and intense with a deadly precision surrounding every movement he makes, a holdover from his past. He also lacks the capacity to feel fear, a byproduct of the experiments performed on him in his childhood. While he doesn't remember much of his past, he has occasional flashbacks that prevent him from sleeping, and as a result, contribute to his constant urge to train so that he can focus on something else. Physically he's a freakish athlete, with a training regimen bordering on the insane.

Power: Sylvain is an electrokinetic. He can manipulate electricity at will, whether through summoning lightning at will, using the bio-electric field within his own body to enhance his own hand-to-hand attacks, manipulating it in someone else's body to cause havoc in the nervous system or in the heart itself, the sub-atomic bonds between electrons, or using himself as a walking defibrillator or power generator. He can also 'see' through the entire electromagnetic spectrum, as well as the natural bioelectricity running through every living thing and including through walls indoors, though he's gotten used to this, and it's completely normal for him. He can't really tell people apart if they're hidden from him since 'all those shapeless blue blobs sort of look alike'. He has no off switch, and the power that his body generates may be necessary for survival.

Weaknesses: As an electrokinetic, Sylvain hasn't quite figured out yet how to make himself stop pulling electricity in. He's gotten to the point where he's able to pull from the air alone instead of power sources inside buildings, but everything he pulls in that his body does not actually require must be discharged. This leads to lightning storms at night, which he views as simply his way of giving back to Nature what he stole. He is also not superhumanly strong or durable. His never-say-die attitude, though, is certainly a weakness, as is his inability to feel fear, as he will simply continue on fighting until he is knocked out or someone tells him he's being a dummy.

Non-mutant skills: A polyglot due to his travels (and likely inherited from his father), he speaks several languages other than his native French and English fluently. German and Spanish are easiest for him, though he took easily to Arabic as well. He's able to hold a conversation in Hebrew, though is trying to learn to read and write in it. Neither can he read Cyrillic, though he understands enough Russian to be able to hold a decent conversation. He's also a classically trained pianist and singer, having expanded on some of the skills that being a diplomat's kid enabled him to learn.