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Welcome to Gotham - Fools' City

08:16, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Codename: Indigo
Real Name: Susanna Martin
Day Job: College student

Gender: Female
Age: 21
Sexual Preference: Heterosexual, prefer fade to black.

Description in Costume: Susanna's costume is armored, though not so heavily that it becomes difficult for her to maneuver.  It is dark purple and black, with handy pockets and a belt for her gear.  For safety, she keeps her hair in a braid or otherwise pinned well back when in costume.
Description as Civilian: In her everyday gear, Susanna usually dresses for comfort in jeans and t-shirts.  She usually wears her hair loose when not adventuring.
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 135
Build: Slim
Hair Color and Style: Long, straight, dark, often worn in a braid.
Eye Color: Dark brown
Distinguishing Marks: No serious scars yet, but give her time.  There is a small strawberry birthmark on her right shoulder.
Model: Estelle Linden

Description: Unlike the usual attitude of many costumed vigilantes -- and despite the darkness of Gotham these days -- Susanna is basically optimistic about the world.  Her father in particular instilled in her a strong sense of morality and responsibility and she always tries to do whatever is best in any given situation.  Though her powers are not particularly lethal, she is very mindful of the fact that martial arts skills like hers can be used to kill, and she has always followed the lessons of her instructors, who taught her respect for all life.  Having developed the habit of looking out for her brother, she is especially protective of children.

Strengths: After many years of practice, Susanna has learned to fuse her teleportation with her fighting skills to create her own unique and effective style.  With her opponents never sure where she might pop up, literally, she has gotten quite good at confusing and subduing larger foes.  She can teleport one other person with her, but rarely does this as it is difficult and tires her out much more quickly.

Weaknesses:  She cannot teleport more than about 30 feet (9 m) in any given 'jump'.  Though she has teleported farther than this in emergencies, this tires her out quickly, as does teleporting over shorter distances many times in rapid succession.  While she can teleport without a direct line of sight, she has so far only done so once, in a particularly desperate situation.  It's a dangerous trick and she's normally too afraid to risk it.

Skills and Abilities
Indigo's only super ability is teleportation, which she uses in conjunction with her fighting skills.  Recently she has started experimenting with such gadgets as gas grenades and flash-bangs, which she secretly makes in the lab at school.  She also has a motorcycle that she uses for patrols.