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Welcome to Victorian Gothic: Bloodlines of Magic

17:53, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Cassandra Morvell

Full Name: Cassandra Morvell
Nickname: (if any) Cass, Cassie
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Occupation: Merchant's Daughter
Nationality: British
Languages: English, French, German
Current status: Debutante
Current Residence: Forty Hall, London

Overall Appearance: Cassandra is a young woman of diminutive stature and a big personality.
Blonde hair falls partway down her back, its natural waves typically brushed straight or pinned back into a complicated braid. Her blue eyes are sharp and attentive, filled with laughter as often as mischief. She dresses at the peak of fashion. The newest seamstresses and designs, leading edge, and always dressed to the nines - casual dress simply doesn't exist in her extensive closet.
Cassandra is pretty enough to attract notice, but she isn't a standout beauty; however, her perfect grooming and attire coupled with an outgoing, boisterous personality help to keep her from being overlooked.

Height: 5'2"
Weight: 110 lbs
Eye Color: Sky Blue
Hair color: Blonde
Hair Style: Long and Wavy
Complexion: Lightly Tanned
Body shape: Short but curvy
Distinguishing Marks: None
Clothing: Fashionable and well fitted, nothing in her closet is ever worn twice

Basic Personality: For a woman of the era, Cassandra doesn't quite fit the mold. She wasn't raised to be the perfect, doting noblewoman's daughter, seen but not heard. Instead, she was raised by a wildly successful merchant, Jeremy Morvell, and his wife Leonetta. The Morvells were new money, originally made in the production of ships that had expanded into a vast shipping empire. Their success, however, did not change how they raised their only child - Cassandra learned everything she would need to be a successful merchant rather than a noble lady. As such she is confident, quick thinking, and much more outspoken than the average debutante.
She is also a little bit prickly when it comes to the implication that her family is 'less than' any noble or upper class family simply because they earned their money rather than inherited it.

Magic Percentage: Div45/Ent3
Special Skills: Reading and writing, advanced mathematics and economics, with a detailed knowledge of ship building and carpentry. She has learned the necessary skills of a debutante - needlework, piano, dancing, and how to run a house - but she came to them a bit later in life than most young women of her age.

History: Cassandra was born to Jeremy and Leonetta Morvell. Her father, like his father before him, was a shipwright, but Jeremy had bigger dreams than simply being one worker among many. With Leonetta's support and some creative financing, he was able to fund the construction of the first ship of his own design. The improvements he made over what was the traditional design of the day made him an instant sensation, with the demand for more such ships flooding in. Before long, he was supplying ships to many prominent shipping enterprises, and a few shrewd business deals later, he had his own shipping company. The sky was the limit.
Their rapid rise to riches and success put the Morvells in the social spotlight. Neither Jeremy nor Leonetta had any upper class connections, but they were both fast learners, and soon found their way into a society that would have pretended they did not exist if it were not for the vast funds that they now commanded. Buying the right home - Forty Hall in Enfield - along with a London town house, paying tutors to improve their speech and mannerisms, only the best tailors and seamstresses to ensure that, at least visually, the Morvells could belong in high society.
Cassandra benefited from these lessons as well, learning not just the fundamentals of her father's business, but also of what would be expected of her as a young debutante. She enjoyed the learning - the violin, in particular, piqued her interest and she became quite skilled with it - but did not hold with the implication that her only place in life would be as a quiet wife to some man who probably knew less about business than she did.
As she approached the age where she would formally enter society, many long and heated conversations happened between Cassandra and her parents. They wanted a 'better' life for her - status in the upper class through marriage, a title, a future for their grandchildren that was more than they themselves had had. Cassandra argued that any man of station who asked for her hand would simply be after the fortune that the Morvells had amassed. Many noble families, despite their titles, had severe financial issues. A merchant's daughter with a substantial dowry and who stood to inherit her family's business? What a prize she would be! Only to have everything that had built squandered away by a useless nobleman who would spend the money and run the business into the ground.
Eventually, the Morvells came to a conclusion. Cassandra would have her 'coming out' as a debutante during the upcoming season, and would seek an appropriate match. However, any potential suitor had to be acceptable to all 3 of the Morvells - Cassandra would have veto power and would not be forced into a marriage against her will.

Family (Living or Deceased):
Jeremy Morvell - Father, shipwright, merchant, self-made man (Div 40)
Leonetta Morvell - Mother, merchant's wife, an equal force and voice in the family business (Div 3/Ent2)
Daniel Morvell - Grandfather (paternal), shipwright, deceased
Julia Morvell - Grandmother (paternal), maid, deceased
Howard Wright - Grandfather (maternal), clerk, deceased
Cassandra Wright - Grandmother (maternal, namesake), governess, deceased