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13:33, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lord William August Wyndham


Name: William August Wyndham


Gender: Male
Age: 22
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Distinguishing Marks: None of note

General Appearance:  At just under eighteen hands (5'11") and twelve and a half stone (175 lbs), William isn’t the largest person you’ve ever met but has a lean muscular physique born of rigorous practice in the Chikaran physical arts.

He has light brown hair that tends to do whatever it wants and dark green eyes that appear sharp, focused, and fixed upon whatever he's turned them toward.


Personality:  William is first and foremost, studious.  He likes to understand.  This served him well abroad, where he quickly learned the language and would absorb any of the lessons he would be shown.  Being a Wyndham, these lessons were never just limited to one subject.  While he paid close attention to the Considerations, Discussions, Precedents, Principles, Bonds, Virtues, and all the other guiding regulations, he also sought to learn the culture high and low and learned to enjoy them both.

This studious nature applies to people as well.  In the most general sense, this comes across as a basic curiosity about a person's individual motivations.  He's found this to be a somewhat universal baseline that can then be applied to the broader cultural and political motivations.  The challenge he has, especially when coming to the royal decree, is that he has been away from Breiton for so long that he's not sure if his knowledge of the houses and people is still valid, so not only does he have to learn about the individuals, but he has to learn about their house and their family and he knows that not all of them will have his family's or the kingdom's best interests at heart.

Sexual Preferences: Heterosexual

House (Major): Wyndham

About Your character:  William is one of several children born to Grand Duke Robin Wyndham.  Always thinking ahead and hedging his bets, the Grand Duke sent William off just before the age of maturity.  Ostensibly this was to learn the ways of another nation and bring those lessons home for the benefit of the Kingdom, but it also served another purpose, ensuring at least one heir to the household would be far from the political machinations of the other houses, the church, and other ambitious factions.

Though he was afraid, as any child might be of being sent far from home, William had always been a dutiful son and did as he was told, spending seven of his formative years abroad in the care of the Chikara.

That was more than seven years ago though, and when he didn't return immediately, it was assumed he had died, either in Chikara, or on his way home.  The latter was closer to the truth as the ship carrying him sank in a sudden summer storm and those that survived had to make their way overland across barren wilderness before finally reaching the Otho Empire and arranging transport from there.

Finally arriving home, he barely had time to acclimate or reacquaint himself with family before learning of the royal decree and being sent off once again.  Being a dutiful son, he of course, did as he was told.

House Wyndham

House Wyndham oversees the Duchy of Caromont, a high mountainous region on the northern edge of the Kingdom.  Also known as the Singing Mountains, Caromont stretches across the land with sharp cliffs on the northern borders making an approach from the sea nearly impossible.  They overlook the Great Forest to the south, the Western Shore (to the west) and the Lowlands to the southeast.

The Singing Mountains are rich in mineral wealth and supply most of the ore and gems for the kingdom not sourced abroad.  Game and agriculture is present, but sparse with much of their food stores imported from the eastern lowlands and western coast.  There are two main roads to the Wyndham keep, one from the west and one from the east, with only steep trails up from the south and even steeper trails up and over to the northern cliffs.

The Wyndham colors are white and blue and their crest features an owl bearing a royal decree alight above a mountain peak, with an acorn of wisdom dropped below to take root.  Their motto is 'Upeard Almægen Efennes', Above All Fairness.  The motto is often spoken with a pause, Upeard Almægen (Above All), followed by Efennes, a word which also means equity and justice.


Name: William August Wyndham


Gender: Male
Age: 22
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Distinguishing Marks: None of note

General Appearance:  At just under eighteen hands (5'11") and twelve and a half stone (175 lbs), William isn’t the largest person you’ve ever met but has a lean muscular physique born of rigorous practice in the Chikaran physical arts.

He has light brown hair that tends to do whatever it wants and dark green eyes that appear sharp, focused, and fixed upon whatever he's turned them toward.


Personality:  William is first and foremost, studious.  He likes to understand.  This served him well abroad, where he quickly learned the language and would absorb any of the lessons he would be shown.  Being a Wyndham, these lessons were never just limited to one subject.  While he paid close attention to the Considerations, Discussions, Precedents, Principles, Bonds, Virtues, and all the other guiding regulations, he also sought to learn the culture high and low and learned to enjoy them both.

This studious nature applies to people as well.  In the most general sense, this comes across as a basic curiosity about a person's individual motivations.  He's found this to be a somewhat universal baseline that can then be applied to the broader cultural and political motivations.  The challenge he has, especially when coming to the royal decree, is that he has been away from Breiton for so long that he's not sure if his knowledge of the houses and people is still valid, so not only does he have to learn about the individuals, but he has to learn about their house and their family and he knows that not all of them will have his family's or the kingdom's best interests at heart.

Sexual Preferences: Heterosexual

House (Major): Wyndham

About Your character:  William is one of several children born to Grand Duke Robin Wyndham.  Always thinking ahead and hedging his bets, the Grand Duke sent William off just before the age of maturity.  Ostensibly this was to learn the ways of another nation and bring those lessons home for the benefit of the Kingdom, but it also served another purpose, ensuring at least one heir to the household would be far from the political machinations of the other houses, the church, and other ambitious factions.

Though he was afraid, as any child might be of being sent far from home, William had always been a dutiful son and did as he was told, spending seven of his formative years abroad in the care of the Chikara.

That was more than seven years ago though, and when he didn't return immediately, it was assumed he had died, either in Chikara, or on his way home.  The latter was closer to the truth as the ship carrying him sank in a sudden summer storm and those that survived had to make their way overland across barren wilderness before finally reaching the Otho Empire and arranging transport from there.

Finally arriving home, he barely had time to acclimate or reacquaint himself with family before learning of the royal decree and being sent off once again.  Being a dutiful son, he of course, did as he was told.